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Misconceptions and Misdirections [private, Opal and Insanity Dash]


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After the long ride from Stalliongrad to Ponyville, Silent Cheer was about ready to collapse. All he needed was a good bed and some breakfast in the morning to be happy right now. Stepping off of the train, he stretched his limbs, and took in the sights around him. The dark wooden planks that he stood on were a bit worn, but held his weight nicely and only squeaked a little as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, trying to regain blood flow to his legs.

Once everybody was off the train, more ponies took their place to get on, and a small crowd formed around the fancy doorway as the flow of the two groups intermingled with one another. Bumping past the other ponies, Silent was almost to the edge of the crowd when a shout from inside the crowd was heard above the rest of the noise.

“My wallet!” somepony yelled, causing Silent to do an about face to see where the shout had come from. One of the higher class ponies had a hoof to his side, where the wallet must’ve been before it got stolen. Then, pandemonium struck. A few policemen who were standing in the corner began to make their way over to the crowd. Everyone else gathered around the pony who had his wallet stolen, and Silent was the only one to notice a single, dark pony making her way around the corner of the station, a raven following her as she brushed against the brick wall. Not able to alert anypony else, Silent began to give chase, hoping to catch the filly before she got away. As he rounded the corner, the pony sensed her pursuer, and began to run, instead of walk. But Silent could sense he was gaining, and it was only a matter of seconds before he would be able to catch the pony, and hand the wallet back to its rightful owner.

((OOC: You don't really have the wallet, by the way. My character's just extremely rash, and rather judgemental.))

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Silent watched as the filly crouched a few feet in front of him, and his tired limbs had no time to respond. Seconds later, he found his muzzle in the dust, and he spat out what dirt he had taken. Turning around, he eyed the pony, giving her his best ‘now look what you’ve done’ face. Taking out his note pad, he quickly wrote down in it, tore off the sheet, and gave it to the filly.

“Hand it over,” the paper said.

Meanwhile, the police began a search of the ponies in the crowd, trying to find the wallet. A few civilians also helped, or made themselves useful by looking along the ground to see if the pony might have dropped the wallet when moving about the train station. No one thought to look down the alleyway in which the two ponies were, and Silent and the filly were left their own business.

There the wallet sat, on the cold rains of the opposite track. As the ponies boarded on the other side, the doors swung shut, and the train started to move. Slowly, the wallet was cut in half and in half again, until nothing was left but a few scraps and a pile of dust.

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Silent eyed the filly down for a second before quickly tearing off another paper, scribbling down a reply as fast as he could move his pen. “Out of the entire throng of ponies, you were the only person of considerable suspicion. Quite a coincidence, if you ask me.” Handing the note to the filly, he immediately noticed her confusion, and he put his hoof to his head in annoyance. This was going to be a long conversation. Somewhere above him, a bird cawed out raucously, but he paid it no mind. Birds were everywhere; he’d actually be more surprised if there wasn’t a bird around.

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Silent cringed as she accidently hit the trash can, and the noise sounded throughout the area. As much as Silent wanted to say he had found the culprit, he was obviously scaring the poor filly. Backing away, his expression softened slightly and almost reached for his notepad again before remembering that she wouldn't even understand what he was writing anyways. So Silent gave the most apologetic face he could muster, hoping to get the point across to the pony in front of him. He was relatively certain that she didn't steal the wallet by now, and felt bad for assuming she did.

Out on the station platform, one of the policemen near the alleyway heard the trash can, and swiveled his ears in the direction of the sound. Walking towards the two ponies, he motioned at Silent with his hoof. "You, sir. I must ask that you step away from the filly." After Silent hesitated for a second, the policeman repeated his request, but stronger this time. Silent slowly backed away to the opposite wall.

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Silent watched as the young pony ran away. I guess I deserve this, he thought to himself.

The police officer motioned for him to follow, and he hung his head, slowly moving his hooves in the direction the officer started heading. As they entered the station platform, though, he looked up to find the atmosphere changed dramatically from when he first exited the train. Everyone was staring at some other pony, or multiple ponies, in the room; each with a suspicious look in their eye. A few eyes turned to Silent, and he felt as if their glance were trying to bore into his very soul, searching to find any hint of darkness that might’ve caused this scene. Now feeling more like a specimen than a pony, Silent made his way to the opposite end of the room where the police officer left him with another to search for the stolen wallet.

After being checked over in some rather inappropriate places, he was led to a smaller group of ponies near the center of the room, which based on the guards on either side Silent guessed to be the suspects found in the crowd. Good luck getting out of this one, you’ve really outdone yourself, he thought.

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Thirty minutes passed, and Silent sat there, watching as the crowd around him got more hostile. With nothing better to do, he began to take in his surroundings, hoping to spot the wallet, or at least anything of interest. The station floor was nothing special, just a whole bunch of wooden planks lined in even rows a few feet above the dirt underneath. The faded pink walls of the exterior of the building were sort of pleasing to look at, though, and he slowly led his eye up to the thatched roof of the building; he was about to work his way back down again, when a slight movement near the top of the building caught his eye.

There! He spotted the filly that he had seen earlier that day, staring down at him. Part of him wanted to bound up there and teach her a lesson, but he settled for a raised eyebrow, and flicked his head back towards the police officer, in hopes that she would get the intent.

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Silent winced as the guard turned around, and wished that the young filly had picked some more passive form of getting the guard’s attention. As if talking would be too hard. However, seeing the young pony’s antics almost made him laugh, and he covered his hand to his mouth to keep from doing so. As the guard swept his gaze over the crowd, Silent quickly regained his composure. Looking up towards the roof again, he shrugged at the filly before looking back down near the ground to keep her from getting caught.

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"Now listen up, we're going to find who did this, and we're going to find him now." The chief started. Silent wasn't exactly in the mood for listening to speeches at the moment, though, and his mind drifted to other places. More specifically, where that dark coated filly had gotten off to. She seemed to rush off in a hurry, but Silent had no idea where she went, or what she was doing. He hoped she hadn't ditched her.

Silent was snapped back to reality as the chief got close to his face. "I said attention! What you're giving me doesn't cut it." All Silent could do was nod furiously, flushed red from embarrassment. As the chief moved on down the line, continuing his speech, he drifted back into pondering on the whereabouts of the filly. Somewhere to the left, a few geese started cawing, which snapped him out of his thought process yet again. Giving up, he crossed his arms over his chest and sulked. When the cawing got louder, however, Silent looked up towards the sky, and the annoyance on his face slowly turned to awe as he saw just how many birds were flying off of the roof above him. Even more amazing was the fact hat they all seemed to have the intent of landing on the station platform. By now, the noise was too loud for he chief to yell over, and Silent laughed as one of the birds flew across the stallion's face.

A tiny voice in the back of his mind told him that this was the time to get away from the crowd. Making sure that everyone was preoccupied with the geese, he slipped down the alleyway that he had met the filly in, and into the town, hoping to find a spot where he could see the filly on the roof.

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As Silent made his way along the alley, a raven landed in the middle of his path and cawed, doing something with his right wing. If he didn't know any better, he would've thought the bird was trying to communicate with him. How silly, Silent thought to himself. He began to walk around the bird, but once again the bird moved in front of him, and waved his wing again.

I must be going crazy. But looking over at where the wing was pointing, he saw a ladder leading up to the roof of the building. Now, ponies weren't necessarily the best at climbing ladders, but after a few minor slips, he finally found himself reaching for the edge of the roof, and from there, swinging his hind legs over the side. The raven flew up from behind, and landed closer to the center of the roof, where he saw the filly, patiently waiting for him. He made a small wave with his hoof, not sure of how to get any message across to her without the use of the written word.

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Silent, however, smiled, and forgetting that she didn't know how to read, tore off another sheet of paper, and wrote down "It's quite alright. The only thing bothering me now is that there are even more people down there who are in the same position I was." After handing the paper to her, he frowned again, and placed a hoof on his chin in thought. We're going to have to get a translator if we want to be able to communicate.

((OOC: If you have any OC's who could act as a translator, that would be great. If not, then we'll just make up some filler character for the time being.))

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Silent flinched, backing up and covering his head with his hooves in shock. The voice was definately the filly's, but the thought of telepathy was too much for Silent to wrap his brain around at the given time. He didn't know how she was doing it in the first place, and he was supposed to respond? Even if he did know how to send his thoughts to her, he would be completely freaked out by doing so.

And while these thoughts seemingly passed through his mind, the only thing that actually came up was Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God! which if he were to actually say aloud would confuse the heck out of anyone who would happen to be passing by at the given time.

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Well. Silent still had no idea what he was supposed to do, but it was now rather obvious that he was successfully sending his thoughts to the filly. Hearing her in his head again, he tried again in a whisper, which was still really loud, by most pony's standards. How about now? Am I doing it right?

((OOC: Sorry for taking so long. Some personal matters came up, and I wasn't in the mood for writing anything for a while.))

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Quite alright, I'm still in one piece, now, aren't I? he replied. Peering out over the edge of the roof, he took a look at the chaos that was once the station platform. Now, I know you don't actually have the wallet, but you wouldn't happen to know where it might've gotten off to by any chance? If this madness doesn't stop soon we might have an all out brawl in the middle of the train station. And indeed, the tension was rising down below. Many seemed to be throwing wild accusations around, causing outrage from those accused, and annoyance from everyone else. If someone were to lose their cool, things wouldn't go down well.

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