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When Dimensions Collids: Jake Scott


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Name: Jake Scott

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Age: 16

Ht: 5, 10

Apperance: Jet black hair, that drops abit over his left eye. He wears a dark green sleevless shirt, and a black hoodie over it. Blue fadded jeans, and green sneakers.

Personality: Skeptical about things he dosent understand or believe in. Couragous, stubbron, playful, cheerful, kind, caring.

Likes: Hanging with friends, day dreaming, and drawing.

Dislikes: Being distrueted or betrayel. Hates it when hes crizites or when hes been proven wrong.

Story: The youngest of three brother, Jake Scotts life changed forever when a few months ago, he had returned from a place he had never thought exiscted. An island filled with people, and dinosaurs called: Dinotopia. Along with his elder brothers, Karl and David; he had to find a way to save this new home that for awhile he'd come to enjoy and stop a madman from destrorying that he had come to love about the island. Succesful, he spent the next six months on the island, going on all sorts of adventures before evtunally returning home through a portal.

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