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Prototype Angels. Private!


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He mentally cursed at himself and picked them both up, placing them on his back and running back to the house. He knew the condition, but she would know better how to handle it. Nightly,we have a problem!

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Huh?... She turned and then she noticed them. Oh my goodness! Here!! She grabbed them and ran them upstairs and after a few minutes she came back down and smiled. They are fine... but now we know their candy types.... Angel is White chocolate and Mischief is Dark chocolate... Thank goodness.... but now we need to make sure they stray away from eating those kinds of chocolate... it'll wear off as the week passes.... They just need some sleep and something to do...

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Nightly stared at her husband for a good five minutes and blushed, a bit angry at him and quite surprised. D...Don't you dare think about doing that to them! She huffed, flustered. I...I'm going to be going back to the war tonight.... She sighed. They need somepony to be fighting on the front lines... and they decided on me.... so... She looked at him and said with all seriousness. So don't mess around too much.... Then she looked him straight in the eyes. And promise me that you won't try to... ahem.... make the boys... Mate.... She raised an eyebrow and asked. Promise you won't?

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I know.... But I know for a fact that you are a crafty snake of whom I adore and you also happen to help things happen..... as in.... put them in the same room..... alone.... She said with a raised eyebrow. Baddy.... promise you won't... help.... them with that.... or at least not in that way...

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Baddy... Nightly giggled. well here it's illegal.... I don't want them getting in trouble.... she sighed. But if you really want to go against the law then go ahead but let's just say you will be punished if I come home to find that the boy's virginity is gone... She poked him on the nose with a sweet smile and then hugged him. I'm going to miss you....

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I lasted the last war... so I'll manage this one...Nightly smiled and kissed his cheek. Oh... and also.... Bad Harmony one last thing.... the boys have been begging me to show them where their father had lived since so many things were different there... so I'm leaving that to you... you can show them or you can leave it alone.... She smiled worriedly. But also i only hope that you can also get mischief to tell you what's wrong.... he has been.... scared of something.... waking up in the middle of the night to cry and come to tell me about a nightmare he had or a monster in his room...

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I'll talk to him and see if I can't figure something out. He said, completely ignoring the whole 'visiting' his home-world thing. With that he gave her a hug and a quick kiss Good luck, sweetheart. Try not to die 

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She laughed. Oh I'll try! She then left to go get her things and go to the military bus...

now as for Mischief....

He was shuddering in his room, hiding under his covers and whispering something's name... the name of his monster... but he kept begging it to leave. Please go away Anarchy....*sniffle*...Please.... you're scaring me..... *hic* *hic* Go away!

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Bad Harmony started pounding on the door until it finally broke off of its hinges. He stared down at it in confusion ...huh...must have been getting too old. Anyway, Mischief I can hear you from the hallway; what are you muttering about?

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Mischief was looking at a creature with beautiful but mismatched eyes yet he could not tell what was beyond that as the creature was cloaked in darkness, it looked to be trying to wipe away Mischief's tears but was Startled by Bad Harmony's presence and it just stared back at him wide eyed, scared.

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Mischief whimpered. D...Dad.... this is m...my master... Anarchy.... He looked over at the small creature and it whimpered, it's quiet voice said. I...I'm so sorry to startle you... I meant n...no harm... M..Mischief was sad so I decided to cheer him up. He was much smaller than Mischief.

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ah... I apologize for the confusion.... but.... He whimpered, embarrassed and scared. I...I didn't choose to be his master... He chose me.... and there was a disturbance in his room..... so I...I came to help...

Mischief sighed and nodded, Anarchy was telling the truth. Sadly this kid has never shown me his face... or his body at all.... He grumbled and then said. and these tears are from the fact that frankly you terrify me now.... you almost murdered me... and you were enjoying it so.... I dislike you.... in fact you gave me nightmares

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You tried to murder my son!? He yelled, walking closer to the creature. Dark grey smoke started coming out from his body, draining the color out of everything it touched

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The child stared at him and backed up and tripped, revealing a half pony half draconequss, but he didn't look threatening, in fact... he looked fluffy and adorable.... big eyes, straight blue hair, cream yellow body and a sweet scent as Mischief finally got a look at his master and got the courage to pull off the cloak. This child... had a pink butterfly wing with sparkles and hearts then a wing of a princess on the other side, he was curvy like a mare and had one of the legs of the crystal statue created by all of equestria then his other leg was that of a doe... now as for his arms one belonged to a thin poodle and the other belonged to a thin horse as he covered his face, and Mischief laughed a bit and then began to laugh so hard he cried. You're so cute!!.... He laughed as his master blushed softly, shivering and embarrassed. I d...d...didn't mean to scare you... b...but I wanted to make sure you could protect yourself Mischief.... He cried a little bit. I....I don't want you hurt Aww.... well not scared anymore..... hell... I should be YOUR master.... He grinned and then Anarchy shuddered. N...No thank you.... as Mischief noogied him. S...STOP!!! MISCHIEF!!!!! Hehehehehe! He angrily wagged his tail that looked to belong to a griffon, fluffy at the end but longer than usual, pink fur at the end and fluffy from anger.

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