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Posts posted by kal413

  1. I've yet to find a brony anywhere. At least a true brony.

    There's people that know what it is, but they're indifferent about it.

    Then again, I'm not really loud about my bronyness, but I make a few comments from time to time and draw stuff at the school but nothing so far.

    Oh well, maybe if I wear a shirt, somepony might say something.

  2. I love music. I really don't know what I'd do without it. And I play several things, some better than others, lol.

    I'm the best at Bass Guitar, which I've played for a little more than two years now. My friends say I'm pretty good, but I've still need to learn some other techniques, such as slapping. The reason I say I'm the best at it is because I'm really connected to it. I've reached a point, where I don't need the music or tabs in front of me. I can play with feeling and the sound comes out well, not only other music, but jamming as well.

    Next would be singing. I think I've got pretty good pitch and range, but I'm still lacking a little bit in intonation and finding what really suits me. I can imitate just about anyone, but I'll have to try a few times to find a range for something original.

    I did play drums for a while, where I mostly learned latin stuff, mainly ska and latin rock. Drums were so energetic, they pumped me up so much! That's why I really want to learn other styles and have more parts to work with. I guess I need to start with getting a set first, lol.

    Keyboard/piano is what I'm also trying to master. This will definitely by a challenge since everything just seems so precise. I'm almost to the point where I can sight read, but nowhere near where I want to be, which is improvisation. But the reason I'm learning it, is because it's a classic instrument, which means that there are a lot of good songs on it, and it goes with pretty much anything.

    When I was into orchestra, I learned to play Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, and Alto Saxophone. I have not really practised these much over the past few years, but it's all still there. It comes down to my music preferences, really.

    Apart from Clarinet, I've taught myself how to play everything. Lessons are expensive! lol

    I really want to learn violin though. It's also a classic instrument, but more than that, it would really fit a lot of the emotions that I'm always trying to convey.

  3. Admittedly I never watched Transformers as a kid. All i've ever seen of the franchise is the abysmal Michael Bay movies. So yeah. Just don't have any connection to it whatsoever.

    Batman on the other hand, I've never not been into.

    I don't know about two and three since I didn't watch them as they were completely unecessary, but I loved Transformers by Michael Bay. It was just so epic.

    I feel left out since I never watched animated Batman or Transformers.

    I guess I'm too young, lol.

  4. As far as the episode goes, I was fairly disappointed. Mostly due to the several unnecessary things that they showed. These include the various accidents that occured around Ponyville, Rainbow Dash's incessant arrogance, and her friends' neglect. Sure, they were trying to help, but to not even drop a hint? That was cold. Also, Scootaloo left her just like that. She didn't even ask what was wrong or anything. That's not very friendly of her. Considering how she loves Rainbow Dash, that doesn't make sense. Unless she doesn't see her as a pony, but rather as an image or idol, which would be disturbing. Previous posts are right about this season being more disjointed on the friendship as seen by this episode and Lesson Zero. These were terrible for characterisation.

    I'm still enjoying the season, however. Every episode but those two was great. The one before wasn't spectacular, but it was at least more coherent and more characterised. Apart from exploring Rainbow's seemingly abandonment issues, nothing really moves along. Oh well, hopefully the next one is better.

    One more thing, why is Fluttershy being forgotten? :(

  5. I want to write these off as "gag items" much like Twilight's "computer" for the sake of the plot. The main reason is that such things are out of place in Equestria and don't fit in with the general technology and culture of pony society. The dam I could pass, but the hydroelectric generators was too much. The crane bugged me for the same reason, it would have been more interesting with a bunch of ponies up there on the top floor and one of the supporting beams buckle, but that's just me.

    Well, it still mean that they don't have it.

    Clearly Equestria is filled with technology, even past the obvious things that occur for the plot.

    Cameras and film, for instance. Lighting and sound systems. And don't forget about Vinyl's turntable.

    I see Equestria as a sort of modernised steampunk world, where technology exists, but the lifestyle is still simple.

    The main thing is that they are not addicted to technology.

  6. Well, here's my first attempt at writing a serious story. I really think I may actually finish this one, but I need some feedback first!

    So here's the first chapter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18zA8niLJW2R3oWkklabB8_cantrPmUHRsmmIXFxxWgk/edit

    I hope it's not too terrible.

    Here's a brief synopsis if you would like: "A mysterious group has taken over Equestria and has turned the once-great society into a totalitarian regime. When a young pony faces her destiny, she may just uncover the real motives of the New Order and its leader, a creature much older than he seems."

  7. For the History channel, it's not the reality shows that really bother me (a couple of them are actually entertaining), but all the nonsense conspiracy theory stuff. In my opinion most of the reality stuff has a lot more to do with history than sensationalist junk like Ancient Aliens.


    As soon as you said conspiracy theory stuff, I immediately thought "Ancient Aliens"


    It's also a meme.



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  8. You know, inspired by this and other stories about dreams, I decided to try and write down what I remembered about my dreams. Well, last night I had two dreams. I won't go fully into details about them now, but after each one I got up and wrote down what I remembered (on a post-it, since I couldn't find a pad).

    When I woke up this morning I realised that I had only written down one of the dreams. I had dreamt writing the other one.

    I had a dream that I was writing about a dream. How meta is that?

    That is crazy.

    I've actually written, more like typed, stuff while I was asleep. Not throughout the whole night, but really soon after I fell asleep.

  9. No, I usually have to go through a lot of different forms of intonation, inflection, accentuation, pitch, speed, etc...

    I honestly didn't have much time to work on these four voices [about two hours], so they're most certainly not my best.

    Two hours on each? That seems like a lot, but it's not like you have to warm up for that long for each voice, right?

    I guess my real question was, did you take any formal classes or anything like that?

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