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Status Updates posted by Magdalene

  1. I have so much sympathy for people dealing with injuries or illness that aren't immediately obvious now that I've lived it.

  2. Fun fact: In Fat Boy Slims's video 'Weapon if Choice' they wanted to fit Walken with a harness. He shrugged and decided to fly on his own.

  3. Why is it whenever I wake up I've got one sock on and one sock off? Usually it's the right sock that's taken off - is that my skinny foot?

  4. Landlord bribed us to be out early. This week will be a super cram and then it's bye bye everyone. Keys get handed over next Sunday night.

  5. ... And my boyfriend just filled a large chip bowel full of Chinese food. He's such a big guy it kinda looks normal sized for him.

  6. Is there anything cuter than a young man and his dog? Aw, now that's true love. Especially when the latter sneezes in the former's face.

  7. This dog has the weirdest wettest snore ever.

  8. “@StephenAtHome: I don't just oppose gay marriage, I also oppose reggae marriage. It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and a relaxing backbeat.”

  9. Dear Dog, when I go into the bathroom and close the door, I promise I'm not doing anything cool or fun in there. You don't need to join me.

  10. Roscoe is CRAZY today! Tearing all over the house and clearing all obstacles in his way.

  11. I smell poop. Checked my shoes so it's not me. Phew.

  12. Bleh, bussing to physio is so stupid. Nearly an hour on the bus versus ten minutes in a car? Stupid.

  13. Don't worry, he didn't make me wander the mall in my socks. My new runners admittedly are a little distracting in their brilliant 'newness'.

  14. We're suppose to be here for another month but, well, apparently she wants us out by the 20th.

  15. Okay Shaw, I can understand why, but the fact you make it such a pain to cancel a contract is extremely irritating.

  16. Me: "Ewww! Roscoe, why does your breath smell like fish?!" BF: "Have you been making out with a cat?"

  17. “@YukinoOmoni: I probably read too much.” This statement is an impossibility.

  18. So this is Kamloops. Go baby! Knock that interview outta the park!

  19. Boyfriend and I had so much stress shoved at us today we're both shaking from the pain and sick-to-the-stomach feelings.

  20. Live life for laughter and love.

  21. Also, doggie update: his breath is finally tolerable once again.

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