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Sherlock Hooves

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Posts posted by Sherlock Hooves

  1. The song had ended and the crowd cheered, Sherlock ginned and bowed a little. He had forgotten what it was like to be up here, this was one of his little pleasures in life and he had neglected it for a bit too long. He smiled and looked back at the band and nodded, "Okay enough of the slow stuff, last I checked this was a swing club!" The band started again this time with faster paced music, Sherlock tapped his hoof and started again, "Gal is like a race horse, I play her to win..." Another one of Dean's songs, Who's Got the Action. This time the audience cheered and filled the dance floor, swinging to the music.

  2. He blinked at her choice of drink, surprised. To most scotch was a very acquired taste, so he was curious as to how she would react to it. But then her request, "May I take an ice cube?" it hit him hard. He started to blush and he fidget a little in his seat, not sure of how to proceed. The bar tender arrived with Cherry's drink and set it down; Sherlock sat there, confused. He nodded to Cherry's request holding his drink so she could retrieve what she needed. He was so preoccupied with the situation at hoof he didn't notice the band calling out to him. "Hooves! Hey, you awake down there?" He blinked and looked back at the dark blue stallion on stage with the rest of his band. "You've been gone to long, how about a song or two? I know this crowd would enjoy it!" The audience began to cheer him on, "Oh not tonight guys." He said shaking his head at the offer. The band leader furrowed his brow in annoyance and decided to make the situation worse. "Come on, what do you say foalks? Lets get him up here!" The crowd began to cheer louder almost dragging him up on stage. He sighed and finally complied, he looked back at Cherry. "Well wasn't planning on showing you this... at all really, but." He shrugged and walked up on stage to the thrilled cheers of the audience. He walked up to the blue stallion and the spoke for a moment before he turned around and got up to the mic. Nodding to the band they started to play; soft and slow jazz, after a couple of beats Sherlock started to sing. You're Nopony Until Somepony Loves You by Dean Appletini ((Reference to Dean Martian, his real Italian name was Martini))

  3. Sherlock quirked an eye at her at the implication of it being a cabaret. "Close my dear, but not that close. Here come with me, I figured we have earned a little relaxation time." He walked up to the door and tapped on it lightly and waited, he looked back to Cherry for a moment. "... Yeah you should be old enough." After a moment's wait the slot opened and a voice was heard. "Mr. Hooves its been a while." He grinned, "Well you know how it goes, get thrown in jail one night, chase down an arsonist then next. Pretty soon you lose track of time." The voice chuckled a little then became serious, "Who's the kid?" Sherlock turned to Cherry and smiled, "She's with me, my new assistant actually. Don't worry she's fine, little thing can handle herself." "If you say so Hooves, she can come in." The door was unlocked and opened out, behind it was a very large unicorn stallion. Sherlock entered and motioned Cherry to follow. They walked through a dark hall, coming up to a pair of black curtains, he stopped and turned smiling at Cherry. "Well hope you enjoy yourself." He opened the curtain to revile a night club. But not just a simple night club this was amazing. Clean, high class, and big, very big. From a glance it looked like the whole first floor was the club; a large bar took up two walls of the room, with dozens of tables laid out near it. In the center was a medium sized dance floor, and to the back was a stage with a band playing soft jazz music. The club was fairly full, ponies filled the bar and many were sitting at the tables, a few were even dancing, the place was very high class. "Welcome to the Speakeasy Cherry. This place was built during the prohibition days, ended up becoming the most well known place in Equestria to get a drink back then. After the laws were appealed it stayed open as a invite only night club." Upon entering a few of the patrons looked to Sherlock and waved, and giving him warm greetings. He walked up to the bar and nodded to the bar tender. A scotch was slid over to him along with a quizzical look to Cherry.

  4. Sherlock looked back at Cherry fairly impressed, this little filly wasn't timid and acted fast without hesitation; he turned his attention to the victim, "You alright there?" The young colt nodded sheepishly, he seamed more frightened than hurt, "Well go on get home. We've got these two." The colt bolted out of the alley, thanking the two of them. Sherlock turned his attention to the thug still under hoof, "Now I really don't have the time to track down a patrol guard here, get your friend to a doctor and don't let us catch you trying this again! Now get!" He let the thug up and gave him a swift kick in the flank to emphasize his point, the colt picked up his unconscious friend and galloped off as fast as he could, leaving him and Cherry in the alley. He looked back to Cherry with a smile and started for the street again. "Not bad Miss Bloom, to be honest I was half expecting you to freeze up or merely distract him, no offense but I don't come across young ponies that know how to jump into a situation like that without some hesitation." He looked up at the sky seeing the sun starting to drift under the horizon, "Hmm... Its about that time... Anyway good job." He gave a sly grin and a wink to Cherry, "You past tests one and two. Now one to number three." He walked down another back alley until he came up to an unimpressive and blank building. It was simple brick, no windows save for the small ones at the top, and no real door to speak of. "Now spotting something out of the ordinary, this one should be pretty self explanatory, this building seams pretty unassuming doesn't it? No signage, no front door... well no visible door to speak of. One would think that this isn't something at all... But look closer and you find some little hints." He motioned her to follow down the building's alley and pointed to the only real feature on the building. A door, but not just any door; this door was made of steel and looked strong. Reinforced hinges and what looked like a slide port at eye level. "Now this is the question that you should ask yourself. 'What would a building with no front entrance, no sign, and nothing particularly amazing on the exterior need with a reinforced steel door like that?'"

  5. When he took stock of what Cherry had seen his brow furrowed and he trotted into the alley as well, "Who ever said we shouldn't get involved?" He moved quickly but quietly, the two colts were to distracted with their victim to notice the two ponies behind them. He motioned to Cherry to stay as quite as possible, soon he was within hoof's reach of one. He winked at Cherry and attacked; he grabbed the thug under the chin and kicked his legs out from under him, making it much easier to toss him to the ground. Sherlock planted a hoof right into the thug's neck pinning him to the ground, "Stay down lad, I don't want to do anything more than I have to."

  6. Sherlock blushed a little from Cherry's tail brushing his flank, but he shook it out of his mind thinking it was just an accident. He opened his door and headed down stairs to the building's exit. "Well my dear assistant I believe some of my underground contacts would be a good place. Now for today, seeing as we don't have an actual case to work. This will just be a walk around; just stay with me and don't do anything foolish." He led Cherry into some back alleys out near the edge of the city. "This is Canterlot's industrial district most of the city's corruption and underhoofed things go on here. Its popular because not to many ponies look very close at things around here, you'll almost never see a guard or patrol pony here, they don't see much of a point." He led them through some rather decrepit looking streets, unlike the streets in the inner city with the polished cobblestone, these were merely dirt. The buildings were dull in color and coated in soot from the mills and factories; around them were a few ponies, mostly workers leaving for the day or just clocking on for the late shift. "The first thing you need to keep in mind is to not show any weakness here, this place can pick up on that in an instance. I find that walking around like you own the place gives me the best results, though it can get you into a few fights but its pros outweigh its cons." He chuckled and kept walking into the district, "The second is to always stay observant, keep an eye on your surroundings and don't get distracted. Trust me the results are not pleasant."

  7. Sherlock chuckled, "The higher society of Canterlot don't really have as much common sense as you or I. Though I'm glad they don't because I'd be out of a job." He laughed at himself and hopped up off the couch. "But its your first day, and I can tell you're getting a little antsy. So why not a lesson in street smarts?" He walked over to his desk and retrieved his fedora, as well as a few investigation tools, placing them in his vest pockets. He trotted over to the door and waited for Cherry.

  8. Sherlock looked at Cherry confused then facehoofed himself, "Right sorry... I've lived here for quite a few years. I know a lot about this town and the ponies that live in it. Though most of them have no clue I do." He chuckled and picked up the letter about the missing bracelet, "The letter is from Mrs. Stargazer, Lord Stargazer is a well known gambler in town, Lord Stargazer likes fast fillies and slow race ponies. Weather she knows exactly HOW her bracelet went missing isn't really the issue. More than likely he's trying to cover up his gambling losses, and I don't much care to be a party to that." He leaned back and smiled at Cherry, "Its good that you're looking at every angle Miss Cherry, that's a very good start. But once you have gotten your hooves wet, you'll start to see patterns; social patterns, behavioral patterns. It all leaves clues to the bigger picture, and ultimately the case at hoof. Now as for finding the right case... I don't think that there is really a 'right' case, but the best way to answer that is, patients."

  9. Soon enough the shower cut off and the sound of shaking was heard. A short time later Sherlock emerged from the hall with a clean vest and tightening a fresh tie, keeping it loose and casual. He was still a little damp but was clean and no longer smelled like a long night at a tavern. He poured himself a cup of tea and sipped it down with satisfaction. "Okay well that's much better, now to work." He trotted over to his desk and scanned through some of the papers along it. "As soon as I figure out what that is... Now I know I remember getting something today..." He sifted through his papers for a moment before finally finding what he wanted, "Ah here we go, today's mail. This is how the majority of my clients contact me. I receive a letter and if I find it worth a look I try to see what I can do. Now lets go through the list," He lay the letters on the table in front of Cherry and sat next to her on the couch. "Now lets see, runaway daughter... she'll be back the next day... probably. Uh missing bracelet... insurance fraud, most likely lost it on a race or something. Hmmm doesn't look like I got anything today." He chuckled and leaned back a little, "But I'm sure something will come around... so any questions so far Miss Cherry?"

  10. The detective smiled and moved himself into the booth, taking another sip of his tea. "I do hope I didn't say anything to upset you Miss Misty. When I get on my little deductive tangents sometimes I can forget about the personal feelings of ponies and say things that they would rather keep to themselves." He blushed a little and scratched the back of his neck, "Its very good for my line of work, but its also gotten me into trouble on more than one occasion." He chuckled nervously and sipped at his tea.

  11. Sherlock smiled at Misty and sipped his tea, "Not at all Miss Misty. Magic, like any other skill, needs to be trained and honed. But you also have to believe in yourself. Like my master use to say, 'To master the world, you must first master yourself, and to master yourself, you must believe you can.'" As Big Time took his leave Sherlock gave a nod, "Sorry to keep you sir, have a good day." Seeing the seat across from Misty open Sherlock smiled, "Well Miss Misty, since your guest has had to take his leave, I wonder if I might be so bold as to request your company? At least for the time being; tea with a fascinating stranger is one of life's small delights for me."

  12. Cherry's wait wasn't very long, somepony approached her from behind. "Excuse me dear can I help you?" Behind her was an older unicorn mare with a faded blond mane and tail, and grey blue fur. She walked closer, "Oh you must be Miss Cherry Bloom, Mr. Hooves' new assistant. I'm Miss Canter, Mr. Hooves' land mare, here I'll let you in." The mare walked up to the front door and unlocked it, "He let me know you would be coming by today, right this way love. I know he was expecting you but he never keeps regular hours so to speak, so its no surprise that he isn't at the door to great you." Miss Canter led Cherry up the stairs to a room and gave it a light knock, "Mr. Hooves, your new assistant is here." She waited for an answer, "Mr. Hooves?" From the other side of the door a faint sound was heard, snoring. Miss Canter rolled her eyes, "Oh well that shouldn't surprise me in the least. Come on then." She unlocked his door and she walked in bidding Cherry to follow. The room was lightly furnished, a kitchen, and eating area to the left. To the right the living area with a hall leading to presumably the bedroom, further right though was a desk and chair next to the window looking out over the city. What was on the desk though was an odd sight to say the least; rather than in his room or even on the couch, Sherlock was laying on top of his desk. Head hanging off the end and legs up in the air snoring away. Miss Canter sighed and walked up to him, she jabbed him with her horn, "Mr. Hooves!" His eyes flared open and he gasped awake, before promptly falling onto the floor. "Gah! Miss Canter, lovely to see you again. To what do I owe the intrusion?" He said with a hint of annoyance and sarcasm. "Your new assistant is here, I didn't want the poor filly waiting outside for you until she gave up. Besides its 4 in the afternoon, no since for you to be asleep." "Assistant?... Oh right, Cherry. I had almost forgotten." He got up and stretched a little before turning around to face Cherry. "Miss Bloom, a pleasure. Glad to see you're so prompt on your first day. Thank you Miss Canter, if you wouldn't mind bringing us some" "Tea yes Mr. Hooves, I can smell that you'll be needing some." She sighed in frustration at her tenant and started for the exit, stopping next to Cherry. "I wouldn't blame you if you were having second thoughts dear." Over hearing Sherlock gave an annoyed glare, "Thank you nanny just the tea if you please!" She rolled her eyes and left the room for the kitchen leaving Cherry with her new mentor. "My apologies, I have a habit of sleeping when I need to." He stopped and reflected on his land mare's words and turned to check his breath. It smelled heavy of scotch and tobacco, then bending down to give himself a whiff. "Hmm though she is right, sorry but I don't usually get actual visitors. Make yourself comfortable Cherry, I probably should wash up real quick." Trotting into the hall he disappeared into his bathroom, leaving the filly alone. The living area was open a couch and table, books of all kinds strewn about it, across from the couch was a pair of large bookshelves filled to capacity, save for the empty spaces where the books on the table where meant to go. Next to the desk was a large filing cabinet with a few files placed on top of it. In the other corner next to the desk was a large log, strange enough. It was standing up on end and was braced, around it was tied course hemp rope, the rope was frayed and worn in places. The sound of a shower starting were heard soon enough just as Miss Canter reappeared levitating a tray of fresh brewed tea and some tea crackers. "Here you are dear." Setting down the tray she heard the shower and smiled, "Well at least he's sensible enough to clean up a little before talking with you. He is actually a good hearted young stallion, just... odd is all. I've never gotten any real complaints from my other tenants or had to harass him for rent. Just be careful love, he has a knack for getting into trouble." She gave Cherry one last smile and left closing the door behind her.

  13. Sherlock nodded at Misty and added to the conversation, "Mmm Indeed, but I'm sure she must be readjusted to modern life. After 1000 years I'm sure things look quite different. Though I haven't heard anything from my contacts in the Royal Security forces." He took another sip of his tea then grinned a little at Misty "Though I doubt the daughter of the great Mighty Magic and Abracadabra will forever be burdened with uncontrollable magic forever. If memory serves Miss Sparkle wasn't in the best control of her magic for a long while." Taking another sip of his tea he looks back to the group, noticing the stares of how he could know that information. "You share your father's iris, that light hazel somewhat rare. Together with the shape of your horn, its identical to Abracadabra's, and horn shape is only passed down through direct blood line. Which makes you by necessity sisters. Or quite more likely mother and daughter."

  14. ((OOC The inspector is just a side character, he's something I made up on the fly and he wont be reappearing at all.))

    Back in the holding cells of the palace's security, a dark brown earth stallion lay asleep on a bench before a uniformed unicorn stallion came up and prodded him hard with his horn; knocking him off the bench. "Wake up Hooves!" The earth pony landed with a thud and gasped awake, "Ah! Oh good morning inspector." He stretched and rose to his hooves with a grin. "You're out Hooves." The inspector pointed at the exit gate and motioned for Sherlock to follow. "This is the third time in the past two weeks that I've had to come down here and get you out of the holding cells, why can't you just leave things to us sometimes?" Sherlock grinned at the inspector for a moment before nodding to the guard pony holding the cell door for them. "Troty thank you! Well the investor's insurance company hired me not their majesty's security force; why they thought you needed any assistance is beyond me." The inspector looked at the private detective with great annoyance, "You know in another life you'd have made an excellent criminal." "Yes and you sir an excellent police pony." The inspector sighed and stopped, turning to Sherlock, "Alright look Hooves, the only reason that you have so much leeway with me is because your grandfather was chief inspector before me, and that you've earned enough trust from the security force with your help over the years. But keep this type of stuff up and I wont have enough sway to keep you out of there playing pin the tail on the pony! Now get out of here and take some time off, we caught that arsonist you were chasing so you don't have to do anymore work." Sherlock sighed and smiled at the inspector before nodding and walking back toward the street to go home, "In my defense inspector that building was set on fire before I got there." Sherlock placed his fedora back on his head and started for the street, last night was a bit of calamity. After tracking down a serial arsonist, the two got into a fight inside the house that was ablaze, before escaping and running across the city into a mechanic's shop, where upon they slid on some oil and right into a tool chest. Where the two of them were caught and arrested by the palace security force. After spending a night in the holding cells Sherlock looked quite worse for wear; he started for the street thinking to himself, out loud as was his habit. "Hmm now to head home and clean up, I must look a sight? Ash, soot, and carriage grease. Well job is done I'll submit my report and collect my payment tomorrow." And as was also his habit, while he was talking to himself he didn't really look much where he was going, and walked right into somepony with a fair thud, knocking them both down. "Oh heavens I'm sorry, I really should learn to watch where I'm going." He got up and went to help the unfortunate pony that he had run into, "Here let me... princess Luna?"

  15. Sherlock looked at Pony Joe then gave a slight snerk at his comment. "heh The Magic Patrol? Those foals couldn't tell their haunches from their croups." He bowed his head a little and introduced himself to everypony. "Sherlock Hooves, consultant detective, at your service. And there's no need to fear miss... Misty was it? Since I haven't been hired to do anything, I wont. I just have a habit of doing things like that. Something odd happens in my immediate area and I have to figure it out." His mind snapped back to Joe for a second and he rushed over to grab his tea, thanking Joe, then trotting back over sipping it. "Still though I have to say, from what I can gather, most impressive. I only know of a hooffull of unicorns with that kind of magical power." He paused taking a sip of his tea

  16. Sherlock fumbled through his vest pocket and pulled out the appropriate change and waited for his tea. Then suddenly his eyes narrowed and he began to look around with a somewhat confused but determined look on his face. "Peculiar..." He spoke out loud, as was his habit. "The air around the counter seams charged... with a slight metallic residue." He stuck out his tongue for a moment, "Nickle? No! ...Copper. A large amount of electromagnetic energy has been released here recently. Very similar to the type of energy left over after a discharge of a highly concentrated spell... strong magic was just used here..." He then closed his eyes and inhaled deeply a few times. "Hmmm something else... saltwater....*sniff*...crustacean *sniff* .... Ah crab! ...A live crab?" Looking around this time at the ponies in the dinner he took notice of the yellow mare trembling under the table; taking note of her behavior he calmly trotted over and looked under the table. "You miss, judging by your behavior you, at the very least, have an Idea of what has recently transpired here. Or, more likely, that you are the one that was responsible for it."

  17. Outside the establishment known as Pony Joe's a dark brown earth stallion in a old black fedora and vest walks, or rather drags himself, up to the entrance of his usual hang out. His black mane and tail were a wreck and he appears to be coated in a mixture of ash and grease; this type of look wasn't uncommon for the stallion though. His line of work usually had him gallivanting after thugs and suspects through the city streets. To those that were familiar with him this was just another day at the office, as was the night's stay in the Canterlot police department for disrupting the peace, destruction of public or private property, trespassing, or what ever other reason was given. But it was his job, he was Sherlock Hooves; the famous, or infamous, consultant detective in Canterlot, to most though he was Mr. Hooves, and Hooves to his friends. His last little adventure had drug him across city, through a building (that had caught fire while he was in it), and into a mechanic's shop. Sherlock would usually come by Joe's after a case to celibate, or after he was released from jail the next day to recover.

    Squinting he pushed open the door and made his way up to the counter, "Joe... breakfast tea, hot, and a croissant if you please." He looked around the dinner, as was his habit, at the other customers. Not noticing anything particular out of the ordinary, well save for the young blue colt that looked like he had recently been traumatized by something, but honestly Sherlock was way to exhausted to care at this point. He trotted up to the counter and patiently awaited his order.

  18. Please put the name of your pony into the title of your application, and also add a [WIP] or [FINAL] tag.

    There we go all set... well except that I can't get pics to post for some reason. Every time I try it says "must enter a post" and I have no clue what that means. So pics will come later on a different post

  19. Name: Sherlock Hooves

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Earth Pony

    Pelt Color: Dark Brown

    Mane / Tail / Markings Color and Style: Black mane and tail, styled similar to Breaburn's; longer and somewhat messy.

    Eye Color: Dark Blue

    Cutie Mark: Three flame tomoe (fire wheel)

    Physique: Average but well toned

    Origin: Born and raised in Manehattan, lives and works in Canterlot.

    Role Play Type: Mane RP

    Occupation: Consultant Detective (private investigator)

    Motivation: His cutie mark symbolizes the warrior way in far east culture, so his motivation is to aid anypony that needs him as a warrior.

    Likes: Cigarillos, good whiskey, training, and challenging cases.

    Dislikes: Ponies with a general lack of common since or relative intelligence, ponies using their position or power for personal gain, oppression of any level, intentionally rude behavior, and onions.

    Character Summery: Sherlock was born in Manehatten to a fairly well off family; his father, Avant, a successful mystery and fiction author. His mother, Luthia, a concert violinist. Because of his father’s love for fiction work, mysteries in particular, and mother’s love of classical old world culture, he received his somewhat unusual name from the classic character. Also the fact that his family carried the same surname as the character didn’t help his chances much either. Despite his family being wealthy, he grew up spending a lot of his spare time playing in the streets; giving him a valuable set of street smarts. It was here where he eventually he met his master, Shihan, a martial arts master and instructor. Shihan saw something very special in him and chose to train him privately. He advanced quickly and eventually mastered his martial art, and at the same time earning his cutie mark; a three flame tomoe or fire wheal. After that he began his formal academic studies learning things such as history, chemistry, botany, and anatomy. He then was sent to stay with his grandfather, Lestrade, a retired chief inspector to the royal palace; to help him in his old age and failing health. Sherlock became interested in detective work and started to study under his grandfather; eventually opening up his own private investigator office in Canterlot, with very little success at first. However upon solving a missing pony case that all others had given up on, he got his name out in the industry which opened his office to more and more cases. He became known as one of the top investigators in Canterlot, and eventually was requested to consult with the Canterlot police and the investigation team at the palace. It was, sadly, at this point where Sherlock’s grandfather became even more ill and was moved to a hospital. Before he passed he told Sherlock how proud he was that he followed in his hoofsteps, and that he had become so successful at it. He gave Sherlock his old fedora that he wore when he was an inspector and told him to never stop doing what he loved. To present Sherlock Hooves is one of the top rated private investigators in Canterlot, some say Equestria.

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  20. Hi!

    How did you hear about Canterlot?

    I'm MyLittlePonyTales, but I just go by Tales around here. I'm one of the many great staff here at Canterlot. Please feel free to message any of us with any questions or concerns you have, or you can just leave another comment here!

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    Welcome to Canterlot!

    Well I was investigating the links around some of the other MLP websites, namely Celestia Radio, and I came across this so I wanted to try.

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