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Posts posted by Starfox64x

  1. My favorite was with the diamond dogs episode. Through the entire episode i was expecting rarity to ne the damsel in distress, but i was honestly surprised that she was able to handle things on her own.

    Most of the other morales were very predictanle early on... especially apple buck season... mac: "too many to handle on your own" me: "yep, shes gonna bite off more than she can chew" mac "biting off more than you can chew is just what i'm afraid of" me: "Exactly!"

    But just because theyre predictable doesnt mean theyre bad or poorly executed. Theyre good reminders of how to be good people.

  2. Snips and snails... i actually wrote a fanfic about Sweetie Belle getting rid of them... but i got distracted with other projects... i should finish it... I'm sure i'd get plenty of attention with that..

    EDIT: Twist is cute... a little dorky, but at least she's nice....

  3. Yeah! I get really scared of making mistakes like that in my own work...

    Oh! I wouldn't mind! The preview is up of the FanFic btw! Posted it in this forum, titled 'Perfect Pony' :]

    It's okay, don't be scared... just find someone you trust and who likes to read to glance over it and give you tips on what to do ^_^ Then post it for all to see.. just remember, there WILL be a LOT of negative comments... they're just negative people, don't worry about them... If they can't come up with a constructive way to criticize your work, than they're probably not the best people to listen to anyway...

    As for my story... http://www.fimfiction.net/story/13325/Derpy%27s-Star-Role That's the derpy one, check out my others too ^-^

    And i'll take a look for yours in a moment.

  4. I get ya! This is very helpful, for sure, I for surely don't want to be putting stuff in unnecessary clogs. That would be just a mess... knowing what is right and isn't is sometimes hard though.

    I know what you mean... I've been writing a while and sometimes i find that what i'm writing sometimes just doesn't fit in with the story... like it's unnecessary... Or that i started with something that WAS relevant, but strayed off with something that wasnt...

    A friend of mine has been working on a story for a while, it got denied by EQD twice and got some rough reviews on other sites... Basically it was about Spike trying to find out about his parents, but apparently a chunk of it was Twilight talking with HER parents... sure, the parents are there to spark Spikes interest in his family origins, but talking about how Twilight been and her adventures for so long just makes the story drag... So yeah.

    Also,if you're interested i'd love to share some of my stories =3 I got one of Derpy too if you're interested

  5. Mhm, pretty much what I do! But I never really thought of dialogue though, which actually doesn't sound like a bad idea!

    I know how to structure it and such, but. I guess it wouldn't hurt to make it more indepth so than I'm not stuck!

    Thank you

    Well yeah, structuring it isn't that hard, but sometimes people get stuck with that sort of thing... you have certain events you want to happen, but sometimes you get stuck trying to think of how to link them together. You want to make sure you don't just skip over a whole bunch, but you don't want to put in a lot of in depth info in a section that is merely meant to link two important events together.

  6. My recomendation would be to write out a map of what you want to happen. For example, start out like this...

    1. Where the story opens up

    2. The conflict

    3. The climax

    4. The resolution.

    Then try to decide what needs to be said for the climax to make sense. If the climax occurs in the bakery between derpy and pinkie about their friendship, first you have to establish that they are friends in some way, and you have to get derpy to the bakery as well.

    Then of course figure out how to link the conflict to the climax, and finally resolve the problem and tell a bit about the resolution.

    I'm on my phone so i'm not going into detail, but i hoped that helped.

  7. This device could have practical use in eating cupcakes too. If nopony can see me eat them, it didn't happen and the calories don't count!

    Uh, no... i think even if no one could see you do it they'd still be missing afterwrds and they'd still be in your tummy... your plump cupcake filled tummy. :P

  8. From what i understand, I dont believe itqs erasing time, it's just a cloak of invisibility... things are still occuring within this veil, it's just impossible to observe these events, which i suppose you could say that if no one observed the event, than it is not a piece of history...

    But, if, lets say, the military uses this tech on a city and goes in and kills everyone, than yeah, no one else could observe it, but it still happened... someone will evetually notice that the inhabitants of the city are missing, and the people who used the tech would know, so it's not that the erased it from history, they just prevented anyone else from observing it...

  9. *hog ties Foxy slings him over her shoulder*

    That story sounds really creepy, by the way. Back to 18+ with you!

    If youre gonna tie me up like this rose, you should at least wait until we get to the 18+ section...

    And it Is creepy, which makes it awesome.

    • Like 1
  10. *HUGS!* I LOVE YOU! now then, save this vidoe for future reference cause it is AWESOME.

    I didn't even know that was possible.

    It's designed to keep things in, not let them out!

    Hey! I already built a home here! i'm just coming out here for some groceries! QUIT HARASSING ME! T_T I'm just trying to make a living like anyone else! It's bad enough i live in this concentration camp called 18+, but it's worse to be harrassed by horribel people like you TT^TT Waaaahhh!....

  11. So, i have a concern (for those who know me well, this isn't shocking) about the future of the show. The first season was made entirely towards the younger audience, they didn't have much other direction since that's what hasbro wanted. about halfway through season 1 they had begun to incorporate some of the elements of the fandom (or at least nods to the fandom) like with Derpy, and continued to do so in Season 2. They've made nods in their product lines (Like Dr Hooves and all thing timey wimey on the card collections) and so on...

    So... my concern is that (maybe not Season 3, but) in the future MLP will be more fan service oriented rather than what they've always done... Every episode will be tailored towards what we the fans have come up with and not what originally made the show fun...

  12. Point is: This episode is fanservice towards Sethisto, so it is probably going to be tailored to fit his needs.


    Well they can't have Trixie pole dancing for Seth, so i dont think they'l tailor it to ALL of his wants and needs... =P

    But yeah, it's fanservice, It'll be awesome i'm sure...

    • Like 1
  13. mlfw697_small.jpg

    Did I miss the part where Trixie's personality did a 180? Trixie wouldn't ask for forgiveness. When Trixie returns she will be riding on the back of an Ursa Major that she has tamed herself. And everypony will love her.

    The point of the episode is finding out that she's simply using very complex illusions spells to make herself look better, thus proving that she has learned nothing. Or something along those lines.

    The kicker would be when Trixie screws up her entrance, simply because nopony can hear her when she's standing on the Ursa's head.

    "Behold, citizens of Ponyville! For I, The Grrrrreat and Powerful Trixie, have tamed the Ursa Major, just as I said I would!"

    "Did you hear something?"

    "Who cares!? It's an Ursa Major! Run!"

    Actually, that's not bad. I could see that maybe being an episode. Just one thing:

    I know Celestia is a bit of a troll, but locking Twilight to Trixie? I can't imagine the Princess doing anything so cruel to her favourite student. :shifty::-|


    Not like PHYSICALLY. Just put a collar on theem both so twilight can regulate trixies magic use and easily stop her when she starts doing crazy stuff... like a magical leash

  14. I wouldnt call it a spoiler unless they claimed what she did... now it's just speculation...

    I think a redemption episodes would be good... but there's got to be some sort of conflict besides "Oh i want to be loved and adored!"

    Hm.. Perhaps Celestia send a letter to Twilight claiming that somepony has been causing a lot of trouble in Equestria, and she believes that she needs to be taught the magic of friendship will cure her of her desire for fame and admoration. So two guards show up with Trixie, who's magically locked to Twilight so if she gets out of hand Twilight can stop her... As time goes by things seem to be going well, so Twilight decides to remove the restraint... and then Trixie betrays her trust by doing something outrageous. Twilight gets frustrated and yells at her, Trixie realizes that her way of trying to get ponies to love and admire her aren't working, so she returns and tries helping ponies rather than showing off to them... and ends up regaining their respect and admiration, and becomes a good friends and a resident of ponyville. ^_^

  15. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head was that the first clue was a bunch of drawings or something.

    I'm pretty sure it was like newspaper cutouts or something, and the ones that were yellow spelled out the next clue... i think...

  16. So me and a friend were talking and he brought up this video that i remember but i can't remember what it was called...

    So it's about this puzzle someone posted online, saying if you solve my puzzle you'll find my prize of XXX dollars!

    So one guy figured out the word puzzle and headed to a yellow bar (Or yellow something) and went beside it, finding another clue. eventually it led him to a field. this entire time, he's posting video about his journey to find the prize. as he's heading to a field where the money is suppose to be, he makes another video, saying he's really close.

    The next day, the police find a body in the field... no clue, no camera, and no idea who it was... The videos stop being posted on Youtube... and to this day, no one knows what happened...


  17. Hmm...you could gift wrap it instead? Or make a fort! OH YES YOU CAN! Or it can be an addon for your new house!

    Pfft, This is just going to be a running gag i'm guessing... Why would i gift wrap it?

    Hm, i'm not a fan of LotR but i could make that tower with the guant eye... That might be neat.

  18. So, i work in a grocery store... and as my manager was taking down one of those cardboard displays to throw away i jokingly said i'll take it!... she thought i was serious and now i have a cardboard display thingy... and i dont know what to do with it...

    It's a rectangular cube with one side angled slightly inward with a 16 inch disk popping out of one side with a spinner attached... I was thinking of making it into a clock with some things from the hobby store... but i dont know if i want to spend that much money on it... The paint will cost a lot as it is...

    So, ideas?

  19. I think i've been on three times... once on the nightly, once on the custom ponies and once with my own post.

    The nightly was for a writing project

    The custom was a trophy i made.

    And the post of my own was an abridged series we started... which we're starting up again :3

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