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Posts posted by Starfox64x

  1. Technically NINE ponies, 3 times 3 is 9! Because an alicorn is a combination of an earth pony, a unicorn, and a pegasus.

    Yeah, no combinations here... that would be more like one of those sick grimdark stories... Frankenpony... not what i want.

  2. Actually makes much sense. Alicorns are would be the bond between the ponies. A few holes, but nonetheless good. ^_^

    Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2

    I'd like to hear your holes =3 So that i might fill them up and fix them


    I've always had it in my headcanon that Celestia was grooming Twilight to be her successor. Interesting theory, Foxy!

    I'm fairly certain you're why i thought the same thing, about her grooming Twilight...
  3. Oh! I'd love one! =3 My OC is in my avatar, and i'll add the file in a sec.

    I dont know what sort of pose or whatever to do, so i'll let you decide. He's a pretty lively guy, always trying new things and always has a smile. although he's really quite upset on the inside...


  4. So, a thought occurred to me... Maybe being an Alicorn isn't a natural thing.... perhaps there is some form of initiation that turns a regular pony into an alicorn...

    I believe this because during the hearths warming eve, there were no alicorns... Then we had two with Celestia and Luna, and then a third with Cadence. now, Cadence COULD have been around during the whole Discord incident and just no have participated... but i find it unlikely that she would avoid a fight like that... not to mention she wasn't mentioned in the Nightmare moon incident... you'd think with her love power she'd remind Luna of her love for her sister...

    We didn't see her when Luna came back, But we know she was an alicorn as Twilight sister... so some time between the nightmare moon incident 1000 years ago and to when Twilight was a child, Cadence was turned into an alicorn.

    I imagine that when Equestria was still young, a counsel decided that there needed to be a ruler who represented all the pony races. so they got Celestia to rule, however she knew that her extended life would make her leave her sister, so she got her to be turned into one as well. they both ruled over Equestria.

    however, after Luna was banished, Celestia needed help, or at least someone to keep her company, so she brought in Cadence and had her initiated into being an alcorn, although she didn't have as much power, magically or politically.

    The reason i'm bringing this up is because i'm thinking of a fanfic with Twilight and the other 5 being initiated to be the next rulers of Equestria, so i'm trying to think up back story... what do you think though?

  5. So, recently i bought the blindbag set of 12, and got the mane six, along with a couple of random ponies that i didn't like... even the mane six didn't look good... so i spray painted one gold and suddenly got the idea to make a trophy out of one!

    When i started, i wasn't sure what it was going to be a trophy for, but when i was gluing in the supports the gorrilla glue expanded and leaked out, and i thought to myself that it looked like clouds... So it hit me to try and make more clouds! however i'll be honest, it doesn't look that good in my opinion... but it's solid! hehe.

    I wish i had some creative way to write in 'Young fliers competition" somewhere, but i dont know... i think i'll just leave it...

    I'm thinking about selling this one... maybe make more (with no 'clouds' next time...) If you think you would want one, let me know! I'd be happy to try and make one. i have plenty of options so it should be fun to do =3


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  6. With this one, I suspect it's because they have stock they want to shift. They don't want you to buy one for half price, because that leaves them with one more that they have to sell to someone else. If you buy two, they get rid of more of this stock. The reasons for this are either that they have too much and it's taking up space, or that the item simply isn't selling well and they don't want to throw it out until they've exhausted every other option (or at least until they break even).

    That's my theory, anyway.

    But they DO let you buy one at half price, at my stores at least. That's all it is, they chop the price in half, and you dont HAVE to buy two for the sale... And people know this, It's just silly!

    My least favorite. and HOLY crap do I hate this one because it is SO nonsensical, illogical and a stupid twisting of words that it makes my head hurt.

    "If we can't beat any competitor's advertised price, we'll give you the car!"

    No. You won't ever.

    Does this sales tactic grab anyone but the ones with the least amount of common sense?

    I havent seen that for a while, but yeah. they won't... They'll say you're making it up or something i bet... same with "If you find a lower price we'll GIVE you 2000 dollars!" or something... how much paperwork do you think you'd have to do to prove to them the price of that car?




    Double Lol.

    My favorite is Price Matching.

    Basically if EVERYTHING is identical right down to the UPC, they'll price match... maybe. OH and only of physical competitors. So no Amazon.

    Yeah, i know about that... "Hey Amazon is selling it for $10 cheaper!" "We need a sales paper" "It's amazon... no slaes paper... I got it on my phone right now... you're looking at it." "Can't do it" :sniff:

  7. I can't help but dislike business lingo, You know, the words and phrases businesses use to sell their items... For example...

    Best Resale Value: mostly used for cars and whatnot... Which means (to me) That when you want to sell this car, it will still have a good value because it's (supposedly) a good quality car. All i can think about is that they're saying "Hey, When you finally get tired of this car because it's not as good as you wanted and you want to upgrade to something better in two year's, it'll still have some value to it". If it's a good car, why would i want to sell it? I would only sell a car if it was bad, or would be bad in comparison to something a few years from now, and if you KNOW it's going to be bad in a few years, why not make it better than it is?

    Buy one, get one Free: now, normally i think of this as a coupon, where when you purchase one, the price of the other is waived, which makes sense, but usually during sales, what stores do it cut the price of the BOGO items in half... So why not just say "These items are half off" Rather than making me believe i need to buy an even number amount of the item? Just tell me it's half off! It won't make me want to buy it any less.

    ten for ten: Basically saying that it's buy ten for ten dollars, but again, it makes me think that i half to buy ten, when in fact, most stores just chop the price and you DON'T have to buy ten. So why not just say it's a dollar each? I actually argued with my grandmother about this "It says buy 5 for $5, it means you have to get five for the sale!" "No it doesn't, look!" "What? Well why the F would they call it that?" I lost the argument because of stupid sales ads...

    I'm sure i'm just ranting, but surely some of you have heard some sales pitch that just seemed silly after you gave it some thought, right?

  8. So today at work (grocery store) I was ringing up a woman's stuff, who had three little girls. i noticed an MLP coloring book and mentioned "Which of of you girls is the one who likes My Little Pony?"

    One of the little girls said that she did, then the mother looked at me and asked "Do YOU like my little pony?"

    I froze for a split second, only managing to say 'uhh...' before she added, "Are you a brony?"

    I laughed, i was kind of surprised that she knew. apparently her 24 year old brother got her daughters hooked, and she liked the show too. it was kinda funny, although i dont think the guy bagging understood what was goin on...

    It was my first relatively positive public brony experience, so i'm kinda happy about it ^_^

    • Like 7
  9. Okay, maybe up until the next season we could talk about episodes, we each pick one and talk about it, what we liked, disliked, and when the new season comes out we can talk about them as they come out.

    And i'm starfox64x on skype, hit me up when you can.

  10. I tried to make one, and i tried making a weekly show as well, both on ponies... didn't work out too well... there's two problems i see with that, 1: Material to talk about, and 2: Variety of said material.

    So with material, of course it would be pony stuff... but then what KINDA of pony stuff? The episodes? Stuff we noticed in the show? Canon theories? Fanon thoughts? stuff we've seen from the community? Sure it sounds like a lot, but during a dry period we'd have nothing...

    and for the variety, Will it get dull saying "Oh hey! I saw something on EQD lately that i thought was cool" every episode?

    Nevertheless, even though i'm a bit concerned, i do think it would be fun =3 If you'd like me to join i'd be really happy to join up with you. I'm sure it'll be fun.

    • Like 1
  11. I heard about this being teased a while ago... thought nothign of it... now it has become my most anticipated movie... I WANT TO SEE IT!

    although... i'm worried that, even though i may enjoy the movie, it might only be because of the references... Like, if Bowser, Zangief, etc weren't in this movie, would i really enjoy AS much?

    I dont see any reason why i wouldn't, but people intend to enjoy things when they have references to other things... for example, the Avengers was AMAZING because it brought all of our favorite super heroes together on the big screen, Super Smash bros brought all our favorite nintendo characters together.... but would we have enjoyed either of those as much if it had characters we didnt know already? am i making any sense here?

  12. Ahhhh.... good ol' Nintendo. So sturdy, so tough. That's really impressive. I knew they could take a beating but not that much of one.

    Well, it WAS a pretty bad dent... and who knows how the innards looked after a hit like that... buuuuut it didn't take long to make it turn to rubble, hehe... I may do that vid next.

  13. Were there any innocent gaming devices in the incident? Or were they objects with memories of hatred? Like a Phillips CD-i? OR a copy of ET?

    ... old GBA, broken anyway... Actually it was touch to crack, the first wing only made a dent in the screen, no actual penetration.

  14. .....You monster! :cry:

    That young calculater still had her entire life ahead of her! Did you not hear her screams!

    Her last moments shall haunt my dreams for many a year to come... :eek:

    (Surprisingly high-quality vid, great job! ;-) )

    She needed to be put down... she tortured me through high school with her inability to do what was needed (which is true, apparently our math teacher knew how to do certain functions with a Texas instruments calculators and not a casio, so rather than being able to help me learn what to do i had to learn the casio equivalent to what TI did :sad: )

    Buuuut yeah... Lotta fun. we actually did it two more times with other objects, gonna upload more soon =3

  15. Well, i would say one of two things...

    1: Ignore them and just try not to bring it up in front of them...

    2: Comment on their interests and how you have no interest in them. "Oh, watching Nascar again? Lemme guess, they're turning left? Awesome......" or whatever they have fandom for that you yourself can't understand. just explain that you like certain things and they like certain things, it's not something to be weirded out about...

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