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[Everfree] A Dungeon Deep (Invite Only)


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The Everfree forest had once been home to a rather impressive stronghold of unicorn study and ruler-ship. A grandiose stone castle, erect and proud amidst a scintillating scene of greenery and bloom, had once been fondly called 'home' to scores of stabled families; it had sheltered a great many visitors and scholars alike, and it had held some importance in the development of Equestrian history. Ponies came and went freely from it, the magical power of the forest both easily seen and easily experienced, and all was well.

As one might expect, very little of this was true several hundred years later. Who knew why or when or even how everything went awry, but the cold and unrelenting reality was that the Everfree Forest wasn't all happiness and sunshine and adorable bunnies anymore. It had eaten most of those things, and spat up shadows, intimidation, and all sorts of twisted constructions of magic and malice. However, there were those that sought the magic behind the malice, so that they might properly understand the powerful chaos in question.

One such individual had found something significant, though the significance of the discovering individual was indeed rather questionable. Amidst the trees, the moss, and the unnatural undergrowth of the Everfree, a stone vestibule had been found and cleared of the forest's detritus. Once, it had been the entrance to the basement of an old wooden trove, a few stone pillars of which still stood nearby. Now, it was simply a stairway down sitting conspicuously amidst the dirt, the remnants of the fallen tree that once hid it lying in splinters nearby.

The clearing about the stairway itself was unremarkable, save for the glow of magic and fire that lit up the area. A single coal-coated pony stood at the top of the stairway, with a makeshift torch held aloft next to him, trying to fit it into one of the few remaining sconces of the nearby pillars – He hadn't exactly taken any dungeoneering courses before, but somehow it seemed like a good idea to leave some sort of sentient notification announcing his presence within the stone basement. He'd only be a moment longer, and once the torch was securely placed, he started making his way into the chasm itself, the sound of his hooves tapping distinctively against the stonework that led it's way into the depths below.

A quick set of eyes might see him vanish down into the stairway, but those who were cautious, patient, or perhaps simply just later to arrive would still find the torch lit and standing above the sullen, long-forgotten entryway, while a faint green magical glow throbbed in the stairway down. It would, of course, be up to any given individual as to whether or not they would decide to make any sort of entry, but the fact that it remained as some remnant of a history long since past and forgotten would likely intrigue more inquisitive minds, should they happen to arrive.
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