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City life to Country life ( Closed )


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( Hey guys, new at this.....So i need people to be some characters so just type ( ) for whatever character you are, for example i need someone to play as my brother. Here i will just make a list: RainbowDash, My brother, Twilight Sparkle, Apple Jack, FlutterShy, PinkiePie, and some other side characters. Thanks if you are reading this ) MorningDawn woke up on the wrong side of the trash can. He slept next to a bakery so he decided to grab a half-eaten loaf of bread and eat it. His brother was out working so he had to stay in the area. MorningDawn lives in Manehatten, not a very big place for richness. He trotted over to the wall where he made his art. He studied his brother's face, made a few marks and then nodded in agreement. He never really knew what happen to his parents, or his brother never told him. MorningDawn looked small and young because he was. He lifted up his hoody, then stared at the ball that never moved, he doesn't know what a bouncy ball is, so he just looked at it, observing. He trotted back over to the trash can and hopped back in. His day was going to be like this for the rest of his life, unless his brother gets a better job.

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(I'll play as a couple if you'd like. I can play Pinkie, your brother who has no name still, Dash, Starbuster (of course) and maybe Fluttershy if you need someone to do multiple till you get more people helping out.)

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Moonshine was at a gallop when he reached the place that he and Morning Dawn had been staying for the past couple weeks. He was more than excited to tell him that he got a new job working in Ponyville, helping some ponies named Mr. and Mrs. Cake with some baking, since their current assistant was being overloaded. [colour=#0000ff]"Morning Dawn! Where are you? I got a new job! Morning Dawn?"[/colour]

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MorningDawn poked his head out of the trashcan hearing his brother's voice. He heard everything that he said. He hopped out of the trash can and hugged his brother. " When are we leaving?" He was a little to excited. He started hopping up and down.

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[colour=#0000cd]"Woah buddy, pack your things, we're leaving tonight. I have a friend coming to help us move our things. You know her, she's a friend of yours too." [/colour]Moonshine laughed. [colour=#0000cd]"She'll be here in like ten minutes, so hurry up and get your things together."[/colour]

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He grabbed his tattered up knapsack then he grabbed his bouncy ball. His stomach growled, but he tried to hide it so that way his brother did not need to brother did not need to pay for his lunch. He made sure his hoody was in good condition.

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Moonshine heard MorningDawn's stomach. He chuckled to himself. [colour=#0000cd]"She's bringing food. You just have to wait a little longer." [/colour]He got all his stuff together, in enough bags that at least 3 people were needed to carry everything.[colour=#0000cd]"She should be here any minute, we'll eat, and then we'll head out."[/colour]

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MorningDawn looked at his brother. He knew his last job was delivering mail. That did not end up so well. He hopped into the dumpster and looked around for what seemed to be a half eaten cupcake. He gobbled it up. Then he hopped back out. He packed all of his things: Chalk, Mr. Squiggles, his bouncy ball, and then his small pillow. Mr. Squiggles was a small stuffed bear. MorningDawn never went to sleep without him.

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Moonshine watched as MorningDawn collected his things. Starbuster came flying down just in the nick of time carrying two pies.[colour=#800080] "Here you go guys, Pinkie didn't want you guys to be hungry when you get there, seeing as how there's so much food." [/colour]She set the pie in front of MorningDawn, and the other in front of Moonshine. [colour=#800080]"Have at it boys, i already ate. Pinkie wouldn't let me leave without eating first, so i'm... stuffed, to say the least." [/colour]She smiled at MorningDawn.[colour=#0000cd] "Eat up, brother, it'll be a bit before we can eat again." [/colour]Starbuster pulled out a note from the basket the pies were in. there was a note from Pinkie to Moonshine. [colour=#ee82ee]"Hi there Moonshine! I'm really looking forward to meeting you and working with you! You'll be a huge help to me and I need it! See you soon! - Pinkie Pie." [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"Well that's quite nice of her. Here MorningDawn, have a look." [/colour]He handed the note to MorningDawn.

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MorningDawn struggled to read the note, he never did get an education just because of the fact that he was in the city. He tried to read it but, he hand the note back to his brother. " Thats nice." he tells his brother. He takes a bite out of his pie then, puts half of it in his knapsack for later, so he did not have to go hungry again. He asked his brother, " Isn't she the nice pony who babysits me. Well from time to time."

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(Is Moonshine a Unicorn, Pegasi or Earth pony?)

[colour=#0000cd]"No that's Fluttershy, and she can't wait to see you again. Pinkie is the one who is the fun bouncy one. Fluttershy is the quiet one who babysits you sometimes, she's really excited." [/colour]He got closer so only MorningDawn could hear him. [colour=#0000cd]"I'm sure Twilight Sparkle can make some time to help you learn to read and write, or Spike will. Just ask if you'd like me to set that up." [/colour][colour=#800080]"Alright boys, we gotta get going." [/colour]Starbuster picked up the bag she'd be carrying. [colour=#800080]"let's go." [/colour]she started off.

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BlueViolet stood outside in the garden and watered the flowers when she saw Pinkie Pie. [colour=#0000ff]"[/colour][colour=#000000]Hi Pinkie! How are you today?"[/colour]-she asked from her and put down the watering can.

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Pinkie Pie bounced along, humming to herself and greeting all the ponies as she passed them. "Hi Pinkie, how are you today?" A pony named BlueViolet asked her while she was tending to her garden, watering what Pinkie thought were beautiful flowers. [colour=#ee82ee]"I'm doing good, but aren't I always doing good? Your flowers are beautiful! I wish I could grow flowers like you do, but i'm much better at making cakes and making people smile!" [/colour]She had a big old smile on her face, one well known to Ponyville, as she looked at BlueViolet's flowers. [colour=#ee82ee]"Anyways, enough about that, how has your day been going? I hope it's been good!"[/colour]

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( he is a pegasus) MorningDawn was happy to hear that FlutterShy was actually excited. She never really was excited unless it had to do with animals. Mr. Squiggles sat on MorningDawn's back, he looked back just to make sure that he did not fall. There were two options. one was to fly to PonyVille, ( MorningDawn never learned to fly so he had to ride on his brothers back , but he probably would be to tired) and option two was to walk to PonyVille. As MorningDawn was thinking of choices he heard a big Boom! He ran back into the trashcan then peeped out just to make sure that it was safe. " What was th- ooooo. What is that." MorningDawn looked into the sky where beautiful colors were everywhere.

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Pinkie Pie bounced along, humming to herself and greeting all the ponies as she passed them. "Hi Pinkie, how are you today?" A pony named BlueViolet asked her while she was tending to her garden, watering what Pinkie thought were beautiful flowers. [colour=#ee82ee]"I'm doing good, but aren't I always doing good? Your flowers are beautiful! I wish I could grow flowers like you do, but i'm much better at making cakes and making people smile!" [/colour]She had a big old smile on her face, one well known to Ponyville, as she looked at BlueViolet's flowers. [colour=#ee82ee]"Anyways, enough about that, how has your day been going? I hope it's been good!"[/colour]

"Thanks Pinkie!"-she said in her soft voice than she smiled at her. "Im doing well. I can give you flower seeds anytime if you want."-she said when she heared a boom and saw that the whole sky was rainbow colored. She tittered a little than she said. "I see Rainbow Dash did the Sonic Rainboom again."-she said as she watched the multi colored sky.
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Dash flew like lightning through the sky. She dodged this way and that throughout the clouds, spinning them round and round, did some loops, and rose high into the sky. [colour=#00ffff]"Let's see if people are impressed by THIS!" [/colour]She shouted, flying into a steep dive. Accelerating faster and faster, she flew towards the ground. She felt the spark when she reached the point of no return, and dove even faster, almost straight down. Reality bent around her as she neared the explosion, making her more sleek and aerodynamic, and then it happened. She did the Sonic Rainboom. That's what everyone wanted to see. The explosion of every colour in her mane flew out, far and wide throughout Ponyville and the nearby towns. [colour=#00ffff]"YES!!!!" [/colour]Rainbow Dash yelled as she soared through the sky, her bright rainbow mane streaming through the sky behind her. [colour=#00ffff]I need to go see Twilight to see if she can find out how to make this easier. [/colour]She thought, and with that, soared off in the direction of Twilight's house.

( he is a pegasus) MorningDawn was happy to hear that FlutterShy was actually excited. She never really was excited unless it had to do with animals. Mr. Squiggles sat on MorningDawn's back, he looked back just to make sure that he did not fall. There were two options. one was to fly to PonyVille, ( MorningDawn never learned to fly so he had to ride on his brothers back , but he probably would be to tired) and option two was to walk to PonyVille. As MorningDawn was thinking of choices he heard a big Boom! He ran back into the trashcan then peeped out just to make sure that it was safe. " What was th- ooooo. What is that." MorningDawn looked into the sky where beautiful colors were everywhere.

Moonshine laughed pleasantly. [colour=#0000cd]"That's just Rainbow Dash up to her tricks again. I think she's still trying to get into the Wonderbolts, but maybe not, you can ask her sometime when we get there." [/colour][colour=#4b0082]"Cmon guys, or we never WILL get there." [/colour]Starbuster glared at Moonshine. [colour=#4b0082]"I'll take my load there by air. It'll be faster so I can tell everyone you guys are coming. I'll see you guys later." [/colour]Starbuster took off[colour=#4b0082]. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"See you there!" [/colour]Moonshine said, watching her fly away into the distance.[colour=#0000cd] "We better start walking... It'll be a while before we get there."[/colour]

"Thanks Pinkie!"-she said in her soft voice than she smiled at her. "Im doing well. I can give you flower seeds anytime if you want."-she said when she heared a boom and saw that the whole sky was rainbow colored. She tittered a little than she said. "I see Rainbow Dash did the Sonic Rainboom again."-she said as she watched the multi colored sky.

[colour=#ee82ee]"Dashie does that all the time now! She's perfected it. It's still just as beautiful. Anyways, I'd love some of your flower seeds when they're ready to be planted, because you know how i hate waiting. When I hear about something I just wanna do it right then!" [/colour]She smiled and stopped, realizing she was being hyperactive again when she was jumping up and down about it. [colour=#ee82ee]"Or are they ready right now?" [/colour]Pinkie Smiled widely, hoping that they were so she could take some.

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MorningDawn did his portion of walking, then he decided to give a try at flying. He used all of his force but he only got 2 feet of the ground. " Ugh, I will never learn to fly." He was discouraged he wanted to give up, so he walked the rest of the way.

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Moonshine saw his discouragement. [colour=#0000cd]"Don't be so hard on yourself, brother, you'll get there, trust me. Your wings aren't quite fully developed, and even when they are, It took me forever to learn how to fly, you'll get it down, and then you'll be flying everywhere." [/colour]He walked next to his brother. [colour=#0000cd]"Trust me, you'll miss it when you can fly."[/colour]

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