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The Romancing Quest [story]


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Everyone makes mistakes, its good that you could recognise and changed them.

Do you feel that the story is better for it though? From a reader's point of view the difrence is significant but flows through to the next chaptor. Unlike the auther, we don't see the knockon effect as it were, the subsiquent alterations that have to be made to the plot to suit the new conditions. The new chapter eleven is a definate improvment, keeping the tone in line with the rest of the fic. Though I was a little disapointed that some of the interaction between the aditional characters was lost, I am also left wondering how much your aproach to the rest of the story has changed to suit?

Did you have to abandon a significant chunk of plans, or was the trasision smoother then you expected?

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For all intents and purposes, the changes suit my plans most, as it turned out.

The original chapter 11's scene where most will say things took an awkward turn, was birthed while I was working a graveyard shift, where I tend to do a lot of my brainstorming to keep me from going stir-crazy. For one reason or another, I got fixated on a scene where Celestia seduces Macintosh, perhaps as a homage to the whole Trollestia thing, and then slipping into a scene where Ditzy-Doo detects "a disturbance in the derp". At the time, I thought it was a hilarious bit. But I also knew it was out of place, so I was walking on eggshells, and the chapter ends rather abruptly after that point. I think subconciously I wanted to test the waters and see what kind of reaction I was going to get, but also equal parts Writers Impatience and wanting to get the weeks chapter submitted.

So as it went, I recieved what I can only describe as a "minor fallout". The word Rape got tossed around a lot, a word I would rather not associate with the series. I then took a long look at the chapter, and decided that I had broken my own rule of wanting to keep the story's feel light hearted and "pony". You'll notice I try to keep the theme and tone of the characters in line with the show, as much as possible. There are a few parts where things get a little more mature, but that's mostly because it is in fact a love story, and I feel that as long as it's light and playful, it abides by my rule. So, I deleted the scene from the core chapter, and rewrote from that point on, and was a lot more satisfied than what my late night addled brain had given me.

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