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Prototype Angels. Private!


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Dad.... if I told how greatly I feel for Angel..... you would murder me.... let's just say it's a sin the way feel for him.... Mischief sighed, blushing slightly.



(( you are going to probably h8 me ))

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What...?. he widened his eyes, face getting red. GOD EWW DAD!!!! He screamed and covered his face, falling over. WHY??!!! WHY!!!??? He was blushing so hard he couldn't even see the grey on his face anymore. Dadd...... ewwwwwwwwwww..... He whined.

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No seriously I swear I...I'd never do anything to him.... he....he's t...t...too innocent...... I couldn't..... he.... doesn't even know how I feel about him..... He shuddered, embarrassed. I...I'm too afraid..... that..... he...he'll hate me.... if I tell him.... he may be my good side but..... He sighed, sitting down. Go on ahead..... laugh dad.... laugh.... I know you want to....

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I'm already laughing on the inside, but not because of how you feel, because of how similar you two are to your fathers. Part of me is just glad you didn't have to live the same childhood as we have.

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He allowed the subject to pass The costume itself is easy, the only thing even remotely difficult is getting a live crow to stick by your side the whole time. However, seeing how well you work with Ravens, getting a hold of a crow shouldn't be too hard for you

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ugghhh..... He then cupped his mouth with his hooves and made a crow noise and suddenly a creature, half pony, half crow soon dove down onto the ground. You interrupted me Mischief..... He cawed angrily and Mischief explained why. So I really need your help.... and I need you in your crow form.... Then the crow tilted his head, he was a black pony with red eyes and claws instead of back hooves as well as beak-like fangs. Only for a price. Of course.... I suspected as much.... what do you want BloodShed? BloodShed smiled and licked his lips, whispering something that made Mischief's eyes grow wide and made him blush. N....No! T...That's SICK! No deal!.... Mischief turned away and the crow-pony sighed and said. Come to my nest if you change your mind! Then he transformed into a crow and flew off, leaving Mischief to ponder the deal. Nope..... I'd rather walk to Antarctica in my birthday suit dig to the underworld with my bare hooves and kiss Satan himself.... He grumbled.

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He looked down at his son Come on, if you want to do any real damage, you need to pull your hoof back further and follow through with the punch like you're trying to go through me

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The rule is if you have it or have done it, you are allowed to make fun of it. I had a strange relationship with my brother too, except we actually acted out on them, you two are all talk and no cuddle

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He blushed. Ah...ah... he... he's so cute... I... I can hardly control myself around him as it is.... I'd rather not cuddle him because well... I fear if I did..... I may lose myself...... and I may do something I might regret.... He looked away now, embarrassed. I.... I could never.... even when he comes to my room because of the monsters under his bed.... I sleep on the floor because I'm afraid.... that i might make him cry..... make him hate me... and most of all... betray him... He said, looking up at his father. s...s...so... d...don't you dare make fun of my love for him....

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He glared at Mischief And just who are you to tell me what to do? Not only am I your father, but I'm your worst nightmare. There's nothing you can do that I haven't seen a thousand times before...So please, show me what you're gonna do if I don't stop

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