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Chat Rules

  • Rules

The chat is an extension of Canterlot.com, and all of the rules for the board apply to it as well. However, the Chat is a much more fluid and dynamic environment than the board is, therefore, some variations may be present so please pay close attention to the available guides and rules and check in on them regularly.

Rules (basics):

Respect Staff and each other - Moderators are indicated by coloured names.

Failing to meet staff requests or follow the rules may result in your removal from the chat and/or website.

Links - Please indicate if Links are NSFW (Not safe for Work) when posting/pasting links, pictures, videos, etc. Failing to do so does not give people, including minors that may be present, the choice to view potentially innapropriate content.

If you're not sure if the content is NSFW simply label it as that just in case.

RolePlay - The chatroom is for general discussion, so RolePlay should be kept to an absolute minimum to not disturb others trying to converse.

You are, however, welcome to start a private chat with your friend to RolePlay in.

Language - Clean English must be spoken in chat.

There is to be NO cursing in chat. Action may be taken if you become a nuisance.

We consider cursing to be in the form of any word or connotation you wouldn't find in an animated Disney film regardless of context.

Topics - Allow others to talk and discuss their own topics. Dominating the chat with a singular topic for a period of time can be frustrating to other users, in which case it would be better to take the discussion to a private chat if asked to do so by staff or fellow users.

Staff Presence - There may not always be a staff member / moderator present to prevent abuse and keep the peace. We like to think we can trust the Canterlot.com community to look after it's own.

If you find someone is disrupting your chat experience or blatantly disregarding the chat rules please advise them of the rules and keep a log (copy/paste into a text file) to give to a Moderator when they arrive.

We encourage 'whistle-blowers' and their information will be kept confidential!

Our privacy policy may be viewed here: http://www.canterlot.com/privacypolicy

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