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H.S.A.U 121 (ready)


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Roleplay Type: Crossover only.

Name: H.S.A.U 121, Which stands for Heavy Shock Assault Unit number 121. His military grade, by default, is one of a commander. "Commander" is usually what he goes by and literally uses it as a full name. Either that or One-Two-One, which would work as well.

Sex: Male

Age: 25

Species: Bio-engineered cyborg. Human.

Eye color: Brown

Coat: N/A, human skin.

Mane/Tail: Short-buzzed brown hair. No beard.

Physique: The one of a true Juggernaut. Measuring 6'5'' without armor and almost 7' tall in armor, weighs about 600 pounds with armor and armaments. Not a single trace of fat; a lean, mean and heavy-framed owning machine on two legs.

Residence: None as of now. Relies on survival skills until he can find himself a tranquil place to call his own. Otherwise known as a H.Q.

Occupation: Training, surviving, fighting, taking care of his weapons as well as armor. Exploration, hunting... perhaps even fishing from time to times.

Cutie Mark: N/A

History: In an other dimension... "Earth" as we know it all wasn't anywhere near as peaceful as our own world... or a certain Equestria we also grew fond of. In his own world, being born with a loving mother and father was a luxury... being born in a womb as well for some... and living normal, peaceful lives, only for a handful of extremely fortunate people. 121 was created in a glass tube, an in-vitro embryo with anonymous givers and then bio-engineered to become a future super soldier. Trained as a child, he knew nothing else aside the cold and relentless training he was given as well as the internal cyborg implants that further increased his abilities as a soldier.

The United Earth Federation, struggling in its fight against the alien invaders decided to create those... a whole two thousand of them. All of them perfect, nearly emotionless machines with deadly efficiency and state-of-the-art weaponry and protection.

Nothing pretty, nothing laborious either. The soldier was then sent to the fight alongside his brother in arms. His first fight... and probably his last as well against the aliens. Sent directly on their home planet in order to create as much ruckus and damage as possible. Deadly creatures. Insect-like in nature. Huge, had claws, enormous teeth... could spit acid and had dangerous weapons of their own.

His pod was launched through the slipspace... however, his capsule, little did anyone know, was faulty... ending up transported in an other dimension entirely. He'd land in the middle of a dark forest... otherwise known as the Everfree forest for some of the locals.

Hopefully he'll realize what happened to him before thing get out of hands in a rather gruesome manner. Those colorful things on four legs couldn't possibly be the invaders he was informed about and trained to despite with all his mind and soul... were they?

Character Summary: Right now 121 is beyond lost. Confused and obviously doesn't know where to start aside assuring his own survival, making sure he doesn't run out of food and water until he can find a solution to this whole bizarre situation which, obviously, his training never covered in any given way.

He literally doesn't know anything aside what he was trained for... making him extremely anti-social. A tough nut to crack, so to speak. But it's to be expect, obviously. The world he was transported into was perhaps the perfect opposite from what he was literally created for... at the very core.

Will he adapt and learn to enjoy what this world has to offer, will he make friends? Or will he remain into his own little black world? Is he a lost cause? Only time will tell. Speak to him, go find him... if you dare.

Abilities and Equipment: 121 is equipped with a bomb/bullet/plasma proof suit named the Juggernaut MK5. http://images3.wikia...USP_.45_MW3.png Extremely heavily armor made with advanced titanium-based alloys kevlar and shock-absorbing padding. It can only be worn effectively by H.S.A.U units. It is equipped with conditioning as well as heating and is fully hermetic. The H.U.D visor offers night as well as heat vision, rear-view camera and motion sensor up to an effective range of 50 meters.

The armored gloves can also be charged up to voltages similar to one of a cattle prod, delivering devastating charges enough to stun even the healthiest of stallions and medium-sized creatures. The left arm is also equipped with a retractable "riot" shield, made out of extremely resilient plastics easily capable of stopping large caliber bullets and intense heat.

His weapon of choice include his trusty railgun rifle, capable of delivering blasts, if put to the maximum, capable of blowing a person to bits. Otherwise, it may be used as a high-output sub machine gun, delivering energy blasts just as efficient as regular armor-piercing steel-core rounds on the penetration aspect. Once fully discharged, the rifle must recharge itself. It does so on its own. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgAij2DePFw

As far as abilities goes, given his bio-engineering and cyborg implants, he was given enhanced strength, capable of easily flipping over a full-size pickup truck. As well as reflexes enabling him to see things in his own, slowed perception of time which allows him to easily counter his enemy's attacks.

Theme Song:

In short: The contrast between such a character which is some sort of mix up of... Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield... or what have you... and the MLP universe should be downright hilarious. As side note, depending if people here are fight/action oriented or not... I'm well aware than more than half of his abilities and equipment will most-likely never be of any use to him.

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Howdy, and think you for your interest in our Crossovers section! One thing I have to say before we stamp this app though is that you should remove all references to your OC being a "killing machine", since that suggests an 18+ connotation that we don't allow outside the 18+ forums. If you'd however like to refer to him using terms like "ultimate soldier", that'd be quite fine. :)

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Here's the other reference you missed in the second History paragraph:

The United Earth Federation, struggling in its fight against the alien invaders decided to create those... a whole two thousand of them. All of them perfect, nearly emotionless killing machines with deadly efficiency and state-of-the-art weaponry and protection.
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