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Posts posted by Spectre

  1. Spectre's eyelids drooped and her eyebrows rose when Zephyr ducked a little. She rolled her eyes.

    "Now, really Mr Breeze, do you honestly think I'm going to stab you? You don't spend your whole life as a unicorn without learning how to not-stab people. I am fully aware of my horn's location at all times." She grinned and did a sideways hop in Dazzle Dawn's direction. "And I'm pleased that I amuse you, Miss Dawn."

    "Well!" She declared suddenly, one hind hoof kicking sharply against the paving. "Now that the fun and pleasant ponies have been located, whatever shall said fun and pleasant ponies do? Fun times, fun times, where fore art thou, fun times?" She pranced about in a circle, pondering. "Well, perhaps I'm not the go-to pony for the locations of fun times. Do you two lovely ponies have any ideas?" She beamed at them, eyes wide and glittery.

  2. "It's a pleasure to meet you both." Spook inclined her head. She smiled gently at the mention of Canterlot University. "Ah, the good old C-U. I went there myself, y'know, not very long ago. Good times! And your ambition is a noble one." She paused for a moment, looking oddly serene, before turning her attention to Breeze.

    "No-where in particular. I was just out for a stroll, actually, looking for fun times and fun ponies to enjoy them with." She tilted her ears out a little. "Or, perhaps, just pleasant times with pleasant ponies? Hmmm." She reguarded Zephyr with dark, fathomless, unreadable eyes before continuing. "Are you, perchance, a fun or pleasant pony? Both, even?" Her gaze flicked to Dazzle Dawn. "And you, pretty miss? Are you either or both of these things?" She skittered across the paving for a moment, dancing idly, hooves tapping out a beat and tail flicking.

    "Though I can say with almost full certainty that I am not concussed. I may seem I teensy bit off the wall, but I assure you--" She got her face up close to Zephyr's. "--This is how I usually am~!"

    (OOC: Princess Stabbity! I laughed so hard!)

  3. Spectre looked up at the bright-blue, lime-maned unicorn who'd come to help, hauling herself to her feet and tossing her head as though to clear it. She rolled her head in a backwards arc, pulling her shoulders forward, and a series of loud pops and cracks echoed from her neck-- really it was more of a crunch. Making a small noise of satisfaction, Spectre turned her gaze back onto the brightly coloured pony and flashed a grin.

    "Nah, I'll be right. It's not like I've never smashed my face into a rock before. Thanks for the concern though, I appreciate it." Spectre shook out her coat in a long shiver, tail lashing. "I'm glad I didn't land on my horn, though. Could've snapped right off, and no-one wants to see that."She then glanced at the newly approached green-and-blue (wow, all the green-and-blues were out today) Pegasus and nodded her head. "Yes, thank you sir. I was just a touch disoriented by the...collision, but I'm all right now." Spectre paused for a moment, before put on her gentle-stallion's demeanor-- despite being a mare, it amused her to play the 'Prince Charming' role.

    "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Spectre Trifles, writer and journalist, though you both may call me Spook." Spectre swept one hoof to her collar and bowed politely. " And might I enquire after your name, fair lady? Good sir?" She put on her most charming smile, added a touch of magical sparkle in the air, and tried not to look as insane as she usually did.

  4. Spectre Trifles was bored. Extremely bored. So bored that she was tempted to start kicking things just for the hell of it, but she wouldn't. Instead, she was going to trot about her hometown-- or city, as it were-- and see if she found anything interesting to do, or anypony interesting to meet. She strolled nonchalantly from her elegant home, not even trying to stifle a giant yawn before setting off, pristine white hooves making pleasant 'clip-clop-clip-clop' sounds against the paving of the roads.

    Perhaps she should have made more of an effort to make friends when she was younger-- surely then she wouldn't be so bored and lonely all the time. Oh, but the girls at her school had been so snobby, always teasing about her lack of cutie mark, always bragging about their own. She remembered one filly, Ruby Ring-- whose cutie mark, incidently, was a ruby ring. What the hay did that even stand for? Being overly prissy? Spectre snorted as she walked, startling another pony (who was massively over dressed) as she passed by.

    She cantered down a side road, observing the elaborate architecture around her. It was pretty, she surposed. It certainly suited the tastes of Princess Celestia, and most every unicorn Spectre had ever met. But, despite her having grown up here, it didn't suit her-- she would've prefered impenetrable grey stone walls, and battlements, less fancy decoration and more grim practicality, a city ready for siege and battle instead of formal get-togethers. But, of course, there was no reason for such things, at least not here. And most ponies prefered the elegance, after all. Spectre's own taste in decor was overwhelmed by the wants of the masses.

    Trotting back onto a main road, she turned-- and her hoof caught on possibly the only uneven slab of paving in all of Canterlot, sending Spectre hooves-over-horn and causing her to faceplant into the road. Dazed, she had no more sense than to kick a hind leg and groan.

    "Oww." She grumped, waiting for the street to stop spinning so comically.

  5. Spook here, just sayin' hello!

    I got into MLP: FiM relatively recently, since when I first heard of it I was just confused by everyone's sudden love of ponies.

    Then I saw Brony captions on screenshots. Drawn in by the hint of awesomeness, I watched a couple of episodes and random clips.


    But it only just occured to me that there could be MLP: FiM RP Forums! So here I am, ready for magical pony adventures.

  6. Name: Spectre Trifles, AKA "Spook" for short.

    Sex: Female

    Age: Young Mare (18-19 equivalent)

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Snowy White

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Dark brown. Her mane is long, curly/wavy and somwhat scruffy. Her tail is neither long nor particularly short, and is also scruffy. She wears two black bangles high on her legs, as well as two just above her hoof on her left front leg and two on her right hind leg.

    Eye Color: Dark brown, almost black.

    Cutie Mark: A magnifying glass with a brown handle and a grey lens with a question mark in the middle. The handle points diagonally down-and-back.

    Physique: Long-legged, slender, and noticeably taller than the average pony.

    Origin: Canterlot

    Roleplay Type: FiM/Mane Roleplay

    Occupation: An author of specialised trivia books, i.e. "100 Interesting Facts About Hyenas", and occasional freelance journalist.

    Motivation: After struggling to find her 'special talent' for a long time, Spectre realised that what she enjoyed most was simply learning interesting trivia, and spreading her knowledge to others. Hence, she began to write her long and ever-expanding series of specialised trivia encyclopedias.

    Likes: Rock/Alternative/Humour music, animals, magic, grand entrances, being melodramatic, writing, learning, adventuring, drawing.

    Dislikes: Ignorance, being outdone, not being able to fly, wet weather, Country music.

    Character Summary: Born to two grey-coated ponies, her snow-white coat and dark eyes instantly reminded her parents of ghosts, hence her name-- which, incidently, suited her spooky, mysterious personality. She was brought up in a wealthy family in Canterlot, and as such she never really had to work for anything. It became obvious early on that she was extremely intelligent, and was fairly skilled at many things-- magic, art, writing-- but none of it truly drew her in. As she got older, the other ponies around her began to gain their marks, and she struggled to figure out what her calling was. She constantly tried to meet the high expectations of others, hoping that if she tried hard enough her mark would appear-- but her flank remained blank.

    Finally, when she was in her late Fillyhood-- exceptionally late, for most ponies-- she realised that what she enjoyed most was learning and spreading trivia knowledge, the only reason she'd done well in most subjects, since all she had to do was remember facts. Finally following what she enjoyed instead of what others wanted, Spectre began to write her first book-- "150 Interesting Facts About Bears"-- and once it was done her mark appeared, the magnifying-glass-and-question-mark acting as a visual representation of her encyclopaedic knowledge of trivia.

    She then continued writing her books-- earning a substantial amount of money along the way, and buying her own house-- as well as writing "Trifle's Trivia Tabloid", a recurring article in the Canterlot newspaper. She has, however, always been something of a hermit, and often finds herself bored, listless, and desperately in need of company. So, she has taken to travelling all over Equestria in search of new experiences, friends, and adventures-- while writing her books and articles as she goes.

    She is bold, though by no means fearless-- however, she'll do her best to overcome those fears for a suitable cause. She'll stick up for what she thinks is right, come hell or high water, and she won't tolerate meanness or anyone threatening those close to her. She's boisterous and fun loving most of the time, and has an explosive wit that seems to burst forth almost against her will at times. She is extremely tactile and affectionate, and her first instinct when running into a friend is to snuggle them.

    She is an extremely talented magic user, though certainly not the most talented. She also enjoys helping those around her with anything they might need help with. She is, at heart, a kind soul-- though her sarcastic wit and fits of grumpiness often deter new aquaintances from getting to know her better.

    post-949-0-66007200-1315743349_thumb.png (Note: Cutie mark is backwards)


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