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City life to Country life ( Closed )


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Moonshine looked over at Morning Dawn and lowered his eyes. [colour=#0000cd]"Well, we don't really have one yet... but Starbuster is letting us stay in her house until we can buy our own." [/colour]He perked back up again. [colour=#0000CD]"[/colour][colour=#0000cd]She really is excited that we live here now, her and Fluttershy have been working together for a while now. Fluttershy watches the animals during the day, and Starbuster watches for critters at night, so she's going to be out and about during the night time and home at day time. Feel free to chat with her whenever. But don't you be rude, she owns the house and i wouldn't want you being rude to her and her kicking us out." [/colour]Glancing around, he saw that they were just outside the town. [colour=#0000cd]"Well here we are, this is Ponyville, our new home. Go and take a look around, I'll be at the Sugar Cube Corner when you need me, go introduce yourself to some of the ponies. All of them are really friendly." [/colour]He smiled at Morning Dawn. [colour=#0000cd]"AND DON'T BE SHY!" [/colour]He shouted from down the road, leaving Morning Dawn in the center of town.

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MorningDawn really had to listen to that last part. His life was meek and shyness, so trying not to be was a new one on him. He did however, love to explore new places. He ran this way and that he walked toward what he remembered of this small town. He saw a bunny run, so he decided to chase it. Where was it leading him to? He just followed the bunny until.." Ow," he bumped his head into a fence, then he looked up to see a house. He walked up the pathway to this house, then he decided that no one was home so he walked back down the pathway when......The door swung open.

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Dash flew like lightning through the sky. She dodged this way and that throughout the clouds, spinning them round and round, did some loops, and rose high into the sky. [colour=#00ffff]"Let's see [/colour]

[colour=#ee82ee]"Dashie does that all the time now! She's perfected it. It's still just as beautiful. Anyways, I'd love some of your flower seeds when they're ready to be planted, because you know how i hate waiting. When I hear about something I just wanna do it right then!" [/colour]She smiled and stopped, realizing she was being hyperactive again when she was jumping up and down about it. [colour=#ee82ee]"Or are they ready right now?" [/colour]Pinkie Smiled widely, hoping that they were so she could take some.

"Of course Pinkie"-she said and smiled at her. "Just a minute and i will bring you some."-sha said and walked into the little shop and started to search for the flower seeds.

"No...no...yes! Pinkie will probably love this." Said BlueViolet and put some of the seeds into a little bag and went back outside to Pinkie. "Dont forget to water them."-she said as she gave the little bag to her than smiled at her. "Can i ask where are you heading now?"

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MorningDawn really had to listen to that last part. His life was meek and shyness, so trying not to be was a new one on him. He did however, love to explore new places. He ran this way and that he walked toward what he remembered of this small town. He saw a bunny run, so he decided to chase it. Where was it leading him to? He just followed the bunny until.." Ow," he bumped his head into a fence, then he looked up to see a house. He walked up the pathway to this house, then he decided that no one was home so he walked back down the pathway when......The door swung open.

Fluttershy was tending to a sick bird when she heard a thump outside. [colour=#ffd700]"EEK!" [/colour]She squealed, hiding behind her couch. What am I doing, it's the middle of the day, there's nothing scary out there, it's probably Pinkie Pie. She came out from behind the couch and went to the door, opening it, she saw MorningDawn outside. [colour=#ffd700]"Hello MorningDawn, I haven't seen you in a while. Come in. well.... if you'd like...I've made some cookies."[/colour]

"Of course Pinkie"-she said and smiled at her. "Just a minute and i will bring you some."-sha said and walked into the little shop and started to search for the flower seeds.

"No...no...yes! Pinkie will probably love this." Said BlueViolet and put some of the seeds into a little bag and went back outside to Pinkie. "Dont forget to water them."-she said as she gave the little bag to her than smiled at her. "Can i ask where are you heading now?"

Pinkie bounced up and down, waiting for BlueViolet to come back out with the seeds. BlueViolet came out "Don't forget to water them." she said, handing Pinkie Pie the bag of seeds. "Can I ask where are you heading now?" [colour=#ee82ee]"Oh i'm going to the Sugarcube Corner, the Cakes hired a new pony to help me there, i've been completely overloaded recently. I haven't met him yet, so i'm going to go do that. he's going to be living in town, so you can come too if you'd like!" [/colour]She smiled, curious as to what this new pony looked like.

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MorningDawn walked in " I'm sorry to bother you at such a time, but i was just chasing a bunny and it led me to here," MorningDawn eyeballed the cookies she set out for him. He never did get the chance to eat cookies.....Well...non eaten ones. He walked around the house remebering what he did while he was over. That took MorningDawn into a flashback.

" Come and find me, FlutterShy," MorningDawn giggled, then he hid in a small pile of blanets nearby. He peeked his eyes to see if she was looking for him. " Got you!" MorningDawn laughed then ran around the house. When FlutterShy caught him they both giggled. He walked over to the table where they were going to eat. He looked at his food with query. He never had the chance to eat high class food like this, after all his brother was working hard to find a home. It was not Moonshine's fault that he did not eat very often, but when he did it was a small portion. Then Moonshine was desperate to get me an education and food to eat, and a place to live, and clothes on my back, so Moonshine went into what MorningDawn called the " Lonely Age" When Moonshine was gone for days at a time non stop working, so Moonshine could not help his brother he told him sadly to eat out of the dumpsters. He did not mind. MorningDawn ate his food then he walked over to the couch and hopped up, then he closed his eyes and rested.

MorningDawn shook his head back to reality, " Uh, Yea," he did not really hear what she said.

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MorningDawn walked in " I'm sorry to bother you at such a time, but i was just chasing a bunny and it led me to here," MorningDawn eyeballed the cookies she set out for him. He never did get the chance to eat cookies.....Well...non eaten ones. He walked around the house remebering what he did while he was over. That took MorningDawn into a flashback.

" Come and find me, FlutterShy," MorningDawn giggled, then he hid in a small pile of blanets nearby. He peeked his eyes to see if she was looking for him. " Got you!" MorningDawn laughed then ran around the house. When FlutterShy caught him they both giggled. He walked over to the table where they were going to eat. He looked at his food with query. He never had the chance to eat high class food like this, after all his brother was working hard to find a home. It was not Moonshine's fault that he did not eat very often, but when he did it was a small portion. Then Moonshine was desperate to get me an education and food to eat, and a place to live, and clothes on my back, so Moonshine went into what MorningDawn called the " Lonely Age" When Moonshine was gone for days at a time non stop working, so Moonshine could not help his brother he told him sadly to eat out of the dumpsters. He did not mind. MorningDawn ate his food then he walked over to the couch and hopped up, then he closed his eyes and rested.

MorningDawn shook his head back to reality, " Uh, Yea," he did not really hear what she said.

Fluttershy shook her head and giggled. [colour=#ffd700]"You know i love having you over, silly, I used to babysit you all the time. So what are you doing in town? Did your brother get a job in Ponyville? or are you just passing through?" [/colour]Fluttershy sat, patiently waiting for an answer from Morning Dawn.

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Pinkie bounced up and down, waiting for BlueViolet to come back out with the seeds. BlueViolet came out "Don't forget to water them." she said, handing Pinkie Pie the bag of seeds. "Can I ask where are you heading now?" [colour=#ee82ee]"Oh i'm going to the Sugarcube Corner, the Cakes hired a new pony to help me there, i've been completely overloaded recently. I haven't met him yet, so i'm going to go do that. he's going to be living in town, so you can come too if you'd like!" [/colour]She smiled, curious as to what this new pony looked like.

"A new pony?"-she blinked at Pinkie. "Of course i will go with you."-she smiled at her. "I want to meet him too, but i cant stay so long if it isnt a problem...I mean somepony needs to run the shop." BlueViolet looked at herself. "I cannot go like this."-she thought in herself than she looked at Pinkie Pie. "Can you wait for a little..I mean i will get on something...of course if you have enough time."
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" Uh, Yea....He got a job, but we have to stay at his friend's house for a while." MorningDawn was still looking back at his memories.

[colour=#FFD700]"Oh well that's good. I'm really happy for you two. Is something bothering you?" [/colour]Fluttershy asked, noticing that he wasn't really paying attention.

"A new pony?"-she blinked at Pinkie. "Of course i will go with you."-she smiled at her. "I want to meet him too, but i cant stay so long if it isnt a problem...I mean somepony needs to run the shop." BlueViolet looked at herself. "I cannot go like this."-she thought in herself than she looked at Pinkie Pie. "Can you wait for a little..I mean i will get on something...of course if you have enough time."

[colour=#ee82ee]"Sure! I'm always willing to wait if a friend will come with me!"[/colour] Pinkie smiled. [colour=#ee82ee]"I'll just wait over here." [/colour]She set off, sitting and admiring the flowers in BlueViolet's garden, smelling them and laughing when she had pollen stuck to her nose. She sneezed and it flew off, and she laughed again.

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" No, nothing is really wrong," MorningDawn walked around the room," I am just remembering when you baby sitted me."

[colour=#FFD700]"Oh, i see. Would you like me to leave you to your thoughts? I have other things i can do..." [/colour]Fluttershy said sheepishly, moving towards the back door. [colour=#ffd700]"I'll just be in the garden if you need me." [/colour]She said, leaving Morning Dawn to his thoughts and exiting out the back door.

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MorningDawn hated being alone. He would probably be alone for the rest of his life, even romanticly. He knows he is a little young to go out with a mare, but he knows that he is actually not as young as ponies think he is. He actually is a year younger than his big brother, but because of his size and the fact that Moonshine did not spend very much time with him, Moonshine thought that MorningDawn was still a small pony. He did not want to correct him. His feelings for somepony never changed, but one pony stood in his way. That mare was making him feel all mushy and stuff.

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MorningDawn hated being alone. He would probably be alone for the rest of his life, even romanticly. He knows he is a little young to go out with a mare, but he knows that he is actually not as young as ponies think he is. He actually is a year younger than his big brother, but because of his size and the fact that Moonshine did not spend very much time with him, Moonshine thought that MorningDawn was still a small pony. He did not want to correct him. His feelings for somepony never changed, but one pony stood in his way. That mare was making him feel all mushy and stuff.

( O.O )

Fluttershy sat in the garden, tending to a bird she was taking care of, since it was sick. [colour=#ffd700]"Aw, you poor thing... I'll be right back with some medicine..." [/colour]She went back inside and saw that Morning Dawn hadn't moved and looked like he was in another world. She left him be, trying not to disturb his thoughts. She went into her kitchen and rummaged around for some medicine, then went back outside to tend to the bird again.

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( what....Its his desire not mine....)

(No i just never saw that one coming, i'm not saying it was a bad thought, just i have no idea who you're referring to.)

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[colour=#ee82ee]"Sure! I'm always willing to wait if a friend will come with me!"[/colour] Pinkie smiled. [colour=#ee82ee]"I'll just wait over here." [/colour]She set off, sitting and admiring the flowers in BlueViolet's garden, smelling them and laughing when she had pollen stuck to her nose. She sneezed and it flew off, and she laughed again.

BlueViolet picked up her hat from the table which was decorated with flowers in every kind of colours. She watched herself in the mirror and a little smile signified that she is ready to leave. She went back to Pinkie who was in the garden and smelt her BlueViolets flowers when she went back to her. "Okay Pinkie! Im ready to go!"-she said

and closed the shop door.

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BlueViolet picked up her hat from the table which was decorated with flowers in every kind of colours. She watched herself in the mirror and a little smile signified that she is ready to leave. She went back to Pinkie who was in the garden and smelt her BlueViolets flowers when she went back to her. "Okay Pinkie! Im ready to go!"-she said

and closed the shop door.

Pinkie smiled and they set off for Sugarcube Corner. [colour=#ee82ee]"So what do i have to do for these flowers to be planted right?" [/colour]Pinkie asked. She'd never worked with flowers before. [colour=#ee82ee]"Well we're almost there, i'll have you tell me later. So you've never met Moonshine? Have you heard anything about him?" [/colour]Pinkie asked.

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MorningDawn sat there thinking about his life. He actually was amazed that he had never learn to read. He was 14 years old already and his brother was a year older than him. He had been baby sitted by FlutterShy, but when he was young. No one knew he was 14, everypony thought that he was 9, so he shrugged and went on with it. He had to act like a kid around the others. He stepped outside and looked at FlutterShy's beautiful garden that he had helped very little to make. He only planted one plant that confused the others. Other ponies would plant roses and other flowers, but MorningDawn planted a Sorrow flower. The tear-shaped plant got its name by the first settlers of PonyVille. He thought that the Sorrow flower represented his life, first saddened then after a few years, blossoming into a beautiful form. ( a heart shape form) He walked over to the red plant, still growing. Sorrow flowers actually, if lucky enough, grew into bushes, or trees. This one was about the size of a small bush, on its way to a tiny tree.

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Pinkie smiled and they set off for Sugarcube Corner. [colour=#ee82ee]"So what do i have to do for these flowers to be planted right?" [/colour]Pinkie asked. She'd never worked with flowers before. [colour=#ee82ee]"Well we're almost there, i'll have you tell me later. So you've never met Moonshine? Have you heard anything about him?" [/colour]Pinkie asked.

"No I havent."-she said as she walked next to Pinkie Pie. "Please tell me about him."-she asked from her. "I mean, where is he come from or...I dont know...anything what you can tell me about Moonshine."-she said and looked at Pinkie. "And how am I look like? You know, i want to make a good impression"
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  • 2 weeks later...

MorningDawn sat there thinking about his life. He actually was amazed that he had never learn to read. He was 14 years old already and his brother was a year older than him. He had been baby sitted by FlutterShy, but when he was young. No one knew he was 14, everypony thought that he was 9, so he shrugged and went on with it. He had to act like a kid around the others. He stepped outside and looked at FlutterShy's beautiful garden that he had helped very little to make. He only planted one plant that confused the others. Other ponies would plant roses and other flowers, but MorningDawn planted a Sorrow flower. The tear-shaped plant got its name by the first settlers of PonyVille. He thought that the Sorrow flower represented his life, first saddened then after a few years, blossoming into a beautiful form. ( a heart shape form) He walked over to the red plant, still growing. Sorrow flowers actually, if lucky enough, grew into bushes, or trees. This one was about the size of a small bush, on its way to a tiny tree.

Fluttershy saw MorningDawn admiring the flowers. [colour=#ffd700]"Are you sure you're okay?"[/colour] She asked. [colour=#ffd700]"I mean, we dont have to talk about it..." [/colour]She trailed off. [colour=#ffd700]"I've watched you for years and I've never seen you like this before... Something stressing you out? You can talk to me. I mean, If you want to..." [/colour]She trailed off again.

"No I havent."-she said as she walked next to Pinkie Pie. "Please tell me about him."-she asked from her. "I mean, where is he come from or...I dont know...anything what you can tell me about Moonshine."-she said and looked at Pinkie. "And how am I look like? You know, i want to make a good impression"

Pinkie giggled. [colour=#ee82ee]"You look fine, silly! He's from Manehattan, and he's gonna be working with me at Sugarcube Corner!" [/colour]She smiled wide, and then the smile disappeared. [colour=#ee82ee]"Well, I don't know a lot about him... I know he has a little brother, and they lived in trash cans..." [/colour]She said, a contemplative look on her face. [colour=#ee82ee]"And I think he's living with a pony named Starbuster until he gets enough money to buy his own house." [/colour]She went back to smiling again. [colour=#ee82ee]"But that's okay, It's better than trash cans. Starbuster's such a nice pony for letting him stay with her. I'd let him stay with me, but I live with the Cakes already!"[/colour] She laughed to herself, bouncing along the dirt road they walked on. She got closer to BlueViolet and whispered. [colour=#ee82ee]"I think Starbuster's letting them stay with her cuz i think she likes Moonshine... Shhh... Dont tell anypony."[/colour] She winked and bounced along down the road.

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MorningDawn turned around to see FlutterShy, " I am fine it's just........a small problem..," MorningDawn needed an excuse, " School, i mean i haven't gone to school and im fourte- I mean 5. What if i fail? Every pony will laugh and make fun of me."

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Pinkie giggled. [colour=#ee82ee]"You look fine, silly! He's from Manehattan, and he's gonna be working with me at Sugarcube Corner!" [/colour]She smiled wide, and then the smile disappeared. [colour=#ee82ee]"Well, I don't know a lot about him... I know he has a little brother, and they lived in trash cans..." [/colour]She said, a contemplative look on her face. [colour=#ee82ee]"And I think he's living with a pony named Starbuster until he gets enough money to buy his own house." [/colour]She went back to smiling again. [colour=#ee82ee]"But that's okay, It's better than trash cans. Starbuster's such a nice pony for letting him stay with her. I'd let him stay with me, but I live with the Cakes already!"[/colour] She laughed to herself, bouncing along the dirt road they walked on. She got closer to BlueViolet and whispered. [colour=#ee82ee]"I think Starbuster's letting them stay with her cuz i think she likes Moonshine... Shhh... Dont tell anypony."[/colour] She winked and bounced along down the road.

"I won't. You can trust in me, Pinkie."-she said with a smile in her face. "but Starbuster...hmmm...I swear i heared this name somewhere before." BlueViolet tried to remember back where she could hear that name while she watched the ground. "I dont kow Pinkie...but...nevermind."-she said as she gave up the trying than she realized that they have arrived to the Sugarcube Corner. BlueViolet wanted to be polite so she went forward and opened the door for Pinkie. "After you."-she said and showed a kind smile.

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