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Tinkering In a Hurry. [OPEN]


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Springs, bolts, and nuts flew all around Steambolt's shop. The tinkering pony was well on her way to a new invention and was zoned into this project. She always gave herself a deadline, not that it had to actually be done in a hurry, but for the sake of organization on her part. She searched frantically through her tool box, levitating bolt after bolt over to her work desk.

She continued to search when she heard a loud ding come from the front desk of her shop.

Her head shot up, revealing her green pelt and rather messy violet colored hair, pinned up in a sort of bun as always. Purple tinted goggles covered her eyes, a loose strand of hair hung over them. She blew upward only for the strand to bounce up and back down in her face.

She hooved toward the front desk, her eyes shot to the bell then up to the pony causing it to ding. "What can I help ya with?"

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