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Minty's Glorious Roleplay Idea Thread

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These are the roleplay ideas I have at the moment. Please tell me if you are at all interested in any of them.

Keep in mind that when I reference an OC in any of these pairings, I am not referring to any particular OC that I have made beforehand. I never actually make any OC until the roleplay is being planned. That way if YOU wanted to play the OC character, you could do so, and invent your own character. ...Or maybe you happen to have a ready-made OC that fits super well into a certain one. I would be more hesitant to agree to that (because I'm afraid of mary sues oAo; ), but I am not against it.

Okay~ Lets get to the story ideas then~

I will add more here if I come up with more.

A Humble Pegasus

Rainbow Dash x OC

*A Pegasus has recently moved into Ponyville. They have some talent at flying, but Rainbow Dash still felt comfortable that this pony would never be as good as she was. And then the unthinkable happened. This Pegasus broke a flying record that had previously been held by Dash. She is distraught by this and convinces herself that the other pegasus did it out of spite towards her. So she trains hard and eventually breaks the record a second time... But much to her surprise, this pegasus isn't mad about it. Actually, they are happy for Rainbow Dash, and congratulate her victory. Dash soon realizes that this pony may not be the better flier, but they are a wonderful humble pony. What happens after that becomes complicated. Dash has a crush and doesn't know what to do about it. And the humble pegasus pony that she crushes over has a dark secret. A reason why they have run to a small town like Ponyville.

(( And no, I have no idea what the dark secret is. We'd need to figure that detail out together. XD;; ))

The Heir(ess) and the Farmer

Applejack? x OC

*A rich Canterlot Pony has been kicked out of the house by his/her parents for being an insufferable spoiled brat, and having no respect for the family's money. They kick them out, hoping that perhaps this will shock them into learning some humility. Being a stubborn pony, the formerly-rich Canterlot Pony wanders, searching for a place to live and not finding any. They somehow wander so far that they arrive in Ponyville on the doorstep of the Apple Family, covered in mud and distraught over their situation. Applejack decides that she will open up her home to this pony, so long as they promise to work hard on the farm in exchange. Slowly the pony learns to be humble, and to care about others. They also fall in love with Applejack ((Or possibly Big Mac, or an older Applebloom if you'd prefer that.)) But they are afraid, because even if their parents wanted them to be humble and not spend all their money on stupid things, they most certainly did not want them to run off with some uncouth country pony.

How to be a Stallion

Spike x Rarity

*Spike gets turned into a pony. He has grown up a little, and is falsely convinced for whatever reason that his only chance with Rarity is to stop being a dragon and turn into a stallion. So he foolishly makes a deal with a secretly-evil witch in order for this to happen. While he is a stallion, nopony knows who he is. Rarity starts to fall for him because his stallion self reminds her of Spike, but at the same time the mane six is worried because they think that Spike has run away. Drama and hijinx ensue. Spike's lie can't last forever, and the evil witch eventually shows her true colors.

The Little Seapony

Lyra x Bonbon

*Lyra is a seapony who became a unicorn. Exactaly what it sounds like. Might take on a Little-Mermaid-ish storyline where Lyra meets Bonbon and quickly falls in love, but can't be with her unless she becomes a land-pony. ...Might be similar to the idea I had with Spike. XD;

Quest to the North

??? x ???

*The mane six go on a quest to rescue Princess Celestia. The Sun Princess is overcome with a mysterious illness that threatens her life. Luna tells them that she suspects that the illness is actually a curse, the likes of which can only be broken by a certain mysterious artifact that is thousands of miles to the north of Equestria. Only the bearers of the elements of harmony would have a chance at even finding it. While Luna stays behind to look after the kingdom and her sister, the mane six set out on a long journey across perilous uncharted lands. ...Shipping may or may not ensue.

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