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Quest of the Cutie! (Dinky and Twilight Shine!)


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Dinky hummed tunelessly as she skipped down the streets of Fillydelphia. She was looking forward to meeting her new pen-pal! In school back in Ponyville, Dinky's teacher had set each filly and colt a pen-pal, and Dinky and her pen pal had decided to meet up! She checked the piece of paper she had checked so many times before, and giggled as she felt a soft flutter in her belly. She was kinda nervous!

She fumbled with the piece of paper in her mouth and fixed her saddlebag more securely onto her back. She giggled to herself again and continued to skip down the streets, until she found the address she was looking for. The young filly hopped up onto the doorstep and tapped her hoof against the door timidly, hoping that she had the right house, and hoping that somepony was home..

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Twilight was sitting in her room, reading up on things she hadn't finished, when she heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it, mom!" She yelled, hoping it was her new pen-pal. She ran to the door and opened it, and sure enough, her pen-pal, Dinky, was waiting at the door. Twilight grinned and hopped a little. "You must be my new pen-pal!" Twilight said happily. "...You ARE my pen-pal, right?" Twilight asked to confirm.

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Dinky grinned at the filly in front of her. "Hi ... Twilight! Yep, I'm your pen-pal, Dinky! You're my pen-pal right?" Dinky mumbled worriedly, suddenly concerned that she may be confusing this filly's pen-pal with someone else, and maybe she had got the wrong house! She squirmed uncomfortably a little, but seized the moment and continued to talk.

"I've never been to Fillydelphia before! It was like an adventure coming here on the train!" she giggled, tilting her head and hopping around on the doorstep.

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"Oh, well if you're Dinky, then yup! I'm your pen-pal!" Twilight said happily. "No reason to worry anymore!" She said happily, bouncing up and down. She heard Dinky mention something about never have been to Fillydelphia before, and smiled. "I'm sure it's a bit of a change from Ponyville, isn't it?" She laughed.

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Dinky's grin widened and she swished her tail in excitement. "Yay!"

After Twilight's comment about Ponyville, Dinky nodded enthusiastically, happily being able to talk about the one thing she knew well. "Yeah! It's so weird, cuz I know almost every single pony in Ponyville, ya know, with my mommy being a mailmare and all! And here, I don't know anypony!" she said dramatically, looking at Twilight with wide eyes. "Have you ever been to Ponyville?" Dinky asked, completely at east now she had found the right filly.

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Dinky's grin widened and she swished her tail in excitement. "Yay!"

After Twilight's comment about Ponyville, Dinky nodded enthusiastically, happily being able to talk about the one thing she knew well. "Yeah! It's so weird, cuz I know almost every single pony in Ponyville, ya know, with my mommy being a mailmare and all! And here, I don't know anypony!" she said dramatically, looking at Twilight with wide eyes. "Have you ever been to Ponyville?" Dinky asked, completely at east now she had found the right filly.


Twilight laughed again. "No, I can't say I've ever been to Ponyville. I've heard it's a lot of fun there, though!" She said happily. "So, your mom is a mailmare? Does she only deliver to ponies in Ponyville?" Twilight asked curiously.

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Dinky resisted the urge to wriggle more, as the subject of her mommy was brought up. She loved talking about her family, even more than she loved talking about Ponyville!

"Um, I think so! I think she delivers to Cloudsdale too, but that's cuz it's kinda near! She used to live in Cloudsdale too, but she told me that unicorns can't walk on the clouds, so she had to move to Ponyville." Dinky paused, wondering if she was hogging all the limelight. "So this is your house, huh? It's pretty! What do your family do? Do you go to school around here? I love school!"

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"Yup! This is my house! My mom works as an astronomy teacher, and my dad's an explorer. He makes maps and studies geography." Twilight said happily. "Oh, sorry, I just realized the porch isn't the best place to talk, is it? Come on in!" Twilight said, walking into her house.

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Dinky looked around. She hadn't even realised she was still standing on the porch, but she followed Twilight in happily skipping along behind her. "I like the porch! I like inside too! What are we going to do today?" Dinky suddenly frowned, and began to worry that because Twilight's parents sounded so fancy, they might not like her going outside and playing. She hoped they wouldn't have to sit inside and play silly board games all day!

Then Dinky remembered that Twilight had said her dad was an explorer, so she felt slightly more at ease.

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Dinky thought for a minute, and tried to remember all the things she had wanted to do when she met her new pen-pal. "Well, since we both dont have our cutie marks, I was thinking maybe we could do some stuff and maybe we'll get them! I thought about excavation, like digging up old stuff! Or maybe even exploring, like your dad! Is there anywhere to explore around here? This'll be fun!" she paused, and tilted her head again.

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(Dropping the banner now because I'm too lazy xDD )

Dinky grinned and waved a hoof airily. "Oh, why not? It may just earn us our cutie marks! Remember, it could be the tiniest little thing that helps us get them!" Dinky said, looking once again upon her new friend with wide dramatic eyes. She giggled and poked Twilight in the side with her horn gently. "So tell me about these places!" she urged, excited to be out on the hunt for her cutie mark once again.

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(Dropping the banner now because I'm too lazy xDD )

Dinky grinned and waved a hoof airily. "Oh, why not? It may just earn us our cutie marks! Remember, it could be the tiniest little thing that helps us get them!" Dinky said, looking once again upon her new friend with wide dramatic eyes. She giggled and poked Twilight in the side with her horn gently. "So tell me about these places!" she urged, excited to be out on the hunt for her cutie mark once again.

(Me too. XD)

"Well.... Um... I think I heard about a forest not too far away from Fillydelphia..." Twilight said, laughing as Dinky poked her with her horn. "We could try there...."

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Dinky resumed her hopping around excitedly. If she were older, she would have worried that her over-exuberance would have annoyed or intimidated Twilight, but being young and mostly carefree, she didn't worry about such things.

"That sounds awesome! Do you have a map? Maybe we could draw one while we're out there, that'd be cool!" she squeaked, ideas popping into her head all of a sudden. "And maybe we'll come across a tribe of native ponies, and they'll teach us all sort of cool stuff like healing and cool types of magic! Can you do magic yet? I can't. Well, I kinda can lift some things up, but I always end up dropping them." she took in a huge breath after all this, and grinned, not a bit ashamed at her sped up speech.

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Dinky resumed her hopping around excitedly. If she were older, she would have worried that her over-exuberance would have annoyed or intimidated Twilight, but being young and mostly carefree, she didn't worry about such things.

"That sounds awesome! Do you have a map? Maybe we could draw one while we're out there, that'd be cool!" she squeaked, ideas popping into her head all of a sudden. "And maybe we'll come across a tribe of native ponies, and they'll teach us all sort of cool stuff like healing and cool types of magic! Can you do magic yet? I can't. Well, I kinda can lift some things up, but I always end up dropping them." she took in a huge breath after all this, and grinned, not a bit ashamed at her sped up speech.

"No, I don't have a map, but we could very well draw one while we explore! I'm sure my dad would be proud to see that." She said, taking a piece of paper and some crayons out of a dresser. "All right, so we start here." She said, drawing a red X on the map. "...I think. Anyway, we're gonna want to go about 40 steps to the left, 20 steps to the right, and then another 30 steps to the left, and we'll be at the forest!" She said, drawing the paces as she went along.

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"Okay, we'll take some more paper with us, so we can make a map of the forest when we actually get there too!" she said, picking up some spare paper and crayons and putting them into her saddlebag. She then looked around. "Is there anything else we should bring with us?" she asked, thinking hard. "Maybe we should bring some food, in case we meet a giant hungry bear!" she paused, and added. "Or we get hungry, I guess." She smiled crookedly at her new friend and giggled, her excitement bubbling over as she continued to show her inability to sit still.

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"Okay, we'll take some more paper with us, so we can make a map of the forest when we actually get there too!" she said, picking up some spare paper and crayons and putting them into her saddlebag. She then looked around. "Is there anything else we should bring with us?" she asked, thinking hard. "Maybe we should bring some food, in case we meet a giant hungry bear!" she paused, and added. "Or we get hungry, I guess." She smiled crookedly at her new friend and giggled, her excitement bubbling over as she continued to show her inability to sit still.

"Food's a good idea." She said, running off into her kitchen. she started throwing random snacks into her saddlebag, and looked over at Dinky. She was still bouncing around, and Twilight giggled. She closed her saddlebag after putting the snacks in there, and grabbed the map. "Let's go, Dinky! Off on a quest for our cutie marks!" Twilight yelled happily, running out the door.

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Dinky followed her friend out the door, and nearly tripped up in her haste and excitement. She giggled and yelled back. "Yeaaaah!"

She tried to look at the map her friend had. "So, 40 steps to the left!" she said, and went cantering off in that direction, trying to count her hoofsteps along the way. She stopped when she reached 40 and grinned at Twilight. "We're halfway there, explorer!" she yelled, and punched the air.

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Dinky followed her friend out the door, and nearly tripped up in her haste and excitement. She giggled and yelled back. "Yeaaaah!"

She tried to look at the map her friend had. "So, 40 steps to the left!" she said, and went cantering off in that direction, trying to count her hoofsteps along the way. She stopped when she reached 40 and grinned at Twilight. "We're halfway there, explorer!" she yelled, and punched the air.

"Yeah!" Twilight said, punching the air with Dinky. "Now! 20 steps to the right!" she said, counting her hoofsteps as she went ahead. After reaching 20, she stopped. "Almost there!" She said excitedly.

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"And 30 to the left again!" Dinky squealed and trotted off, counting her hoofsteps as she went along. She saw that they had reached the forest, with just one step to go. "Er, 31!" she said, hopping the last step. She took a breath and looked at Twilight excitedly. "We're here," she stated, and waited for her friend to take the first step into the forest, not wanting to admit that she was a little nervous.

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"And 30 to the left again!" Dinky squealed and trotted off, counting her hoofsteps as she went along. She saw that they had reached the forest, with just one step to go. "Er, 31!" she said, hopping the last step. She took a breath and looked at Twilight excitedly. "We're here," she stated, and waited for her friend to take the first step into the forest, not wanting to admit that she was a little nervous.

"Woo!" Twilight said, walking up to Dinky. "So, shall we get going?" She said excitedly, walking into the forest. "Come on, Dinky!" She yelled, walking further inside.

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Dinky followed Twilight, glad to see that she at least wasn't nervous. She shook her head at herself and giggled quietly. Nervous! Pfah! She grinned and took out some paper. "Okay so the entrance is here." she said, marking it on the paper with a crayon. She then rolled up the paper and walked further in, while glancing around. "Woah, it's like the Everfree Forest back home!" she exclaimed, and then realised she had never actually been in the Everfree, except on Nightmare Night, when they deposit their candy in front of Nightmare Moon's statue. "I mean, what I think it would be like!"

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Dinky followed Twilight, glad to see that she at least wasn't nervous. She shook her head at herself and giggled quietly. Nervous! Pfah! She grinned and took out some paper. "Okay so the entrance is here." she said, marking it on the paper with a crayon. She then rolled up the paper and walked further in, while glancing around. "Woah, it's like the Everfree Forest back home!" she exclaimed, and then realised she had never actually been in the Everfree, except on Nightmare Night, when they deposit their candy in front of Nightmare Moon's statue. "I mean, what I think it would be like!"

"Well, I would assume most forests look the same, if not at least similar." She said, looking around. "Wow, it's sort of dark in here.... Lucky for me..." She said, rummaging through her saddlebag and taking out a flashlight. "I always carry a flashlight with me." She said, turning the Flashlight on and holding the light in front of them.

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Dinky thought this was a rather strange thing to bring in her bag, and so tilted her head. "Why do you always carry a flashlight? Do you go exploring a lot? That must be it!"

She grinned and continued on their way, as Dinky bravely continued to ignore what she thought was the snapping of twigs and the crunching of leaves from all around them. Come on Dinky, there can't be anything bad in here! she thought to herself. I mean, we wouldn't be here if there was anything bad!

"So, how do we get our cutie marks," Dinky pondered out loud, looking around for something to explore further.

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