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Posts posted by Haserman

  1. Orange poured the remnants of the Vodka in his shot down his throat trying to remember the last time he had done some quality testing on the Vodka. 'This shot passes' he thought to himself trying to remember when he probably made the batch.

    "Come on, Let's see if we can't find you a room that isn't too inhospitable."

    Until now Orange hadn't noticed how large the Doctor's surgery was, it had probably half a dozen separate rooms or more but that might had been due to the Vodka 'that's strange why have such a large Doctor's surgery for such a small town and then have it run by one doctor' Orange pondered getting ready to start firing questions at the Doctor before Orange could start, Doctor Betterbones had started to open a door to a somewhat cozy room yet still sterile room.

    "Let me just open this for you..." Doctor Betterbones remarked, Orange shot the Doctor an unamused look but immediately smiled remembering the previous events involving the front door. "Do what you must, but Celestia herself probably couldn't prevent the bad luck I've been having so far" Orange remarked remembering the exploding Vodka cart and unfavourable door incident. "Now is there somewhere I can go wash off my face? If I don't it may stay like this and have you ever seen a pony with a black sooty face and Orange body ... not a pretty sight" Orange remarked as he began to look around the room for any form of door that may lead to a wash room. Seeing a nondescript door on the other side of the room, Orange walked towards the door only to pause momentarily to cautiously push the door open with his hoof in case a piano or any other strange thing may want to happen to him.

    Orange quickly washed his face in the sink, making himself look at least somewhat respectable, Orange looked into the mirror getting the first sight of his wings: they were slightly singed around the tips but were mostly unharmed. He didn't really care about the weeks it would take for him to be able to fly again as most of his days were spent working the fields tending to his crops or making his vodka.

    "Hello, um ... Doctor Betterbones, is it? I'm Arnica. I'm kind of new around here... is now a bad time?"

    Orange looked towards the source of the voice, that being a white unicorn mare. Orange just assumed her name to be Arnica and that she must have been either an old acquaintance or a family friend. Orange just decided to pour himself another shot thinking of different ways he could possibly serve it, trying to avoid being dragged into a conversation he had no part in joining.

  2. "I had a practice there, helping out all the busy and important ponies... but there were already plenty of medical ponies there, and I felt like I should be somewhere where I could really make more of a difference."

    Orange finished his shot, 'it makes sense, I don't know how ponies can stand living in large cities' Orange thought to himself 'Oh, well at least Vodka makes everything better'. Orange could all to well remember the bustling streets of Stalliongrad, living life amongst the factories and the desperate need to be alone and away from the mass multitude of ponies.

    "You know, now that you've agreed to stay the night in Solstice Heights, you might not have to stay here. There is an inn right outside where you'll be much more comfortable for the night, and warmer, too. These halls get so chilly at night. Since the inn is so close, and there'll be other people around there, I'll be able to tend to you in the night if you do need attention, but as I say, you'll also be more comfortable than staying here."

    "That sounds like a great idea, yeah it would be more comfortable than staying here for the night" Orange instinctly reached down for his bit bag. "Oh great" Orange muttered as he remembered disctinctly placing his bag full of bits into the cart in favor of a Vodka bottle and some shot glasses "Nice one Dimitri" Orange sighed using his Stalliongradish name. "Well this is awkward, my bits sort of took the same trajectory of my cart" Orange tried to mimic an explosion with his hooves as he pictured small destroyed bits raining down around Equestria "So I'll take a guess that most of my bits are scattered around half of Equestria". Orange started to contemplate how he would try to resolve this situation "Damn well I'm kinda screwed, can I stay here and in exchange I'll give you half of what's left in my Vodka bottle" Orange said, "the other half's mine, it's for ... uhhh for quality testing? Yeah, yeah, yeah quality testing".

    Orange didn't like being a burden to anypony especially if they had the power to probably turn him into a apple but he really was stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. He could only hope his gracious offer of his precious vodka would help smooth things over, he really didn't want to become an apple today of all days.

  3. "Headache, memory loss, restlessness, loss of balance... Orange Tundra, you are the walking definition of a grade two concussion. Now, there are no magic pills to fix your problem, but combined with your sprain and bruising, I'm definitely prescribing immediate bedrest. I'll be sending a letter to whomever it is you need to get back to, excusing you, because you need to recover here for at least a night. After that, we'll do some more tests to make sure you're safe to go home."

    Orange was promptly placed into a chair only just barely hearing the last bit of the Doctor's rant, Orange had already started to form the most convincing argument he could possibly come up with at that present moment. "But, but ... bdssd-d-d bu-, but ... work need to fix, lots to do" Orange said half heartedly, he already knew that he was fighting a loosing battle. The Doctor seemed more stern than before but Orange could see the care in his eyes, the Doctor just wanted to make sure his patient was ok. Orange tried one last ditch attempt "But I'm the only person on my farm, I work alone you see" Orange said "I work better that way", Orange muttered under his breath. "If nobody's there absolutely no work will be done ... at all!". Orange put on the most convincing look he could muster at the moment in one last hope for escape.

    Orange could see the determination in the Doctor's eyes and a look that could only be described as 'I'm the Doctor and the Doctor is always right', "Oh ok, you win, I'll just stay around here for a day. Do I have to stay here? If not is there a bar around here? No I doubt it, it's just such a small town am-I-right but hey why are you here, I mean for such a small town why would a Doctor like yourself be here? Oh don't worry about the bar, I never leave home without a bottle" Orange then immediately brought out a bottle of Vodka from seemingly out of nowhere and two shot glasses. It was a simple glass bottle containing crystal clear vodka, only to be blemished with a an orange tinted circle with the words 'vodka now 20% stronger' moulded into the glass. Orange just looked towards the Doctor and calmly asked "Want some, I made it myself?"

  4. I can see that this is a WIP just to help you out for your character summary here is the design of Stalliongrad

    (sorry no easy link can't do it on an iPad)

    If you use some infirmation like the districts should make a really make this app seem more appealing.

    It's also so good to see any those Stalliongrad pony, can't wait to see more threads in Stalliongrad, I've always been tempted to join the only thread there but it never really seemed to fit my character. Anyway if you need any help or if you want to create a new Rp thread in Stalliongrad feel free to Pm me I'm always glad to help anypony.

  5. Orange was always a little wary about unicorn magic but sometimes it was just unavoidable. Orange just tried to ignore the worst case scenarios running through his head, ranging from massive explosion to a large gelatinous fire. 'After I get the ok from the Doctor I can leave' Orange thought to himself over and over again in an effort to calm himself.

    "Congratulations. No fracture"

    Orange was quite relieved at the, Doctor's prognosis the sooner he could out of here the better. All Orange had to do was act like he wasn't in copious amounts pain and he could leave for Stalliongrad.

    "Does your head hurt? Well, I mean, did it still hurt from the explosion before you rammed it against my office door?"

    "Well it did, but it's probably nothing I probably just hit it against the ground" Orange hated lying to anypony 'no It wasn't a lie, it was just a half truth' Orange thought. Orange was still feeling a little weird after the cart mishap as if he as in a bit of a haze, Orange just put it down to just being tired and overworked. Orange looked around trying to avoid the Doctor's eyes, "wow why would there be such a large Doctor's office in a small town like this and why is it so empty, maybe he's a bad doctor, oh no the sooner I get out of here the better" Orange said aloud unaware he was monolouing his thoughts. "So yeah nothing to worry about just a bit of a headache, nothing some sleep back at home can fix" Orange said beginning to feel exceedingly tired. The ground seemed to move as and Orange swayed in an effort to try to stay upright, "I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, really I'm fine" Orange began to mutter to himself as he started to fall down.

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