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Posts posted by Starfox64x

  1. Looking for handmade or nifty products based on different fandoms. Trying to find fun little thing made by fans of these franchises that would be interesting, just little inexpensive trinkets that a fan would enjoy. Preferably i'd like to see more on big fandoms that i dont know much about though (Adventure Time, Twiilight, Game of Thrones, LotR etc) but frankly anything would be great =3

    I usually use Etsy to find them, but whatever site is fine =3 Here's a few i have found.

    (Warning, lots of images)













  2. I usually stray away from Pay to Play Alphas/Betas because I usually gain little to nothing in the long run, the only exception being Minecraft. I mean heck, it had a demo, a nice discount AND a lot of my friends were playing it. THIS game, doesn't have any benefits or demo, the only perk being that you can play the alpha early... This seems like an under handing tactic to have players (in a sense) pay to test their game when in reality they should be paying dedicated testers to test out their game.

    But honestly, I don't mind buggy games, I've accepted that all games will have some sort of collection of bugs. But what really turns me off to the idea of Pay to Play Alpha games is just for the fact that so much of the core concept can dramatically change as the game continues to be updated, sometimes to the point that the original vision can be lost along the journey. Of course game breaking/annoying bugs themselves can ruin a game, but those can be fixed in due time. Yet if I lose what originally interested me in the prospect of the game (especially after putting money down) I'll feel as though I was cheated or wasted my money as I would buying a digital hat in TF2.

    Either way, I don't plan to purchase games that encourages the P2P Alpha model with a 10 ft. pole because i'd rather play a complete project instead of risking the possibility of playing the game 'twice.'

    I just find that it's just not worth paying for an Alpha of a game and would rather wait for a finished project before purchase.

    Ywah, i suppose this will be a good learning moment for me... Avoid games in Alpha, buy a finished product...

    I'm already in the mindest of not preordering games unless i KNOW they're going to be great... after The Conduit, and Paper Mario Sticker Star... I dont think i'll be trusting anyone anymore...

  3. So i recently bought Prison Architect from Steam... Looked like fun... Sims in a prison, what could be more cool? but... it's in Alpha... 0.90 i believe... and... god god... it's... nearly unplayable...

    I wont bore you with a wall of text, but it's so glitchy and unresponsive... the worker can't get anything built in a reasonable amout of time, and i end up having to start new prisons every 10 minutes because they can't build anything in time for the prisoners...

    Not to mention there's very little conveyance on what is needed... Your prisoners whine about being homesick and yet they enver use the phones you post around the prison...

    So yeah, is playing a game in alpha worth it? I got minecraft before 1.0, and i DID have fun with that, even moreso later on.. .but... this... ugh...

  4. "Thank you mum for giving into my dad's nagging that one night 22 years ago... Love you!"

    Yeah. that's what i'll say, hehe.... but i dont think i'll do much... I hate card, they feel so blegh... and expensive... flowers die... Cake seems more selfish cause i love cake... inever know what to get her for presents... ugh... i'll just say i lover her =P

  5. It's not hard, but it's tedious and unrewarding... The people treat you like a robot half the time... Some times there are good people, but when you thank the heavens that you get to clean all the bathrooms or take out the garbage just to do somethign different, yuo know something's wrong....

    I call him Vulpus =3 He's my OC, and a brief version of his backstory is he lost his leg in a rockslide as a kid, got a prosthetic, and pushed himself to prove that he was still capable of great things while searching for his cutie mark, unaware that the 'scar' on his flank is actually his cutie mark.

  6. Bwahaha! Nice, did you like... JUST draw that?

    Publix, it's in the south mostly, just entering NC, so you may not knwo about it... and i'm a cashier... dull as dishwater job... Trust me... if you can avoid it, go for a specific department... This is my job all day


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    scanning **** for 6-9 hours...

  7. (It's 1am, and i'm tired, so i didnt read the others posts... so if i'm just repeating them, sorry)

    I dont think it's somethign that they need to know... i mean, you dont need to hide it from them, but it's not somethign you need to announce... y'know... you wouldnt stand up during dinner and say "mum... Dad... I really liked Iron Man 3'...nor would you stand up and announce that you're part of the chess club at school... I mean if they asked, sure you'd tell them, but it's not something to be so freaked out about...

    I have a wall of stuff in the corner of my room, some of it with pony stuff... they haven't asked me about any of it, so i dont bother to tell them...

    Just enjoy yourself... If they ask you about it, just say 'its a character fro ma show i like," If they find it odd, Just shrug it off... You're happy, you're enjoying yourself... And they should be happy you're happy.

  8. as a game, i think its kinda sub-par... the gameplay was pretty repetitive and it felt like the enemies were bullet sponges... And for a game that talk about all the...

    'Constants and variables' it's really freaking linear...

    however as a talking point, i think it's incredible... It's something you could talk about for ages about possibilities, theories, etc... The summerized version of the story is kinda lame...

    'ERMAHGERD! YOU'RE COMSTOCK!" seems a bit lame, but at the same time, it DOES have a bit of sense to it...

    However it's the more in depth story and how things relate to one another that gets mroe interesting... and seeing the world itself and the people within it is inedible...

    Even so, i've already traded it in...

  9. Uh, i got a Roxio Game Capture that won't work... tried getting a refund but i'm just gettign confusing automated messages that dont help... *grumble*

    I got some new shrits, Dr Who, Ponies and Mythbuster related.

    got my posters frames up and some of them are hung up now =3

    i think that's all the 'recent' stuff...

  10. I would say Fruit Salad, because i love a love them all =3

    buuut... let's see...


    Fudge... (that's not my answer, that's me replacing expletives with appropriate words)

    I cna't think of any fruits... liek... al lthe fruits in the world are no gone...

    I work in a grocery store and i can't think of fruits...


    Fluttershy's a straberry cause she's too sweet and tender for me to handle, but i love her in small doses...

    um... that's all i got x-x

  11. Although I don't have any good suggestions for creating websites, I do have some questions for your shop.

    What makes your shop unique and advantageous compared to other online retailers? Even if it's to bring everything that has had a fanbase under a single umbrella, is there really still a market for X fanbase?

    Example: I LOVE Spaceballs, but is there really anyone out there who wants Spaceballs memorabilia?

    Also, when it comes to selling other peoples creations, how would it beat e-bay and how would you handle situations when lawyers challenge you with proprietary rights?

    Starting a business is admirable, my grandfather started his own shoppe many years ago and he loved every minute of it. But because he didn't think it through, it fell over on itself sadly. This resulted in years of debt, accompanied with a dose of stress. I'm sure you have things thought through, but I ask these questions because I just don't want the same to happen to you.

    1: i hope to eventually bring more unique things to the market, like handmade objects that fans have made to a broader market. I have one person i'm chatting to who knits pokeballs, I want to go around and find more people who will sell me their handmade items so i can sell them, Something unique, something that you can't find in a store. Sure you can buy it from them online, but sifting through all the layer of internet to find them would be hard, i plan to dig them up and present them to the world! although because this might be a bit more pricey i may have to wait a while to get REALLY into that portions of my businesss.

    2: Again, digging through ebay is hard.... looking throug ha shop and spotting something cool is much easier and i think happens more often... i mean i would love to buy one of these pokeballs and sifting through all the pages of plastic pieces of crud would lessen my desire for it.

    3: As for lawyers, i assume you mean from Hasbro and whatnot? Its under free use. As long as i dont take anythign DIRECTLY from them, it's my own artistic interpretation... Thats why we have DBZ Abridged after 5 years. it may contain video from DBZ, but because they A: Add their own artistic interpretation, IE: A parody, theyre legally allowed to do it as long as they say "hey, this doesnt belong to us" than they're okay, and that goes the same for anything else.

    If you mean lawyer from the people i'm buying from, i plan to inform them that my intent is reselling their stuff and advertising for them as well.

    4:Thanks, i understand, and thats why i'm trying to research everything i can... I'm actually going to the IRS tomorrow to see what sort of taxes and registration things i need t oget through... along with the bank to see about opening another account for said business.

  12. Oh why hello thar. Since it's still swimming around in me brain....

    What made you decide to start up yer business, and what will its name be?

    Note: You may not want to tell us the name in case you have yet to register the domain name.

    Lol, yeah, i can imagine one of you jerks stealing it fro munder my nose =P But i do feel the name is a bit free-domain-y... A word you can't really say belongs to one person...

    But yeah, the real question. There are a couple of reasons...

    1:The financial reason= Low risk, medium maintenance and high profit, easy money but you gotta have money first.

    2: I originally wanted to start up a physical store because i felt there wasnt a place for people to buy their fan-related items besides Hot Topic and Spencers, neither of them being a real 'family friendly' place to be... i mean your grandma would never go into those places to get you a birthday present... but my store they would!

    3:... I'm tired of working under someone... i'm tired of my future being based around someone elses subjective opinion of me and the quality of my being, especially whne they're being hypocritical about what they preach.... If my future relies on a person who tells me that i should utalize my time more wisely before going over and chatting with the office staff for ten minutes, than i'm dead in the water... So i'm gonna start my own business! Wit blackjack! And hookers! (references, sorry, hehe) But really, if i expect to see a brighter future, i'm gonna have to go out and get it myself!

    • Like 1
  13. Assuming that you are talking about America...

    If you are talking about situations like Bush sending troops out in Iraq, or our debated participation in Vietnam, I get where you are coming from. But you have to keep in mind, that you have to come up the bottom in order to get to the top. All US military Generals or high-ranking Officers had to be a 2nd Lieutenant first. And a 2nd Lt. will see the full violence of any military operation that they command. Same goes for enlisted ranks too. Many US presidents like Bush, H.W Bush, Kennedy, Truman, and Eisenhower also served in our military. And many of the aforementioned presidents has commanded military operations that their children was involved in.

    I know what you mean, but still, there are more people than just the president and general who decide on going to war... There are politicians, lobbyists, citizens, interest groups, corporations, etc... They all have an impact on political decisions... and many of them are not in it for the same reasons that the soldiers are in it for...

  14. So one thing i've been doing over the past month or so is create a financial plan in order to get a business loan in hopes of starting an online retail business... I'm pretty proud of what i've gotten done so far, and hopefully within a month i'll be selling stuff.

    So, what it will be is an online retail business selling shirts, accessories jewelry figurines and other thing related to popular pop culture figures fro mmovies, TV, games, comics, cartoons, etc. Basically if it's a thign that had a fanbase, i'll be marketing towards them.

    Now, of course i'll have shirts and hats and generic stuff like that, but i also plan on having more unique items. handmade things by true fans of the shows. Knitted stuff, sewn stuff, laser cut in the garage, things that were made wit hthe same passion that the fans of the show have, not just by a machine in a workshop with an 'officially licensed' logo on it.

    My goal is to get $5000 loaned to me, that way i'll be able to get a nice variety of designs (at wholesale price), a good amount of stock to start off, and some play money for more unique items as well as and fees that might come along...

    I've got my stock pretty much figured out... Got a couple of sites lined up, a couple of people who have agreed to sell me a bulk order of their handmade items, and i even have someone from Valve contacting me Friday to discuss wholesale of their products... my only issue is actually getting a site...

    Now, i have a friend who used to do HTML and ran his own sites that i will try to get in contact with... but if that falls through i have no idea how to get a site going... I've seen a few 'start your online store for free' things, but i dont trust them... after all you get what you pay for... And i don't mind paying for a quality site... but there's just so many shady places online that i can't think of who to trust... I saw that Kotaku had a deal where you could get a domain name for $20, $100 off their regular price... but what i have to do after that... no idea... I just hope my friend still lives where he use to... but if not, any help would be great...

    But, i also plan on going to conventions, local events, etc in hopes of getting some business, which won't be as hard i think... expensive maybe, but not hard...

    So, any advice? thoughts? anything you'd like to see in the shop?

  15. Mkay, *Cracks knuckles* let's do this...

    1: Old story i began writing, i was actually really proud of the idea... but it got so little interest (8 up votes, and 2 comments with 900 views) I lost the urge to continue... Basically the dragons on the other side of the planet believe that Celestia has too much power, and want the ability to control the sun. After being injured and losing her sister Celestia returns home to send her faithful student on a quest to get help... but it's not without it's roadbumps.


    2: ACTUALLY FINISHED ONE! =D Discord returns years later, but he doesnt cause chaos... instead he just... talks... talks to the grown up Cutie Mark Crusaders, who only heard whispers of the incident years ago... A different way of looking at Discord...


    3: Pre Cadance story... Twiliight gets a hint of a third alicorn... after realizing that Blueblood wasnt related to Luna or Celestia... she knew there had to be another Alicorn in hiding...


    4: imagine FIM as a TV show....... i feel like i lost you already, no, imagine the character of MLP as the actors who play the character on the show FIM... Well the background actor Derpy finally earns her staring role wit ha speaking role, earning her more fame than ever... but the stardom gets to her head... and her light only shines briefly before she's replaced...


    5: Lets see, this one has 1700 views, 82 up votes, wow, which one was this-... Oh... We uh... won't talk about that one... *blushes*

    6: Currently workin on this one... A series of murders send ponyville into a panic... but who is the culprit? And is this just a way for me to kill off all the character i dont like? who knows....


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