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Posts posted by seb2112

  1. things I liked: TV, Hanging out with friends, Making stuff/building

    things I disliked: Sitting still for too long, cleaning

    what I looked like: I had short brown hair, thin, wore t-shirt and jeans

    personality: Very hyper and always talking. I love talking to people and trying to meet new friends. I was very silly as well.

    how much I've changed: I'm actually the complete opposite, very shy and socially awkward. I'm awful at meeting people and am a lot more reclusive.

    Thinking back, I was close to being Pinkie Pie, and now I'm closer to a Fluttershy/Twilight mix. I'm actually such a different person now, I almost think my past self IS a completly different person. I do prefer my present self though, from what I remember I was rather annoying and sometimes kinda mean.

  2. DashiePie, definitly. They have a good chemistry in the show, because they're both different, yet have enough in common to hang out with eachother. I also love the idea of Dash being annoyed by Pinkie, but still being in love with her. I just find it really cute. :)

    She's also the only one I can really see Dash being with. She gets annoyed by how unassertive Fluttershy is, and we only ever see them together a few times. Rarity and Dash are just too different. Applejack is more of a rival. And she never really talks to Twilight except when it's to make fun of her for being an egghead.

  3. Someone I was following on DeviantART posted a drawing they did of Rainbow Dash and I really liked the look of the design, so I did some light googling on the show and was shocked to find out that people actually really liked it. I figured I give it a shot, watched it and found it enjoyable. It wasn't until Call of the Cutie that I realized that the show was something special, something about that episode really brought their world to life. I shared the show with a few friends, two of which became bronies while the others hated it.

  4. Hi, I'm seb2112. I've been a brony since late May, my favorite pony is Rainbow Dash, I'm from Canada and am 18 years old. I've most lurked around the brony community since, not really posting too much. I really want to be more involved and meet some brony friends, and this site looks like a nice play to be, so I figured I'd join.

    I'm a filmmaker, I have been most of my life. I've always made short films using what ever equipment I could find. (I guess my cutie mark would be a film reel or something, haha.) I also do drawings a lot, and some light programming every now and then.

    I look forward to meeting everypony :smile:

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