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[Fillydelphia] You'll Go Far Someday (attn: hinata) [OPEN]


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[colour=#008080]"It is those who do not know what they want who shine brightest when they finally find it."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Fillydelphia was a strange city for Swan Dive, and it showed in the looks she shot around herself, as if suspicious that the sidewalk would erupt up and try to mug her. She didn't think badly of the city at all, but for her it occupied a very strange place in her definition of cities as they were. Not large enough to be a metropolis like the monster that was Manehattan, not wealthy and exclusive like her native Canterlot, not rustic and down-to-earth like Ponyville. Of the cities she had yet visited in her lifetime, Fillydelphia was the one that she couldn't really classify, and that affected her perception of the people. They were a varied bunch, like a box of chocolates, she wouldn't have a clue of what she'd get until one started speaking to her. As a mare with very strong 'stranger danger' senses, she had to feel a bit demure.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Swan Dive passed through a wide thoroughfare, where a carriage or two were lazily being trotted down toward some unknown part of the city. Well, lazy was the wrong adjective to use, really. One of those carriages swept right by her, with an oath from the passenger and a shouted apology from the driver. She squeaked, stepped back in instinct, her hat was swept right off by the air pushed out by the force of the carriage's speedy passage. Swan Dive was dazed, had to recover for a moment, eye spinning slightly in place.[/colour]

[colour=#ffd700]"That's alright!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan waved after them, as if they had been her friends all along and she were seeing them off from her home. She was at first smiling from the chance encounter, always happy to share a moment with other ponies even under such circumstances. Then a hoof went up to her naked head, and she realized she had lost her signature hat. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Oh dear, where's Ellie gone off to now?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She asked herself of her affectionately named hat. Swan Dive looked about, confused, unsure as to where her hat had been swept to. It had settled onto a nearby shrubbery lining the side of the road, but Swan was so distraught that she failed to notice it despite her eyes scanning right over it several times in rapid succession. [/colour]

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Twilight happily trotted down the streets of her home town, Fillydelphia, as carriages zoomed by her in rapid succession. She was happily humming when she tripped over a shrub. [colour=#0000ff]"Ow!"[/colour] She said, looking at what she tripped over. She saw a hat laying on the shrub. [colour=#0000ff]"Hm. I've never heard of a hat growing plant."[/colour] She joked, laughing and taking the hat, but not putting it on. She saw a mare looking around hurriedly, and her attire matched the hat Twilight had in her hoof. [colour=#0000ff]"Um.... Excuse me, miss?"[/colour] Twilight asked.[colour=#0000ff] "Is this hat yours?"[/colour] she said, extending her hoof that held the hat out.

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[colour=#008080]"My hats off to those with excellent hats."[/colour]

Swan Dive was enough of a ditz at times to completely make a foal of herself, now was one of those times. She at first didn't notice Twilight Shine, so worried she was about having lost her precious 'Ellie' that she was doing virtual pirouettes in place, her hair whipping about. It was as if she were dancing, the dance dedicated to her lost hat, her pride and joy- besides ponies that was- her... Oh wait, somepony was talking to her. Swan Dive sounded upset now, having worked it into her head that her hat was gone forever. He bottom lip was even trembling slightly, her eyes moist.

[colour=#ffd700]"Oh little one, it is the worst thing...!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive had been prepared to lament the loss of 'Ellie' to this very blue red and pink little foal before her. Then her eyes finally registered that her hat was there, safe, in the hoof of the little mare. Not even remotely scuffed or damaged. Swan squealed in delight, [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"You've saved Ellie, little one! Oh, how can I ever thank you for this kindness?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan's horn glowed, her magic was not fast enough for her to return her beloved hat to her head. She smiled down at Twilight benevolently, Twilight's kindness having won her heart. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Oh, but where are my manners? I'm Swan Dive, little one. I run a publication in Canterlot. Who are you, I might ask?"[/colour]

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[colour=#0000FF]"You run a publication? In Canterlot? Ooh, fancy!"[/colour] Twilight said happily. [colour=#0000FF]"My name's Twilight Shine."[/colour] Twilight rung happily.[colour=#0000FF] "I'm glad I could help you and Ellie."[/colour]She said kindly, not even thinking it weird that the mare had a name for her hat. [colour=#0000FF]"Lucky I found it before somepony else did. With a hat as lovely and fancy as yours, other ponies would steal it without a second thought."[/colour] Twilight stated. [colour=#0000FF]"No need to thank me, I'm just glad I could help!"[/colour] Twilight said happily. Twilight smiled sweetly, staring at Ellie.[colour=#0000FF] "That really is a gorgeous hat."[/colour]

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[colour=#008080]"With a hat as lovely and fancy as yours, other ponies would steal it without a second thought." -quote by Twilight Shine[/colour]

[colour=#000000]The two mares, one old, one young, seemed to be on the common of ground of having similarly happy and excited dispositions; it was odd perhaps that Swan found it easier to converse with ponies far her juniors because she was in many ways more like them then like her adult counterparts. She matched Twilight's happiness and sweetness with her own equal dosage of sugar, a great eager grin plastered onto Swan's face as she spoke:[/colour]

[colour=#ffd700]"Twilight Shine, such a cute name!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She looked up at Ellie, her hat proud in it's place on her head, resplendent, noble, perhaps even a bit fly- to use more vulgar vernacular- what with it's design. She was glad it was appreciated, her love of Ellie was well known in Canterlot for all the attention, good or otherwise, it drew. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Oh, don't go on Twilight! You will make me blush. But you do have an excellent eye for style, which makes me wonder if you are perhaps a foal interested in fashion?" [/colour][colour=#000000]That could make a story, an apprentice in the art of the dress.[/colour]

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[colour=#0000ff]"Oh, I'm very interested in fashion!"[/colour] Twilight said happily. Some of her friends said she was a bit TOO into fashion, but she ignored them. [colour=#0000ff]"I have an eye for those kinds of things, which is why I found your hat."[/colour] Twilight said, lying about the fact that she simply tripped over the shrub the hat was residing on. [colour=#0000ff]"It matches the stunning design of the rest of your clothes!"[/colour] Twilight said happily. [colour=#0000ff]"You clearly have a better eye for fashion than I do."[/colour] Twilight admitted. Swan's clothes really struck Twilight as amazing, her eyes dazzling whenever she laid eyes upon them.

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[colour=#008080]"The fashion that never goes out of fashion is the fashionable personality."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Swan had warned that she'd blush, and she was indeed blushing now, her cheeks becoming a slight red as she withered under the impressively cute demeanor of Twilight Shine. Swan couldn't help it, she was used to receiving compliments, but never this earnest, this eager. This little foal had a winning personality, and a winning smile for that manner. Swan predicted that this mare would perhaps go far someday.[/colour]

[colour=#ffd700]"Oh, well if you have an eye for fashion, you must pursue it!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan patted at her clothes with a hoof, trying to iron out wrinkles she imagined existed, suddenly self-conscious as attention was brought to her attire. Ellie could well have been smiling atop her head. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Oh, darling Twilight, I am but a beneficiary of mares and stallions with true taste. I don't know if I could say that I have good taste. Oh, but I am sure you will, if only you put all your heart into it, yes?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan's keen eye was especially sharp when it came to other ponies. She had seen Twilight's blank flank. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"I encourage you to do so, and to then find me and talk to me about the experience! I love hearing the stories of other ponies." [/colour]

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[colour=#0000ff]"Believe me, I would pursue my eye for fashion if I had even the most minute capability of doing so. After all, I'm a foal, and foals don't really have opportunity laid out to them on a silver platter, now do they?"[/colour] Twilight asked, pacing back and forth. [colour=#0000ff]"If there was someone out there who could give me the chance to pursue my love of fashion, then I'd take it up in a heartbeat. Who knows? That could even lead me to getting my cutie mark!"[/colour] Twilight said enthusiastically, then realized she was rambling on. [colour=#0000ff]"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to talk your ear off."[/colour] Twilight said nervously, scratching her hooves at the ground.

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[colour=#008080]"My ears are very firmly in place, so feel free to talk them off all you wish."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Swan Dive was excitable, and she began to follow Twilight's stride, pacing in her own little circle as she heard out the little foal. Like many other a filly her age, Swan Dive detected the need to find the inner talent, the quest for the cutie mark. Thankfully Twilight didn't seem to be bitter, anxious yes, but Swan Dive knew that anxiousness could be turned very easily into exactly what little colts and fillies needed to find their mark, so to speak. Swan Dive smiled at Twilight, reassuringly. She had no problem with Twilight's rambling. In fact, though Swan Dive hadn't been considering it at first, she realized that Twilight's tale would make for a wonderful little story.[/colour]

[colour=#ffd700]"Oh Twilight, perhaps that is the case?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive felt for those in the world without privileges that she had taken for granted growing up, she swore she'd someday use her social clout in Canterlot to take positive steps in the right direction for the youth who needed resources to peruse their heart's desires. But all in good time. For now, Twilight's immediate case could at least be made headway on. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"I lament that resources are only so many in Equestria... But!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan held up a hoof, asking for a momentary pause and focus of attention onto her next point. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"But I could perhaps give you a bit of my time? Tell me about your love of fashion, show me even! I don't know if I could help you earn your mark, but perhaps I could help you develop your natural talents."[/colour] [colour=#000000]Swan raised an eyebrow at her younger counterpart. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Tell me Twilight, have you ever appeared in a magazine before?"[/colour]

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[colour=#0000ff]"A.... magazine?"[/colour] Twilight asked curiously. [colour=#0000ff]"No, I can't say I ever have been."[/colour] Twilight said, then considered what else Swan had said. [colour=#0000ff]"O-Oh, I couldn't possibly take your time. You're probably busy with other things..."[/colour] Twilight mumbled.

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[colour=#008080]"The definition of a Canterlot mare is a mare with time."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Swan Dive shook her head, a great smile gracing her features. No, she had already decided. She would invest the afternoon into this little foal with dreams of fashion or what have you, learn her story and perhaps make an impact in her life. She leaned down a bit, on all fours, so that she was on Twilight's level, more inclusive of her into the conversation, since she seemed a bit nervous at the moment. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"I have all the time in the world, Twilight. Come now, you must surely find my offer interesting?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan took on a lecturing, yet still highly childish tone, which made her sound like the stereotypical know-it-all filly you found at least once in ever class during school. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"In the fashion world, it's very very important that you be able to impose on others, convince them to give you their time. Are you still sure you don't want to impose on my time?"[/colour]

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[colour=#008080]"Sometimes writing must be short and to the point."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Swan straightened up, magically tugged at her ascot until it was in the exact same position it had been before. She was excited, she really was. It was rare that she had the opportunity to cover the simple tales of one's foalhood. Twilight was so incredibly cute, nervous as she was, Swan had to resist the urge to hug her on the spot. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Well come, walk with me Twilight." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan took off, taking care to restrain her pace so that the little one could keep up. Swan looked up to the sun. It was a bright, cloudless day, the sun high in the sky but a light breeze preventing it from being too hot. A prefect day for a story to unfold.[/colour]

[colour=#ffd700]"So tell me if you will. What have you already done to develop your fashionable self?"[/colour]

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[colour=#0000ff]"Well, I usually just make sketches of ideas for dresses and the like in my notebook, because that's pretty much all a foal can do."[/colour] Twilight said, laughing. [colour=#0000ff]"While I would love to do more, like I said, foals don't have many opportunities." [/colour]She stated.

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[colour=#008080]"Well you've got opportunity in this very community! Wait, where did I get that from?"[/colour]

[colour=#ffd700]"Oh, may I see them? Yes, I should like to see what you have done, darling Twilight." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan pushed Ellie down, so that the brim of her hat was covering her eyes. They were walking right into a now bright afternoon sun, on it's way to setting. Swan was careful to keep eye contact as she spoke, looking over to Twilight, so that she was only hardly looking forward and was well en route to walking into a pole on the street in her path. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Perhaps they do not Twilight, and it is a shame. However, if you had the opportunity, what do you think you would do first?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Her mental percept of Twilight was rapidly forming. No time for watching where she was going, no sir.[/colour]

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[colour=#0000ff]"Oh, I'd love to show you, truly, I would, but I left my notebook at home."[/colour] Twilight said sheepishly. [colour=#0000ff]"S-Sorry!"[/colour] She said nervously. [colour=#0000ff]"If I had the opportunity to pursue my love of fashion, I'd probably be spending most of my time making dresses, and any time after that trying to use models for my designs."[/colour]

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[colour=#008080]"I wonder if I could have been a model? Upper Crust tells me I have the brains for it, darling she is."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Swan Dive nodded reassuringly, then promptly smacked the side of her face into the pole she had neglected to notice in her path. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Oh!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She staggered a bit, nearly lost her hat, but her dancer's agility kicked in and allowed her to recover herself, a hoof even kept Ellie firmly onto her head. The side of her cheek was a bit sore, a bit bruised, but she smiled it off, kept her trot going strongly. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Ah, that's a good plan, Twilight. Now shall I make a suggestion? There is sure to be a fabric store in this part of town, I think?" [/colour][colour=#000000]On the one hoof, this was the industrial part of Fillydelphia they were entering, there had to be stores with fabric. On the other hoof, Swan was atrocious with directions. She could lose herself in a paper bag. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"We could stop by and take a look, alright?"[/colour]

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[colour=#008080]"I'm often lost. Mentally and physically."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Swan trotted along eagerly, not noticing when Twilight deigned to take the lead and bring them into the nearest fabric store. She did take note of other things, however. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Ah, so you know where it is Twilight. You are already quite ahead of the game, my little pony! You must be really eager to begin your potential future career." [/colour][colour=#000000]As Swan entered the store when it came into sight, she took an appraising look around, trying to get all the details, all the fabrics Twilight probably knew more about than she did. Ellie would be happy to be surrounded by it's brethren. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Do you already know your fabrics, Twilight?"[/colour]

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