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Posts posted by Haserman

  1. "How interesting! I've never met a pony who brews vodka, you know. I've also never met a pony who's been in a vodka explosion, so you're something of a novelty, my friend. Stamp your rear left leg for me?"

    "Yes I brew Vodka from my potatoes that I grow out near Stalliongrad, I was just transporting the bottles when I think a bolt of lightning or something struck my cart" Orange winced as he remembered the thought, it would take him weeks to gather and brew the next set of Vodka further delaying his deliveries. Orange remembering the Doctor's request began to place pressure on his rear left leg "it doesn't hurt too much not enough to stop me returning to Stalliongrad", Orange was already thinking out the hate mail he would be receiving for yet another late delivery.

    "Does that leg hurt more when you put pressure on it, or when you stretch it?"

    "A bit of both my friend, but I assure you it isn't too bad, I managed to walk here without too much trouble ... even though I can't remember most of it, I must have been in a bit of a haze", Orange's eyes looked up in an effort to remember what had happened before he had appeared at the Doctor's office, Orange looked slightly dejected and muttered "nope still can't remember"

    Orange was still hopeful of his speedy return to his humble potato/vodka farm to try to produce the lost stock as quickly as possible, if not some of his customers may turn to the alternative cheaper cider that he despised so much. For as long as Orange could remember vodka was only popular in Stalliongrad but after his creation of his farm his life goal was to popularise vodka to the larger Equestrian market, so far many bars and other establishments now sell vodka over the counter, but there was still much to go. If Orange could not continuously supply vodka, months of hard work of advertising and product placement would go down the drain. Orange looked upon the doctor with hopeful eyes waiting for his ultimate prognosis, hoping by Celestia's beard that he would be able to go back to his farm as soon as possible.

  2. hi hi

    There's that seemingly unused island off the Clopton Shores, or perhaps one of the islands in the Gallopocus could be a nice place for australian ponies to hail from?

    That's a great idea but I'll probably will still need admin approval to create a new area but that location would be perfect for it. Thanks

  3. Go go Australian bronies! This is a great idea mate. However, I can't think of ponified names for Aussie cities, and this would be setting an unfortunate precedent. Give it some thought and come up with some great names. I believe in you!

    If you check out this thread some people have come up with names for cities like Marebourne, Hosstralia, Outbuck, Austbraylia, Hooftralia, Coltberra and a few more but I'm having trouble deciding which ones should be incorporated (except the Outbuck that name is bucking awesome) so that's why I started this thread to:

    1. Work out if I can actually design a Country

    2. Names of Cities

    3. Whether people would actually Rp there because Stalliongrad only had 1 thread right now it's kinda sad

    4. Culture whether it should be the misconception Australia is or the real thing but surrounded by the misconception like in real life

    So any suggestions please feel free to post them they'll be much appreciated

  4. Orange had must have fallen asleep upon the lounge as he was awoken by the chiming of the small bell over the door, 'oh that other pegasus must have left' Orange thought as a pony outside started to laugh hysterically, Orange just placed that down to a random happening. 'That pegasus was quite strange, she kept on looking at me as if I was crazy or something, all I did was walk in here, panic ... and feint' "oh damn it" Orange muttered to himself.

    Orange was hoping that he wouldn't make as much as a strange reputation as he did in Ponyville at the recent Nightmare Night where he had feinted approximately 3 times and had hid in a innocent bush, which was eventually uprooted and used as an escape vehicle. "Well great I guess I just emanate craziness" Orange just muttered somewhat deflated "now I guess I'll have to add this town on the list of towns that think I'm a mad pony" Orange suddenly remembered why he was on this couch in this building.

    Orange noticed the doctor standing near his desk looking somewhat bored and curious at the same time 'he probably thinks I'm crazy pony by now who talks to himself' Orange contemplated "So yeah" Orange began speaking awkwardly "I'm just here to make sure I didn't like break anything too important when my cart ... uh sort of exploded it wasn't that bad trust me" Orange tried to defend himself to prevent the Doctor to send him to pony hospital which would take a far too much time and would generally be a hassle "as far as I can tell I'm just a little singed but I'm just here to make sure I'm ok before I start my trek back to Stalliongrad" Orange stated casually finishing off with a cheesy smile in an effort to convince the Doctor that he wasn't that bad. "I don't really remember the incident all that well but I do remember dragging my cart in the rain and then a loud poof and then a bang and then darkness" Orange made the actions with his hooves to imitate the sounds (somehow) "when I awoke my cart was gone but in its place was a large crater some of the nearby trees were singed and some on fire and I was a little more tipsy than usual"

  5. It's not that I prefer it, per se, it's just that my posts have never been spectacularly long. Just what was needed, typically, no more and no less, though sometimes I'd embellish it.

    Well some Rp'ers prefer short Rp sessions, it makes it seem a little bit more conversational but I tend to only write about 200-300 words for each Rp so it's not too long and in some cases I've only written one paragraph, it's really up to your writing style as long as you can convey your message it doesn't matter how long it is.

  6. Overall a great story it's good to see a story that's able to place a little bit of humour into it, without mainly focussing on slapstick humour or going off into the deep end on random jokes. There are just about 3 spelling mistakes and what not but a proof read can fix those but other than that it's a fantastic story. If you need a proof reader just ask me and I'll be more than happy to help you just PM me or reply back to this message. Keep up the good work.

  7. Ok I've been looking around the Rp threads specifically Stalliongrad and Trottingham, this got me thinking about an Australian location as these two places are representations of real countries, my thoughts so far about the main features would it being a large colony off away from the main land mass of Equestria but still under the rein of it.

    Main Ideas

    Main city/ies (Sydney, Melbourne)

    Outback (probably name it the Outbuck)

    Farming area

    Hot Summers

    Strange exotic animals platypus, koala ...


    Australian accents

    I haven't come up with any good names but I did create a thread about it but it's still quite difficult to decide.

    But the main idea is to have a large island colony off the coast of Equestria with one or two large cities but mainly comprised of a large desert. Much like the real Australia it will be surrounded by misconceptions about it's culture and animals (this may change I'm deciding if this should be a stereotypical Australia or the real thing)

    So any thoughts and ideas any good ideas I'll probably edit into this and if I do decide to design this would you the Rp'ers actually want to Rp here and where would I post this plan.

    AN: I am an Australian Brony so if I do decide to make a realistic representation of a ponyfied Australia it would be quite accurate.


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