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[The hills south-east of Trottingham] A Midnight Meeting (PM for Invite)


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It was a glorious night. The air was cool, just enough so to be invigorating, with a light breeze adding little something extra. The crystal clear night sky above looked like a bejeweled quilt, each star a brilliant pin-point of light against the absolute blackness between them, and the moon a shinning disk of pearly white. In short, it was the perfect night for Alabaster to go flying, and if any pony were to look up they would've seen a pale white shape sailing across that black, black backdrop, almost seeming to dance between the pin-pricks of the stars, her shadow drifting over the nocturnal landscape below.

Spying a hill in the near distance, the black bulk of a mountain looming beyond, Alabaster dives downwards towards it. Landing with an expert breaking wing-beat, she tosses her head to get an errant strand of her mane out of her face, tucking her wings neatly against her sides. Trotting up to the crest of the hill, she sits down, gazing up at the twinkling stars above. It was nights like this, calm, peaceful, and with such a crystal clear sky, that Alabaster remembered just why she had fallen in love with the stars above. Watching them slowly move across the sky, she could spot the patterns of the constellations, the graceful, slow dance of the stars in their ordered patterns across the sky.

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The night was close to being frigid, but that didn't change the fact it still created a glorious spectacle over the sky that depicted the cosmos so expertly. The stars that lit the dark sky roamed ever so slowly as they moved across the vast space, their presence slowly being overtaken by an odd lingering noise. The peace of the night gave way to the faintest of crackling as two odd objects closer to land came into odds with each other. An eerie blue fire seemed to linger just above the surface of the ground, threatening to attack the next thing foolish enough to approach it. A keen eye could spot the outline of a large winged stranger, their identity concealed well in the darkness as they seemed to manipulate the fire as it illuminated a section of metal piping that draped the landscape. A quick examination would reveal that the pipe glowed a deep orange, clearly hot as steam seemed to escape the metal cylinder. As quickly as the spectacle had started though, it abruptly ended, the shadowy outline of the stranger vanishing as they took to flight.

The heavy beating of a large set of powerful wings filled the air as the stranger darted off to parts unknown. The creaking of a nearby tree branch broke the awkward silence as it appeared the stranger had it's sights set on the white mare. Her pelt made her easy to identify at night and she had seemingly garnered the interest of. "Hello pony, what brings you to such a remote location, surely you weren't watching my work," a ghostly voice spoke to her from above as the blue fire reappeared. It hissed ever so faintly as it vaguely seemed to wave in the cool night gusts. It appeared similar in appearance to the fabled wil-o-wisp but was clearly under the control of someone or something.

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