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Prototype Angels. Private!


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Angel whimpered, he didn't want to say. Big brother.... he....he gets so mad.... I can't ever make him happy so... I....I punish myself... because it's my fault big brother gets in trouble and it's my fault that he's so tired... he always beats up my bullies and stuff and i...i...it's *sniffle* all.... my.... fault.... He sobbed.

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It's not your fault. Look, I know he can be mean sometimes and it may seem like he's getting frustrated, but dep down he loves you. He loves being able to protect you and make suree you're safe.

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Daddy.... He whimpered as Mischief found them. Angel!!! that's when Angel got up and out of his father's arms and ran to his brother. Mischief!!!! They ran as if hell was behind them and they hugged. Angel don't ever do that again....... and..... Angel.... who did this?..... He looked at his arms and Angel explained then his brother poked him hard in the middle of the head. Don't you ever cut again!!! YOU HEAR ME!!!???? He hugged him tighter. Idiot..... Angel smiled and nuzzled him. Big brother... you're crushing me....... Oh! s...sorry... Dad... can we go hoooome? They, tackle hugged their father together.

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Mischief cuddled his brother lovingly. I'm never going to leave you alone ever again.... Big brother you wierdo......

Angel looked up at his father. Daddy.... why were you not angry with me?.... he was confused. I thought for sure you would lose your temper....

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Sweetie, I would never be angry with you. I'm a bit upset that you would do this to yourself, but not angry. If there's something wrong next time talk to me, don't hurt yourself. I couldn't live with myself if something were to go wrong and you were injured further. Just promise me you wont do it again

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Mischief giggled a bit. Umm.... dad.... You don't know scary...... Maybe you could do Angel's costume but I'm being a scary yet handsome creature of the dark on Nightmare Night...


Daddy!! Angel smiled. I wanna be a flower boy!!

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Harmony turned his head from Mischief Well, if that's how you feel then I will just help Angel with his costume.

He picked up Angel and took him to the house to work on his costume ...Angel...What do you say we let Daddy Baddy help him with his costume after I'm done with yours?

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Yeah! Yeah! He giggled. Daddy come pick flowers with me!!!


Mischief rolled his eyes and just ignored them as he left the house grumpily, in search of inspiration. Big brother is certainly grumpy today... Angel pouted childishly. Daddy do you like flowers... How they grow into a beautiful thing and how they die and create more of themselves?

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They are magical aren't they? They're like children, they start out so small and with the proper care they grow into something beautiful. He said as he collected flowers and started sewing them together

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But..... Angel smiled with a sadness Harmony hadn't seen before in those bright green eyes. They shrivel too soon...... and just like that they are gone..... forever.... with nopony to care.... since another... better one takes it's place..... He finally collected the last ones and sewed them up, sewing them to a white dress with wings made of cherry blossoms and their branches. I am so happy they at least leave something behind..... Right Daddy? Angel smiled and saw a bunny. Oh wow..... He's so cute! Angel then forgot what he had said and hopped after the bunny, reminding Harmony of how much his son acted like a young, curious, white rabbit.

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((lol wow))


Angel had finally caught the rabbit and walked to his father, nuzzling it then letting it go, grabbing his father's hoof. Thank you for helping me daddy.... is Baddy Daddy coming out now that my costume is finished? He tilted his head, eyes sparkling innocently.

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He smiled again. he's probably near the Raven tree.... y'know the burnt up tree over at the abandoned park... he goes there every time he needs to think of a good costume....

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He hummed to himself for a second Well then, I shall go find him. You head home and make any last minute touches for yours.

He turned toward the abandoned park and started walking

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Angel had complied and went inside.


Mischief was talking to the ravens of whom were watching him scribble and sitting on him or standing around him, the reason the tree was named "Raven Tree" was because a massive amount of ravens sat on the branches and looked like black leaves but all eyes were watching the new creature of whom was sitting against the tree. I can't find anything out.... Mischief sighed as he looked at a Raven who sat on one shoulder, pecking some charred bark. Well.... no.... I went as a burned monster last year.... I need something different and even though you all are scary and beautiful I've gone as you as well so that won't be an option..... He looked like he was deep in thought about this, ravens crowing back to him as if he could communicate with them. No.... I don't think so Starlight.... Mischief said to a rather unnaturally large crow, about as big as a small dog. I went as a bandit in grade three.... the teacher put me in a cage that day.... He shuddered. Father was very angry with him too..

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Bad Harmony spotted the child and listened in on him before approaching That so called 'teacher' had it coming. So, you're looking for a costume...

He looked around and stared at all of the raven surrounding them I have an idea. Have you ever heard of The Crow?

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Dad please.... stop..... Mischief sighed. You are not scary....... like..... at all.... He got up, Ravens tugging at him. Wh~~YYYY???!!! He whined and faced his father as they calmed down and he sighed, looking grumpily at his father. No dad.... what is this scary.... The Crow?.... sounds lame if you ask me..... he grumbled. Besides... Kamikaze and I are going to get some tattoos today..... He turned from his father. So this had better not be some stupid thing that was scary a few hundred years ago..... He stuck out his tongue, apparently in a bratty mood that day. Because if it is..... He grumbled, pulling out his mace. I'll show you how much I've been training.... daddy...... He grinned deviously.

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Trust me, you'll enjoy this He said, his eyes flashing a bright red Pony's once believed that when somepony dies a crow will carry their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with them and the soul can't rest. Then sometimes that crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right. His name was Iron String. He was in a band, lead guitarist to be specific. He lived in a church on the highest floor next to a window that allowed him to overlook the city with his loving fiance. They lived peacefully and were happy, until one fateful night all hell broke loose. The city was practically run by a high-end gang-lord who had an eye on Iron String and wanted him eliminated. He sent a small group of his goons to his home. They broke into their home, and savagely beat Iron String while violating his fiance and making him watch. When they were done she was barely alive, as for Iron, they stabbed him repeatedly and sent him on a 3 story swan dive out of the window.

He took a break from the story to let it all seep in, but only for a moment. Exactly one year later pony's noticed a giant hole in the cemetery where Iron String was buried. The casket was destroyed and the body was missing. One by one the gang was decreasing in number. Everyday a new body was found brutally murdered. One night the police heard some sort of commotion coming from the gang's hideout. They found their way in and were faced with a room covered in blood and body parts and in the center of i was Iron String. He wore a black trench coat and his face was painted white with black crow eyes painted over his, along with a black smile painted on that covered the frown that never left his face. He was covered in cuts and open wounds that quickly healed before their eyes. Just as they were about to charge him a large crow attack them. One of the police reacted quickly and struck it down. Iron went to attack them but after the crow had been brought down and killed the pony known as Iron String simply collapsed to the floor and became quickly reacquainted with death...

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Ah.... Mischief sighed. sounds painful...... He said simply. I'd flipping murder....... everypony..... from all of those gangs..... if I had the chance....... He looked darkly.

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His thoughts exactly. He said as he walked circles around mischief And he followed suit. He killed all of them in the most painful ways he could come up with. If you ask me, he seems like your kind of stallion.

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