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Creole "Creepy" Pasta[Ready]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Creole Pasta(She goes by the nickname Creepy instead of Creole)

Sex: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Earth Pony

Eye Colour: A medium red, like a lovely ruby.

Coat: Creepy's coat is a smooth pale green, though some would call it a puke green.

Mane/Tail: Creepy's pure pink mane and tail are uniquely styled in a way not many, if any, other ponies do so. The more you look at them, the easier it is to imagine her mane and tail are both a mass of worms coming out of her body. Some say they wiggle at times, but that is merely a rumor made based on silly fillies and colts making up stories and Creepy shaking subtly to fool others for fun.

Physique: Like any Earth Pony, Creepy is hardy and tough, more tough in the way that she can take a bit more hits and pain than physical strength. However, she exercises regularly enough to be considered athletic. However, she looks pretty average in body build for a mare when just looking.

Residence: Creepy lives in the center of Trottingham, in a small house able to house two, maybe three ponies inside it that was sold a bit cheaply due to its reputation for being haunted and several unfortunate events happening in it. However, she tends to leave it empty a lot when out to go to a specific location for her job.

Occupation: Creepy studies Parapsychology(The study of the paranormal) and Cryptozoology(The study of animals whose existence have not been proven.), considered the leading expert in both fields in at least unofficial terms. She in a paranormal investigator officially, taking cases either presented to her or that catch her interest. When hired, she only charges if she actually finds something or if its obvious the case was a hoax to purposely waste her time.

Cutie Mark: Creepy's cutie mark is literally a plate of worms and eyeballs, styled after a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. Her cutie mark represents her deep interest in things that other ponies would find creepy or strange. Her coinciding talent is her open minded outlook and more firm understanding in things that exist, but normal ponies do no necessarily believe or understand.

Creepy's cutie mark appeared one night when she and her friend Strangely Absurd went to spend the night in an abandoned mansion in Canterlot to prove their bravery. It was said to be haunted and so a big draw for Creepy. They were barely fillies when this happened, so they didn't think much of what could happen in terms of consequences for their choice. At first, they were having a laugh at how the old house wasn't haunted at all. However, things slowly began to happen. It was subtle at first, things the two fillies assumed were just things they were imagining. Then things began to physically move before their eyes, going on to being thrown as if by an angry pony. It was as if someone was trying to hurt them for even thinking of staying here. It was too much and the fillies tried to leave, but it was like the doors were being held shut.

Of the two, Creepy was the bravest. She knew their only chance to fight against a world they didn't understand was to use their rules. Creepy got Strangely to help her focus, repeating the phrase "This door will open" over and over. Using this mind over matter technique as they weathered the violence in the mansion, they kept trying the door until it miraculously opened for them and they ran away. It was in that moment that Creepy received her cutie mark, knowing her calling was one not many ponies walked. She however would walk it no matter what.

History: Creepy was born to parents who owned a pasta restaurant in Canterlot, a popular place that had been passed down in the family generation after generation. They weren't the most famous place, but they prided themselves on doing their best to make the best pasta possible. Growing up, Creepy was very loved by her parents and sometimes helped with the restaurant. It was in the middle of her school years however that her interest in the supernatural started. She was drawn to it because she was curious why most disregarded it as simply silly stories and hoaxes. She just didn't believe that such a subject with so much material could all be fake. She read all she could on the subject and got very interested in it. However, her first real encounter with the supernatural was right before her she got her cutie mark. (Look in Cutie Mark section)

After recounting the tale of her night in the haunted mansion, which no pony even believed, her fellow students gave Creepy her nickname, trying to make fun of her because of her strange interests. However, she actually liked the name and insisted everyone use it. So everyone started to call her Creepy Pasta instead of Creole Pasta. Despite the views of others, Creepy dove back into her studies of Parapsychology with new vigor, going deeper into the trove of information Canterlot had in its records. Some might have called it morbid curiosity at this point, but it didn't effect her life until she graduated from regular school.

At first she simply worked at the family restaurant, making pasta for the ponies of Canterlot. With the money earn, she bought a lot of books on anything strange and unusual. The more she read, the more she started seeing several inaccuracies among information. In one such time, Creepy actually wrote a letter with a long paper explaining logical reasons why certain things in the fields of Parapsychology and Cryptozoology were wrong and needed to be changed and how a few missing things needed to be added in to their book. They were so impressed by her well researched and intelligent argument that that put out a new copy of "The History and Study of General the Supernatural", crediting her on contributions in he foreword. Because she felt like she could really get out there and get some respect for her favorite fields of study, Creepy decided to set up shop in Trottingham as a Paranormal Investigator. Over a few years, she has had steady requests and gets a steady income to live on.

Character Summary: Creepy, despite her odd interests, is just as social as anypony else. She quite enjoys window shopping in her free time and talking to friends every once and again. Her favorite places to be are libraries and cafes. Libraries because she is quite the avid reader, liking to grow her intellect. Cafes give her a peaceful and relaxing environment to wind down the day and let her just enjoy herself. When it comes to other ponies and their thoughts into the viability of the fields she studies, she doesn't let their closed minds effect what she thinks. However, contrary to the popular misconception that anypony who believes in the supernatural is a crackpot who believes anything, Creepy is a skeptic first at all times. She believes that anything new has to be proven before being believed in most cases. She will never completely believe anything that has no basis in fact nor any proof.

Socially, Creepy is more of a talker than one to go out to dance or such. She will admit she does have four left hooves and she feels that dresses and she do not mix very well. However, she will dress up and attempt to dance if she is asked. Her hair is very rarely taken out of the worms style and if it is, its usually combed down straight for just formal occasions. She is very comfortable with who she is and how she looks, so the words of others on how she looks do not get to her. That came from a lifetime of being criticized on her great interest in something nopony believed in at all. Despite all the harsh criticism, Creepy remains kind or at the very least cordial to those she meets. The only thing she truly fears is disappointing those she lets in close to her, shaming them for knowing them. This has given her a perfectionist quality to her investigator side.

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