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Posts posted by kal413

  1. I have friends who tell me that Superbad and the Hangover are the funniest movies ever, but these are also the friends who thought Anchorman and Napoleon Dynamite were the funniest movies ever, and gave me shocked looks when I said I hadn't seen them.

    I eventually gave in and was left with the feeling of wanting those 4 hours of my life back. :-| So I just tend to not see movies unless I'm already interested in them, or if someone else is paying. I don't end up seeing a whole lot of movies!

    I think I'd be more annoyed at the time wasted.

    I'm not much of a comedy person anyway. At least not today's comedies.

  2. I know how you feel.

    That's definitely why I don't like play-off systems, and especially not series systems. That's all based on whoever wins a couple of games, instead of who was the best throughout the entire season, which would truly be the champion. That's how it is with European Football.

  3. hi hi

    Thats impressive Acynder. I thought the "She's and evil enchantress," song was a dead giveaway. :)

    Ok, so I've probably watched this episode a dozen times now, playing it in the background while I draw or whatever, and it just gets funnier and funnier every single time. I think my favorite part now is the bit with Fluttershy. Twilight slamming the door in front of her always makes me laugh.

    That's outrageous.

    I think the most I've seen of one episode is three times.

    I have stuff to do, but that's all going to change soon.

  4. Because this is a forum, how exactly does the Role Playing develop? Is it just snapshots?

    I have visited those respective threads and it seems like it is long posts for each.

    Is there a way to actually have conversations and stuff?

    Also, if I create an OC, can I use that one for other things, such as fanfiction? Or is it tied to Canterlot.com now?

  5. I'm not ashamed of it, but everyone is telling me i have to watch Pineapple Express, the Hangover, spuerbad, knocked up, etc... I havent watched them because they looked like Stupid people getting into stupid situations because they were doing something stupid.

    lol, neither have I.

    The only one of those I've seen is Superbad, which had its moments, but was not very good overall.

    I'm not going to watch the others just because I know I'd facehoof the whole time. They'd be a waste of time, like most of today's comedies.

  6. But NaNoWriMo is about quantity not quality! Write write write all through November then come December you can edit all you want. It's all about reaching that magical 50k!

    That is true.

    For myself, at least, editing is a lot harder.

    Mostly cause it requires diligence, which I do not have right now.

    The way that I see myself writing fiction is that I'm telling a story, but I'm also finding about the story as I write it. Editing requires going back. It would be basically reading a story which you have just read, but very slowly.

    I don't know, it just seems tedious.

  7. "Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they can not communicate; they can not communicate because they are separated." - Martin Luther King, Jr

    "We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools." - Martin Luther King, Jr

  8. In the exposition, it's normal that most of it would be in the thoughts of the character. But as the story goes on, that's when other's come into the story to make it more dynamic.

    By making it first person though, you are stating that the character, and who she is, plays a very important role, so it would somewhat be a sort of diary, no matter what way you look at it.

  9. Yes. I hide it like hell. Not from my Online friends, but I learned from experience not to tell my real life friends. I told my best friend and he looked like he'd disown me as a friend. In a desperate attempt, I told him "Not srsly bro, I just like watched twenty episodes so I could troll people."

    Still makes me think myself as a coward, considering the fact that I didn't stand up for my likes.

    Sounds like that's not a real friend at all.

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