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Posts posted by Haserman

  1. Hey just wondering would it be possible for me to donate a Steam game. I received it through the Christmas achievements and I don't really want it, anyway the game is Trine and I'm more than happy to donate it for a competition or something.

  2. Hey there, welcome to Camterlot. I hope you'll have as much fun here as I do. Also I tend to type ellipsises a lot too and tend to finish sentences with 'so yeah' if I don't really know how to finish up a conversation (I guess I'm just weird like that)

  3. 1) How old are you and on what continent do you live? (europe, north america, australia, africa, south america...)

    15, Australia

    2) What does it mean, to you personally, to be a brony?

    Essentially for me what it boils down to would be the sense of community created by a large number of people watching a show, MLP acts as common ground for people to socialise and understand each other before moving off into other areas (I spend most of my time mucking around in the Spam Stables for instance). Being a Brony would be the love of the show but also taking the main moral values that encompass it, in an effort to create a better world.

    3) Are you a brony? if so, for how long?

    Yes I am a Brony, I have been one for almost one year now

    4) How do you personally express being a brony? (through art, roleplaying, give your car rainbow stripes, socializing with other bronies, etz)

    Roleplaying, proof reading other peoples' stories, reading fan fiction

    5) Are there any aspects of brony culture/communities/expression that you do not agree with/like? (something you don't like, or dont feel match the way you understand it is to be a brony)

    None whatsoever

    I hope this helps

  4. Hey there, welcome to Canterlot. I hope you'll have as much fun here as I do. It's good to see another TF2 Brony around here if you want you can hit me with a friend request for as I mostly only play TF2 (Username: <|Ozfur|> CPL Haserman), I usually play on an OzFur vs. Saxton Hale server as it has some pony bosses and a few Bronies it depends.

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  5. Hey there, welcome to Canterlot. I hope you'll have as much fun here as I do. If you haven't already may I recommend you start up an application straight away which will allow you to start Rp'ing ASAP. I can't wait to see around the Rp circuit.

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