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Posts posted by Demir

  1. Nodding slowly, Feather Frost's mind finished processing what sister had said. He glanced around the room briefly, and said, "I couldn't agree more with what the sister has said." Drawing his breath sharply, he continued.

    "I believe it would most definitely be in our best interest to maintain a certain level of, stealth. If we come guns blazing in the front door," He stops for a barely perceptible moment, looks at Dusty, and continues. "We're liable to get killed. This needs to be as discrete as possible, the less attention we draw to ourselves, the better."

    After he finishes his speech, he steps back towards the bulkheads, noticing a figure he had not seen yet in his peripheral vision. Turning his head slightly, the pony comes into view and he gives the new pony an inquisitive glance.

  2. Feather Frost looked at the Inquisitor with a brief, but apparent expression of wonder, pondering wether the Inquisitor didn't hear him, or if he was being deliberately ignored. Dismissing it as being too quiet, he begins to look around the room, but has his attention drawn as another pony enters the room. He turns his head around to see the newcomer, and returns his gaze to the room to inspect his companions.

    "Another Space Marine." He thought to himself as he turned to Chimera, becoming slightly anxious at the thoughts of what they could possibly need that kind of destructive power for.

    Then, he looked at Dusty, frowning inwardly. He assumed most Guardsponies were simple creatures, and this one appeared to be no exception. All brute force, and no forethought. Although, he was slightly impressed by his Heavy Bolter.

    Finally, gazing upon Leadfarmer, he was met with the same reaction. Another Guardspony. "Atleast he's a sniper." he thought, assuming it takes a lot more skill than to spray and pray like the other Guardspony.

    He quickly returns his eyes to the front of the room, directed at the Inquisitor, waiting for him to address the mission at hand.

  3. "Better be on time." Feather thought to himself, hoping to get on the Inquisitor's good side. He knew what the Inquisition was capable of at the slightest provocation, and did not want to upset them. The unfamiliar weight of a bolt pistol hung at his side, and he was slightly eager to fire it for the first time, but also apprehensive of the situation it might be used in.

    He continued down the hall, shyly examining his feet, and nearly bumping into several ponies. The clinical, pristine environment of the hallway was quite different that what he was used to, having grown up on Praetoria. Drifting off into memories of his former life on Praetoria, he continued down the hallway, and soon arrived before the briefing room. He composed himself promptly, and stepped into the room.

    Positioning himself in front of the Inquisitor, he bows deeply, and says, "Imperial Psyker, Feather Frost, my lord." Straightening himself up, he does his best to put on a stoic expression.

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  4. =I=




    Type: Psyker

    Role: Psychic warfare


    Name: Feather Frost

    Physique: Admittedly, I'm a bit skinny and lack muscle mass, but I just hope I never have to use it.

    Colour: I have dark grey, charcoal colored fur, with a slightly lighter, silver mane.

    Cutie Mark: My cutie mark is the Adeptus Astra Telepathica symbol, it was acquired when I realized my psychic ability.


    Brief Background: I was a member of a lower ruling class family on my home planet, until I was found by an Inquisitor.

    Proposed Role: Psychic fighter, Chaos expert.

    Personality Analysis: Feather Frost is a talented fighter, if a little bit distracted. He is often overly curious, to the point of sidetracking his primary mission to investigate what he wants to. Constant affirmation and a little bit of heavy handedness will be needed to keep him in line. Personally, I would keep a watch on his curiosity and interests, to be sure that he does not stray into the path of heresy.

    Thought for the Day

    A mind without purpose will wander in dark places.


  5. Hey, I'm Demir, a 17 year old, male fan of Friendship is Magic.

    Some of my hobbies include amateur metal detecting and history. I love video games (Minecraft, Half-Life, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.), Warhammer 40k, reading (Mainly science fiction and philosophy), circuitry, and many, many other things. Oh and also, Fluttershy is the best pony.

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