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Posts posted by Starfox64x

  1. Sorry to break it to ya man, but even if there are:

    A. We will never find them unless:

    -They Come to Us

    -We develop sci-fi grade technology that allows us to leave the solar system and go billions of miles away.

    B. They aren't the same ones from the show.

    -Fiction and reality are seperated by a fine line. Unless we can somehow literally break the fourth wall (the real one) and intertwine imagination and reality, you'll never see a canon pony.

    -Those creators would have had to have been pretty damn lucky to pinpoint an exact for everything.

    But that's just me being negative. :/

    I don't want to write a large paper on this, and I don't want to insult you by accident. Sorry.

    I too am of the firm opinion that ponies exist in one form or another but it was under the pretenses of a completely different theory. Basically that under the presence of a multiverse all eventualities have come to pass in some universe or another because there are infinite dimensions/universes. Granted this theory makes it basically nigh on impossible for us to ever reach them without basically destroying our own reality even with unfathomable advances in science and technology though of course it is very possible that I am wrong bu the ability to identify an alternate universe by its outcomes and transcend to said universe would require technology that hasnt even been mechanically theorized yet. So for now I think my self induced lucid pony dreams will suffice :)

    Yeah, yeah, i know the likelihood is near non-existant =P Even if there was such a creature that LOOKED exactly like twilight in the universe, there are so many other factors that would affect the creature that would make it another impossibly low possibility for it to be anything like Twilight herself... not to mention i'm sure that even if it is possible for the atoms to align themselves perfectly to resemble Twilight, the likelihood of other, less complex combinations would be more likely to repeat, rather than her be one of them.

    So yeah, impossibly unlikely to have one resembling her, and even if there were and infinate number of twi's, it would be impossibly unlikely for it to be like her.... But still! Statistically it IS possible for her to exist!

  2. I came across a video recently that has convinced me that Ponies exist (Also exact duplicates of people, but that's not as fun) So let me explain what my reasoning is behind the existance of Ponies....

    Imagine a square in your room right now, making it about 5x5x5ft , What's inside that imaginary square? You bed? your desk? You? Well, science shows that there are only a certain number of different ways that the atoms in that space can be arranged. they could be carbon, iron, oxygen, etc, but there sre so many ways they can be arranged and so many elements they can make up in a certain amount of patterns in a square that size

    i dont know that number, but for the sake of this, lets say it's 10^(10x72) (ten to the power of ten times seventy two) number of different ways that atoms can be arrange in that space. now that may seem like a lot, and it is... but the universe can actually contain MORE variations of a five foot cube than that. (again, dont know the actual number but...) Let's say that number is 10^(10x160).

    So basically the universe contains 10^(10x160) squares that are 5 ft cubes, but WITHIN those cubes, you can only have 10^(10x72) variations of the atoms... this mean that within are universe, statistically speaking, there CAN be ponies, and there CAN be an exact duplicate of YOU... somewhere out there in the universe...

    Too complicated for you? The universe is really effing big... so there's probably something pony-like in the universe.

  3. (I'm going to ask all the "ask" threads this... ;-) )

    I read a strange, ancient book in Twilight's library, "The Legend of Megan"... Are there any such thing as humans? What would you do if you met one?

    Funny you should ask that... They may not be called humans, but there is a good chance that there is indeed something like that in our world... Let me explain.

    Imagine a square in your room right now, making it about 5x5x5ft , What's inside that imaginary square? You bed? your desk? You? Well, science shows that there are only a certain number of different ways that the atoms in that space can be arranged. they could be carbon, iron, oxygen, etc, but there sre so many ways they can be arranged and so many elements they can make up in a certain amount of patterns in a square that size

    i dont know that number, but for the sake of this, lets say it's 10^(10x72) (ten to the power of ten times seventy two) number of different ways that atoms can be arrange in that space. now that may seem like a lot, and it is... but the universe can actually contain MORE variations of a five foot cube than that. (again, dont know the actual number but...) Let's say that number is 10^(10x160).

    So basically the universe contains 10^(10x160) squares that are 5 ft cubes, but WITHIN those cubes, you can only have 10^(10x72) variations of the atoms... this mean that within are universe, statistically speaking, there CAN be humans, there CAN be ponies, and there CAN be an exact duplicate of YOU... somewhere out there in the universe...

    Too complicated for you? The universe is really effing big... so there's probably something human-like in the universe.

  4. All very nice comments here =3

    I'd say just print out this thread and read it off to them, saying that all these different people are genuinly good people who just like a show. of course, there ARE some questionable fans who make questionable material, but that's just how society is in itself... Society isn't perfect, and therefor nothing that is created by society can be perfect either. even though the show has started of movement of loving and tolerating people around you, there will always be those shady characters that will get a lot of attention from those outside of that society...

    But as a whole, the brony community is made up of good people who want nothing more than to make others happy, and at the same time enjoy a show that makes them happy.

    I would also suggest you get them to watch this video. It's showing how a couple of people became bronies. i want you to pay close attention to the one at 1:30, he got fired from his job and fell into a downward spiral of depression... but his friends showed him this TV show and it made him smile, it got him happy and it raised his spirits. I feel the entire video should at least help clear things up. although Rosey's post is also a great contribution =3

  5. Well of COURSE this is scary... but if they dont put on a good show it'll give away who they are... if anyone in town acts funny we'll know.... they'll probably trade places with someone who doesn't have anyone too close... either that or they'll study the person for a long time before acting, they'll want to knwo everything about someone before they take their palce.

  6. I want to be arrested, just to get my innocence out of the way.

    Hm... yeah, that would be what a changeling would want to say though... 'oh yeah! come arrest me so i can prove my innocence!" "Oh well he must be innocent, no guilty party would want to have themselves arrested, they MUST be truly innocent...

    Although i suppose trying to place the blame on someone else like i'm doing would seem suspicious as well...

    Although now that you mention it MicroChip, Silverthorn HAS been a little jumpy... i think he's too eager to jump the gun, maybe try and lead us into a trap...

    Vote: Silverthorn.

  7. Slenderman... if you know who that is, you probably know about this channel... if you dont know about this channel and love Slenderman WATCH IT NOW. if you dont know who Slenderman is, shame on you, and basically he's a... something... creature, demon, ghost, something... and he's bad and scary... just watch...

    You shoudl also look up Foamy the Squirrel, a foul mouthed little renegade who love cream cheese... he may saw the F word a lot, but he often has a good point to make along with it... i won't like to a video cause of how much language he uses....

    But yeah, Let me know about the interesting and abnormal channels you watch.

    (also, darn media limit...)

  8. but they also talk about neat thoughts that really get you thinking about stuff... i know i'm probably not giving it any justice from how i'm saying it, but trust me, it's really interesting stuff...

    Kipkay is, er... WAS an interesting channel with neat hacks, mods, and whatnot. like putting an alarm in your suitcase, or making a pellet gun made out of a medicine bottle and a air canister... his old stuff is pretty wicked, but honestly... it's been lackluster lately. hoping he'll jump back on the awesome wagon soon.

    If anyone has a job, they will both empathize and laugh at this series. Adventure in Retail is a hilarious series of animation that just.... well, just watch...

  9. So, i can only assume the majority of us have youtube accounts and are subscribed to people on youtube... so what odd or interesting channels are you subscribed to?

    Phillip DeFranco is basically where i get my news now, that, and the Daily show. He's on monday through thursday with some unrelated shows during the weekend. he covers a variety of news topics from local political to big stories aroudn the world, sexy news, geek news and (my favorite) The D-bag of the day! always fun... he can be pretty biased at times, being very lefty, but he does back it up with a 'why' to his opinion, and usually i can agree with it, although sometimes i dont but frankly i can respect him for having a differing belief because he takes the time to think about them.

    he actually has a pretty big crew, and there's actually a second channel where his friends have a mini news show, 20 minutes or less where they give you short bursts of news stories, again, covering a lot of variety. these guys are more comical about it though, but i still get all my info.

    Vsauce and Vsauce2 are both very intellectual channels... and by that i mean they share some neat sciency stuff and it makes me feel smarter. they have a few different series' like IMG which is various cool images from across the web, BiDiPi, which stand for Build it, draw it play it, which shows neat works of art in all mediums, and my favorite, LuT which is interesting stuff you can buy...]

  10. I just act out of a need for justice. If we capture the culprit, they can tell us where Derpy is, I hope.

    I'm getting doubts, but nothing for certain. I follow that we don't perform any arrests yet.

    Well, they may not tell us where Derpy is... we may have to discuss the idea of a search party... Where do you think we should start if we were to go look?

  11. Derpy huh? i can't say i'm upset... she's always causing trouble... she's nice, but seriously, how much damage has she caused in our town? Frankly if they replaced her with someone more competent i wouldn't complain...

    although i have to say, Star has been going with the flow very well... As if he's trying his hardest to blend in with everyone. trying to go with whatever someone else says and befriend them... Seems iffy to me... i mean the most rational thing one could do is to blame someone, but Star seems to be very calm and collected about the fact that our town is being invaded and someone is missing...

  12. Since we've gotten a good number of people signed up, I'm going to go ahead and move up the deadline so we can get the game started! I'll close sign ups at noon tomorrow, May 19th (11 am PST, 2 pm EST). That leaves a bit over 14 hours left for people to join. Expect to receive your role PMs in the afternoon, and expect the game to hopefully begin in the evening.

    mkay, i won't be on until 11 eastern though (work at 5) that won't be a problem, will it?

  13. Wasn't TV originally invented just to like, spread news? There aren't a lot of world events going on that Equestria needs to know about, and if there is, word of mouth or newspaper does the trick.

    I gotta disagree with you on that... from what we've seen, no one seems to know (or at least remember) any of the mane six... I mean, They had a huge celebration after beating Nightmare moon, and i'm sure plenty of ponies would want to know why the night lasted an extra six hours.

    Discord turned the entire world topsy turvy, and i'm sure that some rock farmer would want to know why their rocks looked like jawbreakers

    Any pony living within within sight of Cantelrot would probably want to knwo about that giant forcefeild during the wedding and why there was an explosion that sent hundreds of pony-ish beings flying across Equestria...

    Basically i'm saying that a lot DOES happen, and i'm sure they would want to know... in fact, i KNOW they would want to know. the school paper got sent around by the hundreds over some petty gossip, something about Rainbow Dash made it all the way to cloudsdale, and apparently it was bad enough to make her look bad. i'm sure if they had TVs and they put 'Royal Wedding taken over by shapeshifting creatures." on the news, they would be selling like hotcakes. If they were to invent a way to get news to others instantly, ponies would use it without hesitation. now, that may not be something they NEED to know, but it's surely something they'll WANT to know.

    Lots of stuff happens, and it's apparent that ponies have an interest in it, so why wouldnt someone find a way to make that information more accessible? it's obvious word of mouth doesnt work THAT well, one instance being bon bon ignoring Fluttershy in the episode with Iron Will. If i saw fluttershy i would gladly step aside for one of the six ponies that saved equestria... but apparently she didnt know that because information didn't get out well enough.

    now, as for the people working on the show goes, i can only imagine that if everyone knew about them saving the world, than half of the conflicts wouldnt happen... so there's that... but i'm just talking about in their world...

  14. Soooo I thought to myself 'why aren't there TV's and internetz in Equestria yo?" Just like that, verbatim. And i began to think "Hey! This must be before the information era! No tech whatsoever!"

    But then i recalled Twilight basement filled with apparently advanced gear... They still used that paper with the holes in the sides to make continuous strips, so i thought maybe it was kinda 1960's, on the verge of technological advancement sorta thing... they DO have sewing machines, headsets for microphones, vinyl record players, and camera's, although they also have MANUAL printing presses and conveyor belts, and although they have trains, no cars or trucks to speak of...

    So my point is, why the hay is wrong with the tech in Equestria? some of it seems pretty advanced, and yet other things seem almost backward... why would they have such advanced medical equipment and yet they still write with a quill and inkwell?

    IRL thoughts: The people making the show want to avoid promoting games, TV, cell phones, social media, etc to kids because it has a tenancy to take over vulnerably minds. So they just bring up what they feel is needed for the time being...

    In show thoughts: Ponies are naturally strong creatures, so vehicles to carry stuff hasnt really been need, and pony power to move convener belts has never been a big issue for them. Medical tech needed to advance so that earth ponies could tend to medical needs when a unicorn wasn't around or couldn't. Basically some things didn't really NEED to advance, so they didnt.

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  15. mlfw4606-1335650740251.gif

    Hay you two, don't forget we have colts 'an fillies around here!

    I'm sure they enjoy reading a good book by themselves every so often too. They're just discovering the magic of reading and how much joy it can bring them...

    Although i am concerned about them reading too much... They say you can go blind from reading with yourself too much.

  16. That was disgusting and I hope you realize how phallic that paragraph was. Think about that. Good?

    I must purify myself.

    You sicko, why does everything i say suddenly make you think of penises? I was simply explaining how much i love reading with twilight....

    Starfox! *Jealous and Overprotective Glare*

    MY Twilight....

  17. Was "read books" a euphemism for something?

    Well, i plan to start off slow to get into the groove of things, i dont wanna tear through it too fast, can't enjoy a book like that... but i plan to dig deep into the plot, i mean REALLY get into it before the climax... Then we'll just relax and enjoy the resolution... until we decide to read again...

    So no, not a euphemism... just me and her enjoying some good quality alone time with our books...

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