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Prototype Angels. Private!


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He threw off his tie and used his sharp teeth to bite the head of the mace off before spitting it to the side. He grinned at his son, flashing his razor sharp chompers at Mischief Anything else?

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He was actually starting to feel pain That's more like it, but if you want to win a fight you have to be a little more relentless.

He quickly flapped his wings to lift him into the air, once he was high enough he stopped and let his body fall to the ground on top of Mischief

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Mischief's claws were coming out of his hooves, something he'd gotten from his mother as he bit and chewed and dug his claws into his father's flesh. GET OFF!!! Please.... get off..... He then flapped his wings and suddenly Bad harmony felt a screaming pain tearing down his back as Mischief's eyes turned to ones of fear.

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Ok...now that one...hurt he hopped off of Mischief, making sure to give him one last kick before he walked a few steps away, wondering what kind of damage had just been done

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It hadn't been Mischief as the pain increased and a loud rip was heard then a quick punch to the face to reveal Angel, attacking his father and holding his assigned weapon, a scythe and it was covered in his father's blood while his eyes had turned a dark blue and he grinned slowly.

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He grunted in pain and stared at his wound, it was more than fatal, the fact that he was still standing was a miracle even to him. You little prick...you're lucky I dont...He stopped talking as he sunk lower to the ground. Bleeding out was never a fun way to go 

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Angel walked over to his father, making him watch him. hee hee..... poor daddy.... such a fool..... I'll just have to kill you.... You hurt my big brother bad... so... He held the scythe over his head, I'll just cut you up... and eat you... not like you would taste good anyway... rotten hearts never taste good Hee hee!! He then almost ended his father but stopped himself, eyes turning green again and tears forming in his eyes. Daddy! He dropped it and checked the wound. I....I'm so sorry! He sobbed fearfully. I....I didn't mean it!!! He mewled, hugging his father and cuddling him, tending to his wound. Daddy.... I...I'm so sorry... I'm a bad..... bad... pony...

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It took maybe a minute for his body to start glowing red and begin his regeneration process. With a bright red flash he was already standing up with no visible harm done to him. Well, that was pleasant...

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D...D....Daddy..... Angel whimpered sadly. I....I'm sorry..... He sobbed and looked down at the ground. I...I'm a bad pony..... He sniffled. I...I h...hurt you real bad... a...and.... He whimpered. I....I'm g....gr....grounded... He said sadly. I should get grounded..... He said sternly. G...Ground me! He begged. I...I...I deserve it! Angel had never experienced grounding before as he was usually the one to be a A+ Student and also was the most well behaved child that most had ever met, Unlike his older brother who was prone to be a bad colt and spray paint walls as well as commit horribly diabolical pranks upon other ponies.

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Bad Harmony stared at his son in disgust Quit your bawling. You just killed your father, a stallion who had lived for over hundreds of years and dedicated his life to being the strongest living thing. In my world such a feat should bring joy, not sadness. He said, trying to make him see a different way to view the situation

Now stop acting so pathetic and buck up for once, Hell your older brother couldn't even bring me down, but you managed to, this is an accomplishment.

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Angel frowned. B....But you.... you're my daddy..... He said gently. I....I hurt you bad..... He was confused and he looked innocently up at his father and tilted his head, he did not understand the joys of bloodshed.... nor did he understand the thing he had done other than that he had regretted it. Baddy Daddy...... Why are you happy about me hurting you?..... shouldn't you be angry?.... shouldn't you be mad at me....? am I not supposed to get in trouble for this?

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He sighed Yes...sometimes I forget that i'm from a completely different world than this. And even after all these years I'm still practically an alien when it comes to these ponies morals and values...buck that! This time, we are going by the rules of MY world. Defeating me is an accomplishment among other things, but you managed to actually kill me. The rules of my world demand you take my title, but you're still new to this and that's probably not something your mother would want to hear...So how about we just go out for ice cream as a reward?

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Angel tilted his head. O....Okay! He smiled gently and walked over quietly then called for his brother who said nothing and looked down at the ground. Big brother?.... Please don't be sad.... Please? Angel I cannot help it.... this means I cannot protect you.... when you are helpless... Funny Big brother.... you are the coolest and strongest pony ever! You always will be able to protect me... and protect daddy and mommy and even StarGaze.... even though he skipped school and we haven't seen him since he's gone to collage but it's okay! Big brother! Can I share my icecream with you?Eeehhh... no.... sorry buddy but that's not mine... I don't deserve it.... Pleeeeaaasseee? Mischief then blushed at his brother's puppy dog eyes and wagging tail.

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You two are so adorable Bad Harmony shook his head and placed a hoof against his temple Grrr, come on, let's get moving He said as he started walking toward the nearest town to find an icecream stand

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When they did find one Angel had asked for his favorite, Vanilla but with some chocolate on top, dark Chocolate and White chocolate and begged his brother to try some while his brother eventually gave in to make him stop whining. YAAAY! Angel cheered as his brother looked away and thanked him... but then Angel's face began to turn red after eating said icecream and Mischief's face began to redden too then Angel cuddled his brother a little too lovingly. B...Big nnnh.... Big Brother.... He mewled and Mischief looked to his father. Eyes wide. D...dad wh....what's wrong with Angel?

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A...Angel...? Mischief shuddered while his brother cuddled and rubbed against his brother. D...D...Dad.... W....what is in that icecream?....... Then something clicked.... either one hadn't had a certain type of chocolate on the icecream.... Angel had never had White chocolate and Mischief had never had Dark chocolate.... the two chocolates were on the icecream they had eaten... and Nightly had warned that they will probably inherit her condition..... but the only problem was is the fact that each child would have a different candy they would have that resulted in the reaction.... and Bad Harmony had just found it... Mischief was leaning on his father... he had never felt like this before and it was making him sick... D..Daddy.... He whimpered painfully. it hurts..... It's gross.... I don't like it..... He hugged his father which he usually didn't do unless he was scared and he only called him daddy if it was really bad...

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