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Everything posted by AshtonSSG

  1. you just made the best post I think i've ever seen. ever. at all. EVER.
  2. You a new pony here, with a love for luna! Lunar Pony is Best Pony. :I
  3. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/401980_2599450079397_1649130026_2161616_1112167989_n.jpg Showing Appliance this. :I
  4. Yes, I love these stables. They have nice tile floors. :I TPBM is a master in Pyrokinesis.
  5. Seems as though I just lost it. TPBM is living for the night.
  6. Country gladly placed his hoof in the white ponies. He shook It a tight but friendly grip. He let go of his hoof and told him, "Well, Welcome to the Saddleveil Plains Farm! It's nice to met you, Colton, I'm Country Smash." Country gave the pony a smile. "Well, What brings you out here?" Country looked past Colton, to see another pony, who was also White, but had dark red mane. Country just tipped his hat and nodded at her, along with the Bird and Ferret with them. "So, What brings you out here?" There really wasn't much to be out here for. Saddleveil Plains wasn't really much, had a few landmarks, a few ponies, but nothing anything would purposely come to Saddleveil. Country was always really surprised this place helped start of his Music Career, had he'd never been heard here, he wouldn't have the little fame he had today. But, While Country looked past Colton, he also could see light pony with a tri-colored mane, but the interesting thing was the huge dog with the pony. And slightly behind it was... was a Griffin! Country squinted to see if he could see correctly. he thought to himself, "Goodness, these sure are alot of ponies to see in one day. I wonder if there's some fair I didn't hear about over in Fillydelphia? They surely aren't headed here to stay. And A Griffin? It's gotta be something big for a Griffin to come through! Saddleveil hadn't seen anything but ponies in, well, ever!" Although Country had things racing through his mind, he was not worried. He was sure they all had good intentions...hopefully. Now, all there was to do was wait, to see where all these ponies where headed.
  7. Then I want to have sort of an older Pony who's got all this knowledge, who's extremely smart, and can fix just about anything.
  8. Country took in a deep breath, and slowly let it out. The air was still crisp from the morning, but the air in the late spring was creeping up on 'em. It was almost noon, and Country hadn't done much today. Country had been up and around lately recording some things in various places. Country Smash was a up and coming Country Musician, who was raised on a Watermelon Farm in Saddleveil. All he had done this day, was wake up, eat, then sit around and talk with his family, who he hadn't see for quite a while. After while he had gone out to the shed, which had a few chairs and stools and out by the side. He took his guitar, sat on a stool, and played the songs he used to hear out here. The made him want to be a Musician. "Got a whole new direction, it seems these days. I use to rush off from work and get home late, but now I show up late and rush back home. My priorities are different, I can’t leave you alone!" As Country Strummed, he heard a loud squawking noise. He looked over to see a large swarm of birds swoop and attack a flying Pegasus, and he dived into the ground. Country sighed and said, "Well, guess we got some new visitors out here." Country got of his stool and laid his Guitar on the wall of the shed, and walked over to the edge of the walkway to there front door. Country looked out to see that the Pegasus was already up and moving, but there was another pony with the Pegasus. "Well, I ain't sure if they're lost...so I'll hang back and watch 'em, see if they do anything. Then I'll decide if I need to do anything." Country breathed, then laid himself out at the end of the walk way and watched the two ponies as they stood.
  9. I didn't anything Copied D: So, here's this mini-story that i made up last night and CTRL-V'd several things into. "Hey baby, is that you? "Yeah! It's me! Nice to see ya!" "Wow, your hair got so long." "Do you like it?" "Yeah, yeah, I love it, I really do." "Yeah, just had to pass threw to get on the plane. But you know who I heard on the radio on my drive up here? Norma Jean!" "Norma Jean, ain't that the song, we'd sing in the car drivin' downtown? With top down, making the rounds, and checking out the bands on Doheeney Avenue?" "Eeyup! So gary, How have you been?" "Well, life throws you curves. I swung and I missed, and the next thing ya know, I'm reminiscing and dreaming old dreams. Wishing on wishes like you would be back again." "Well, What have you been doing?" "Basically, I wake up, and my teardrops fall down like rain. I put on those old songs we danced too. Then, I head off to my job. Guess not much has changed. I punch the clock, and head for home. Go to bed and dream of you. That's really all i'm doing these days." "After you left, someone told me you ran off to Vegas and married some rodeo cowboy. Didn't seem like something you'd do." "I just...wanted to get out of here...have you not left yet?" "Me? I've been a few places, mostly here and there once or twice. I'm still sortin' out life, but I'm doing alright." "PLANE 541, LAST CALL FOR BOARDING!" "Oh, Umm, I've got to go..." "Well hey girl you late, and those planes they don't wait. But if you ever come back around this sleepy old town, promise me you'll stop in and see an old friend...but until then, I'll just keep doing what i do these days."
  10. Sometimes... Life you pit you against the unknown. Sure, it may seem scary, but do not be afraid. If you straighten up and move forward, Who knows? Maybe you'll find out fear was never worth a thing, And bravery... Will bear it's fruit.

  11. Your very simple, which is one of the many amazing characters about you, LordBrony9.
  12. Never really listened to him. TPBM loves the Ghostbusters.
  13. Just depends on what is on the table. TPBM is Derptastic.
  14. "What about you Country Smash? Where do you hail from?" "I'm guessing you could tell i'm not from around here." Country didn't really look like one from Canterlot. He had a few cuts and scratches, some dirt on his body. "Yeah, I'm not from around here. I'm from a farm out in Saddleveil Plains. Where I learned to play guitar, and got my vast knowledge of farms and the things it has to do with 'em"
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