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Blind Eyes [Closed for now]

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-why did I even decide to come to this?- was all her mind was thinking of. Agelcake, dressed in her newly bought dazzling black gown, silently trotted into the area. as an ex-member of the Royal Guards, she felt obligated to join. still she did not feel invited, mainly due to the fact that she had taken the choice to quit. not only that, but the event reeked of snobby fru fru ponies... she hated it.

Angel took a deep breath as she walked through the bridge. love is in the air, she could sense it. she felt sickened by it. never in her life had she experienced such thing and she wanted to keep it that way, but she felt she had no choice. it was either the chit-chatting snobs inside, or the quiet love birds out here. her body moved silently like the shadows as she passed though the garden-like area. cushions, she could recognize their shape in the mind map her radar spell generated. most were taken, but she spotted one off in an hidden corner of the area, hidden by the statue of the royal pincess. -the perfect spot...- she thought.

the white mare took a seat on the lone pillow, turning her head around the area. she didn't have to as she could 'see' in all directions at once, but the neck stretch felt good. making a soft sigh, she turned her head up towards the moon, her glazed eyes shimmering under the moonlight as her hair -which was bounded up in a small bun shape- bounced softly to her movements. -...oh please Luna, make this night end soon...-

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Valoren yawned as he spotted Lovers Bridge. As he approahced it, he smirked "Well, I heard this was a nice spot". A place where it was rumored one could find true love. Thatd be a nice little thing since...thats secerlty what the Fighter/Protector desired more then anything. Well, at least it was soemthign he'd like in his life. A few freinds he had met on his travels had someone serious with them, which Val envied since most of the time relationships with him didnt usually last, mostly cause of his profession. Spotting a long mare nearby, he smiled as he thought "Well, may as well try and make some friends". Approaching her from behind, he siad "Err, hello their".

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company. she knew that pegasus would try and speak to her, he was alone as well in an area where lovers thrived. -ugh...- she didn't want company, she wanted to be alone. but the mare did not want to seem impolite in such a formal event. angel slowly turned her head around, her ice blue glazed eyes gazing lifelessly into his own. she had such an expressionless face that it would be impossible to tell if she was eager to see him or just wanted him to leave her alone. "...hello..." her soft voice would send chills down anyone's spine. it was as if they were teasing and threatening him at the same time. the mare soon turned her body towards him, expecting a response from the stallion whether it was continue the talk or walk away.

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Blinking in shock at the sight of the mare, he couldnt help but blush abit. She did look rather lovely after all. Trying to recollect himself, he coughed to try and shake it off as he said "Hi. Im Valoren Seeker, Adventurerer, Protector and Fighter of Equestria" he greeted friendly. Walking in front of her, he said "I noticed that you were here all alone, and was wondering if I could..well help keep you company. Also, since Im looking around always to make new friends and such". Smiling weakly at the last stament, he thought "Man, I must really be embarrsing myself".

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hmm...a fighter... now that she found interesting. maybe he wouldn't turn out to be a snobby rich colt like the rest of the males in the party. she may not be able to see it, but the mare could sense the stallion's sheer strength with her radar spell, which caused her horn to give off a light green glow. his voice tone also sounded serene despite the natural nervousness, which she guessed it was because of her presence. clearly he wasn't making it up.

"sit..." she said, almost in a commanding tone as she levitated an unused cushion towards him. her eyes never seemed to move nor react to any sudden movements. instead, it was her ears which seemed to give off slight twitches to the quietest of whispers in the area.

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Nodding immitedaly, Val whilsted cheerful as he took a sit on the pillow, next to her. He had to say that he was rather excited because from how she had acted towards him when he first said hi, he thought she wouldnt be intersted in becoming friends. Sitting down, he smiled "Whats your name? If you dont mind me asking that is"? Not that he was trying to come off as eager, but his smile gave off that he wanted to be friends with everyone he met, so that wouldnt really work to well in his favor since he was grinning.

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he seems to have a bit too much energy for a stallion with a serious job. it didn't bother her though, nothing that she wouldn't be able to handle. her emotionless expression never seemed to change. it appeared as if she was uninterested, and yet, she had invited him to stay. what an odd mare...

there was a bit of awkward silence before she finally responded to his question. "...my name is Angelcake......it's nice to meet you..." the mare gave a small nod before going silent once more.

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Smirking at Angel, he grinned "Thats a nice name". Looking at her curiosly, he said "What kinda job do you have in you dont mind me asking". Sitting back, he grinned "Bet its a really cool, fun job that invovles alot of adventures"!! Laying back, he sighed "Man, alot of fun adventures Ive had..heh heh, it realy gets the blood going whenever your in danger. Its dangerous yeah, buts its fun"!!

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"...my job?...I don't have a job..." angel thought for a moment. she didn't have a job at the moment. she used to, but that was in the past. usually she felt that her past is something that she shouldn't share, for it was dark and dreadful, but for some reason, she felt that he would understand. hopefully, being an adventurer would not scare him off.

"...but I used to have one...I was a..." she thought about it once more. -should I really say it?- she thought. she didn't seem to have anything to lose. at most he would run off and she would be alone again. "...a bounty hunter... but I quit..." the mare let off a small sigh. this was somewhat of a heavy topic for her.

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Valoren smiled as he grinned "Heh heh!! A bounty hunter huh? That sounds kinda dangeruos. Then again, so mys job!! Well, its not really a job since i dont get paid for protecting others, but I usually do odd jobs around different towns to keep myself traveling". Sighing, he said "Some would say that what I do for fun would be nuts, since that theirs raelly no reward at the end of it all. But the only reward I need is the adventure itself". Looking around the Gala, he siad "Thats why I was really surprised to have been invited here since i usually dont come to big social events".

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"...well of course it was dangerous... thief ponies... griffins... even a small hydra...I did it for the money though...maybe a bit for the thrill." now that she thinks about it, she kind of did. she did enjoy ending those griffin's lives, but after what happened, she promised herself never to kill again. hearing that he was surprised to be here made her chuckle. "...heh... me too... I was thinking about not coming...but I felt the obligation because of being an ex member of the royal guards..."

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That last comment really got his attnetion. Staring at her with glee,he siad "You were a Royal guard?? Nice"!! Sitting back again, he siad "I originally wanted to join the Royal guard when I first started adventuring, but I found out later that I was terrible at following orders, so..so I figured the royal guard wasnt for me. I mean, if I could barly follow the orders outside of somtehing that wasnt so professional, how could I with soemthing professional". Sighing lightly, Val smirked "In the end, I think I am prety content at what Im doing".

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"heh... same here... the only difference is that I was forced to stay with the guards until I was a mare... it was horrible...but at least it helped me learn magic spells and hoof-to-hoof combat." the mare suddenly cracks her neck and waves her sharpened horn at the pegasus. "...I specialize in horn combat..." for the first time, angel's face showed some sort of emotion: a somewhat devious grin. that body message plus that fact that she knows how to fight with her horn would scare off any normal ponies. but she felt he could take it. if it's true that he is such an adventure pony, he would not be intimidated by it.

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Smiling at her, he said "Wow, you must be pretty strong to speicalize in that. Thats impressive". Sitting back, Val was thinking internally "Kept against her will? Why would such a thing like that happen to her? Didnt she have a choice in the matter"? However, he didnt want to bring up any old scars or old wounds so he kept that part to himself. Looking around, he glanced up at the skies as he smiled "Sure is a nice night out". The moon seemed to be hovering above them, as if Luna had placed it their herself.

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Angelcake didn't seem to want to turn to the sky at all. she pulled her head back and placed her expressionless face once more. "...is it? it feels like every other night to me...refreshing... I always asked myself why ponies say it's day when it's warmer and night when it's colder... such a silly concept..." the mare lets out a soft sigh. maybe the pegasus hasn't noticed yet, but Angel's eyes had that glazed expression for a reason: she was blind... unable to admire the beauty of this night, or any night for that matter. she has lived in darkness all her life.

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Blinking at the statment, Val looked closer at Angel as he then noticed for the first time her eyes. They were... "Oh man, oh Im sorry. I didnt notice at...Im such an idiot. Sorry" he apologized quickly. Putting a hoof to the side of his head, he thought "Clearly you need to pay more attnetion to your surrounding before making such statments like you did".

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Angelcake blinked softly. "...hmm? oh... you mean my eyes?... it's ok, really...I was born like this so I'm more than used to it by now..." she waved a hoof at Val to reassure him. "...never really needed them to 'see'... I have a spell that lets me sense obstacles and live beings nearby in detail... I can sense your unique magic signature you have, as well as your slightly higher body temperature and blood pressure... my hearing is also very keen... you're shaking on your cushion... I can tell you're nervous... embarrassed... don't be..."

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Blushing at her abiltiy to sense how he felt, he said "Ah..err, okay then". Regaining himself, he said "So, you said your not used to being at these huge social events eitehr? Same here, I mean Im friendly to everyone though I have a hard time being friendly to arrogant ponies which is why I dont talk to alot of the umm...richer ones". Pointing out then "Not that Im saying all of them are liek that, its just hard to get past and accept all as friendly".

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the mare responded with a soft nod. "...yes...I spent most of my life alone, taking bounties...having company sometimes irritates me... just like you said, most rich ponies are snobs... they think they're so great just because they have a lot of money..." her expressionless face suddenly begins to turn into one of disgust, as if she was reliving a moment of her life that reminded her of what she just said. "...also, there are someponies who can't control their emotions...making loud noises just to show the world how happy or sad they are...they can get really annoying after a while..."

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Nodding as he said "I understand". Putting a hoof to his mouth, he said "Usually I show how happy I am through smiling, or greeting everyone I meet". Smiling at Angel, he said "I know that I may come off as overly excited or happy at times, but its just really who I am. Heh, some say Im like a certain pony that I've heard of". At that, his thoughts went to Pinkie PIe, but unlike her; he was less err..random.

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"...huh?" she thought for a moment. she didn't know who he was referring to, but she guess it was probably some crazy pony who would fit the description she had given. "hmm... personally, you don't seem like an overly energetic person... if anything, maybe a little too positive, but there's nothing wrong with that..." there was a moment of silence. "...you know, if I found you annoying, I would have left a while ago... you're ok..." the unicorn gave him a slow nod.

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Smiling softly, Valoren grinned "Well then Im glad Im not annoying you". Becoming silent again, he blinked as he could hear soft music playing from the ballroom that carried all the way out to where they sat. Becoming nervous, he said "Ahem, err umm...". Looking at her, he asked "Woudl you umm..would you like to...dance"? He didnt know what he was asking since he just met her, but he felt the need to dance for some reson",

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dance? really? Angelcake was definitely not expecting that question. sure, she could hear the music as well, and definitely much clearer than him, but she has never danced in her life. I mean where would she ever have the time to learn such a silly ritual when she had life-threatening missions to attend to? "...oh, um I'm sorry... I don't dance... I never learned how to..." she looked away, as if ashamed to be asked such a question, but she didn't show any emotions.

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Smiling lightly at her, he said "Thats not a problem. I could help teach you whislt we dance. I dont mind helping at all". He didnt know why he seemed insistant, perhaps he wanted to show he was a friend to her. Or perhaps it was something more he desired. As of the moment, he did not know, but what he did know was that he wanted to do something with her.

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Angelcake was unsure. it's been ages since somepony else taught her something. at first she thought against the idea. why does she needs to learn some silly courting ritual? it's not like her life depended on it. and yet... she felt the urge to do so. maybe it was due to not wanting to be rude at such a formal event, or maybe it was because this could be the real special talent she was supposed to discover. either way, either answer would be the same. "...alright..." the mare gave a slow nod to the pegasus before getting off of her cushion.

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