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Posts posted by Haserman

  1. Orange had been bouncing around the room for quite some while discussing with himself the possible cookie flavours he could be receiving. At this point in time some may say he was a bit more than intoxicated but to Orange this was his normal blood alcohol percentage on a Monday night, especially after the events he had endured. Eventually Orange had come to the conclusion that the most likely flavour outcome he would receive would be Chocolate chip taking into account the weather and location of Solstice Heights allowing it to have a continuous supply of coco beans forcing the consumer price to be lower than any other flavouring, this in turn with the Doctor's current position in Solstice Heights and lack of other personnel showing the amount of income being representative over the last couple of weeks proving chocolate chips to be the most favourable.

    This rather lengthy conclusion having been come up by a slightly more intoxicated Orange left him with nothing else to do. "Soo bored" Orange muttered to himself while he lay on the floor wallowing in his own boredom. "I'm drunk aren't I? No I'm not. Yes I am. Ok, ok if I can fly upside-down then I'm officially not drunk". Orange immediately got up off the floor and took to the air, the room being slightly large had ample space for a pegasus to take off easily. Orange noticed a slight movement on the ground but assumed it only to be due to his flying. Orange quickly tried to turn upside down and continue flying, a feat quite difficult for most sober and well trained pegasi, at this point in time Orange was neither and quickly fell to the ground in a pile of his own limbs.

    Orange slowly recovered and untangled himself, "oh well I may be slightly drunk but I'm still getting cookies" Orange said cheerily as he began to bounce around the room in anticipation of the sweet confectionery treats. Orange was quickly interrupted by somepony clearing their throat, Orange merely stopped mid-bounce, smiling while still thinking about the cookies.

    "Orange, you weren't... You weren't in an explosion before you came here, were you?"

    "Yes? Maybe?" Orange replied thinking back to why somepony would ask him that, 'Oh sweet Celestia maybe I blew up something of hers and she's here to claim retribution ... IN BLOOD. What can I do, what can I do? Apologise and beg for mercy that's it' Orange thought quickly as he panicked over the worst case scenarios. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry it wasn't my fault my cart exploded. It just kinda exploded I didn't mean to break anything. I'm so sorry, please don't turn me into soup" Orange pleaded hoping he could somehow save himself.

  2. Orange had been deeply enjoying the Vodka even through his new found difficulty pouring it into the absurdly small shot glasses. 'They should make a bigger shot glass that would make sense, no more difficult pouring and more vodka. A win, win. Ha I've solved all the vodka problems in the world, I will be known as Orange Tundra the Vodkavich and will be regarded a hero in Stalliongrad. Ponies will bow down to me for solving the world's greatest problem' Orange thought to himself, picturing himself on a throne ruling a kingdom of vodkavites. Because of this when Doctor Betterbones removed his precious vodka bottle he was devastated. Orange had barely noticed what the Doctor said before but only could remember something involving 'speaking' and 'Doctor' and 'your'. Because of this Orange acted appropriately to this, he acted in a manner similar to any mother if somepony would take away their child, "but ... but, ohhh" was all Orange could mutter in an extraordinarily defeated tone.

    "Why don't you lie down for a bit, take the pressure off that sprain of yours?"

    "mmmhm ok" Orange said in a muffled defeated tone as he began lay down, defeated Orange thought back to all the good times he had with that particular bottle of vodka, though they had only just met they were able to console in each other like old friends, the vodka bottle never judged him or asked questions but just stayed there, the ever present friend. Orange just laid down on the floor defeated.

    "Cookies! I'll go get the cookies I promised. You - wait here."

    Orange's ears perked up at the prospect of cookies, the universal treat for any occasion "YAAY" Orange cheered his missing vodka bottle all but forgotten at the prospect of getting cookies. "Oh I hope their chocolate chip or better yet vodka flavoured" Orange began, as he started to hop around the room like a little (drunken) colt. Orange continued to bounce around the room only swaying slightly with the new found energy.

  3. As the unicorn mare talked to the Doctor, Orange began examining his bottle more and more. Orange didn't want to be involved in this conversation if he didn't have to. 'Strange, Doctor Betterbones looks somewhat happy to have so many people interrupting him' Orange thought to himself.

    "I am Doctor Betterbones, and that over there is my new friend, Mister Dimitri Orangiko Tundra."

    Orange merely looked up from his bottle to acknowledge his name, while smiling inwardly at the thought of making a new friend that day. For most of his days were spent working on the farm he had little time to socialise with other ponies yet alone have time to make decent friends, for the first time today it looked like his luck was starting to change.

    Orange downed another shot of Vodka and started to feel the effects of the Vodka, as the two ponies continued to talk he could start to feel the numbness spreading from his extremities. His mind slowly became fogged, which was a welcomed effect as it wiped the pain from his mind. 'Ah this is the reason why I always carry a bottle of Vodka' Orange thought as the ground began to sway ever so slightly. Orange was no light weight but his vodka was no light weight either for it was barely under the maximum legal alcohol percentage and far above most average drinks. Orange knew how to handle his drink and started to focus all his effort in keeping himself upright. "Ah thank you vodka, you always know how to make me feel better" Orange mumbled/slurred slowly finding it difficult to multitask both standing up and talking.

    Orange set down one of his shot glasses onto the floor preparing to pour himself another drink, 'strange, I don't remember putting two shot glasses down' Orange thought as he tried to force the two images into one. "Ok, ok I got this ... I ... just ... have ... to ... concentrate" Orange mumbled as he started to move his head closer to the floor in an effort to focus on them.

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