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Friendship is Blu - A Crossover Fic


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Hello everypony! To start, let me give you some backstory...

This particular fic is a crossover between everypony's favorite show and the animated film released earlier this year, 'Rio'.

Now, while I do explain A BIT regarding the film in this, I ABSOLUTELY suggest you watch Rio before reading, or at least have an understanding of the characters from the film. It's BENEFICIAL that you know the characters to enjoy this story to its full extent! However, if you can sit through the Rio bits and make sense of them for some odd reason, please do read on...Celestia help you...xD

Before this story begins, I must thank a fellow member and VERY good friend of mine here, Tnelson, or Travis. He's constantly helped in consulting ideas for this with me, and will be editing chapters of this fic. See, you can't make material without a little help from your friends!

Generally, this story will be constructed into different parts. This fic will act as a "anthology" of sorts, containing separate stories in a style that implies separate episodes, similar to FiM. I want to capture that feel, yet give you the fun of it all!

So, without any may gab-gab-gabbing of my lips, read this fic and ENJOY!


Chapter 1

Let's Blu This!

Yes, that's a Foster's reference....

It is almost a natural point when nature chooses someone's destiny.

Whether aware or not, it comes to be definite history.

In the general miracles, to the destiny of one's self,

always landing their stories on a bookcase shelf.

Given to the individuals who suspect it less,

chosen because of spirit that is displayed above the rest.

Whether pony or any other being, whether furred or winged,

destiny can be not a curious, but rather excellent thing.

"Oh, gross, you actually read this gunk, Twilight?" A small green and purple dragon by the name of Spike muttered as he read the lines of yet another book that he found lying around. It was days like these when he had nothing to do when he would just senselessly browse through random books; he wasn't enjoying this one at all.

"It's not 'gunk', Spike. It's literature, something you really need to become more familiar with," Twilight Sparkle, a pony that had long been friends with Spike (And was even usually assisted by him in any of her work) replied from across the room. Spike rolled his eyes, expecting that kind of response from Twilight Sparkle.

"But I don't get it. What's so great about this destiny thing, anyway?" Spike asked, clearly ready to be bombarded by another round of explanation by Twilight Sparkle. After all, she was usually really good at that.

"What's 'so great' about it is that it really happens, Spike. It's not just an idea, it truly can happen. Of course, sometimes it's just a matter of sticking to something, but in general it's something that can happen to anypony," Twilight Sparkle explained.

"Well, I guess that kind of makes sense. I just don't get why we've been through crazy stuff like fighting Nightmare Moon and stuff, but none of that 'destiny' stuff has happened to us," Spike remarked rather skeptically.

"Oh come on, Spike. Sometime or another, everyone has some kind of destiny to look to. After all, what do you think the Sonic Rainboom that Rainbow Dash performed as a filly that gave us our Cutie Marks meant?" Twilight Sparkle offered, feeling she made a fair counter-point. However, Spike's face still stuck to his skeptical expression.


"You really shouldn't be so skeptical, Spike. Thinks like that happen all the time. We just don't know it because we're not there to see it for ourselves. Now try to be quiet for a bit. I'm trying to practice my teleportation spells," Twilight Sparkle mumbled as she read through one of the many spell books she had in possession. Before you could even say 'Princess Celestia', Twilight immediately took her magic abilities for a test-drive, and while she tried to teleport a nearby book on a bookshelf, the book suddenly combusted into flames, and then landed on the floor in a pile of ash.

"I think you need to practice more," Spike remarked innocently, to which Twilight Sparkle shot a glare over to Spike in annoyance.

"Alright, let me try this one more time," Twilight Sparkle remarked slowly, her horn glowing once more, ready to try the teleportation spell once again, before somepony opened the door.

"Hiya, Twilight!"


Whether human or any other being, whether furred or winged,

destiny can be not a curious, but rather excellent thing.

"Wow Blu, you write that?"

Crowded around a rather small computer was a group of birds, two Spix macaws, a toucan, a red-crested cardinal and a canary.

"I wish I did. It's pretty interesting though, isn't it?" The Spix macaw named Blu said with excitement in his voice.

"Yeah, if you're into that dorky, spiritual stuff," Jewel, the other Spix macaw responded with a laugh.

"Dorky? Well, that 'dorky, spiritual stuff' is actually quite interesting once you get the meaning of it," Blu responded back, as if the insulting of this poem was a personal insult to him.

"So, what's the meanin' of it?" Nico, the small canary asked in confusion. Blu thought for a moment, when both his expression and mind went blank.

"Uhh... well, destiny means something or other about what you'll accomplish. That's the gist I get from it," Blu admitted rather embarrassingly. Jewel rolled her eyes in response, doing it in both annoyance of her mate Blu dragging them to a computer to read a poem and in loving of the goof he was, thinking a poem had deep meaning when he didn't even know the meaning itself.

"That doesn't make sense. That means it's basically telling you what you need to accomplish. It doesn't give you any freedom in life of what decisions to make in your life. It's like telling a bird they're going to be a famous politician...they act like idiots just to accomplish something they never even wanted to do." Jewel offered, which actually irritated Blu a bit.

"First of all, destiny is more than just that. Destiny is something that's going to happen later in time that's mostly predetermined." Blu responded as he clicked the mouse and keyboard madly on the computer. "Second, why would a bird be a politician?"

"Where'd you get that from? A dictionary?" Jewel asked with a perked eyebrow...or what could seem like an eyebrow on a bird's expression. Blu frowned in response, and then lowered his head.

"Kind of," Blu admitted lowly, moving out of the way to reveal the site he was on, called 'WordBook', which was apparently an online dictionary.

"Well, this got weird fast," Pedro, the red-crested cardinal remarked with a snicker.

"I kind of see Blu's point, Jewel. After all, destiny seemed to have a way with you two love birds back when you first met," Rafael the toucan said with a smile, his expression drawing a rolling of a pair of blue eyes from Jewel.

"Yeah, and then you went all 'Womanizer' with him," Jewel remarked, to which Rafael grinned and shrugged his shoulders; wings, more like.

"So, is destiny kinda like Nature's crystal ball or somethin'?" Nico asked curiously. In response, Blu glanced out the window thoughtfully for some odd reason.

"Something like that, but I'm guessing it happens to everyone at some point. Maybe we might have something like it happen to us sooner or later?" Blu said thoughtfully, hopping onto the windowsill outside.

"Yeah, when horses fly," Pedro remarked as he suddenly popped up on Blu's head.

"Pedro, amigo, it's 'When pigs fly'," Nico corrected as he popped up next to Pedro above the Spix macaw's head as well.

"Really? Horses sounds better," Pedro said with dis-satisfaction in his voice, as if he wasn't informed of this fact.

"Why is everyone using my head as a doormat?" Blu suddenly asked in a rather annoyed tone, his eyes now in a half-glare expression.

"What's a doormat?" Pedro asked immediately.

"Look, I'd love to hear more about your whacked-out spiritual talk, but I kind of want to get going. We were going to find a nice place in the woods to relax today, remember?" Jewel asked with a slight-grating tone, obviously tired of this 'destiny' talk and more interested in what was currently going on. Blu thought for a moment, his face caught in a nervous grasp before Jewel nudged him in an irritated way, triggering Blu to blubber out the answer she wanted to hear.

"Oh yeah! Like we agreed, haha..." Blu laughed lightly, trying to please his love hawk as much as he could. Blu loved her, he really did. However, she could definitely be scary when she wanted to be.

"That's what I thought," Jewel muttered as she spread out her wings with a small smile and flew off quickly into the forest, to which Rafael slowly walked up next to Blu.

"Woo, trouble in paradise huh?" Rafael asked with a small smirk, trying to have fun with his 'amigo de azul'.

"You can say that again. Well, I guess we should head off." Blu sighed.

"We? Who said anythin' about us being with you on a 'relaxation trip'?" Pedro asked, a tad creeped-out by Blu's statement.

"Pedro, he probably needs some help with finding a spot. I got a perfect suggestion for ya. Follow my lead, buddy!" Nico exclaimed suddenly as he took off with his light body and sped out ahead, to which Blu and Rafael took off.

"Wait up! I'm still trying to get used to this flying thing!" Blu yelled after the canary as he chased after the small bird to find where this 'spot' was.

"Wait up, Crystal Ball Bird!" Pedro yelled after as he lifted-off after the birds.


Back in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Pinkie Pie (the latter was the pony who had entered the house) were all left in confusion of what exactly they'd just done. Everything seemed completely normal, but yet something felt different, thanks to the teleportation spell that Twilight had attempted.

"...Well, that didn't work," Spike finally concluded, realizing nothing visible had been effected by Twilight Sparkle's attempt at teleporting an object in the room.

"What didn't work?" Pinkie Pie asked, completely oblivious to anything that just occurred besides her popping in out of nowhere to interrupt Twilight Sparkle's concentration on her spell.

"Twilight Sparkle's teleportation spell. Well, guess we'd better try something else, then," Spike concluded, before Twilight practically trampled him in a seemingly-insane state, bug-eyed eyes and all.

"What are you talking about? Something had to go somewhere! I've never used that kind of magic and not have something happen, Spike!" Twilight Sparkle responded in a seemingly-paranoid state, as if it was a disaster that it didn't work. All the while, Pinkie Pie was taking it in with a smile, not understanding what exactly was being discussed.

"Just calm down. It's not like it's the end of the world," Spike said as he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"You don't get it, Spike. Magic that powerful has to go somewhere. Wherever it went, it just teleported it somewhere!" Twilight Sparkle said rather ominously.

"So, that means?" Spike asked, rather annoyed and frankly uncaring to the apparent situation.

"It means we need to figure out what was teleported out of here!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed as she suddenly ran to a bookshelf and began madly pulling out books with her telekinesis, practically flooding half the place in only a few seconds.

"Twilight! Calm down! It's probably nothing!" Spike shouted over the sound of thumping books drowning out everything and dust flying all around. It was only by luck that Spike and Pinkie were able to notice Applejack poke her head in from outside.

"Twilight? Wha- oh," Applejack muttered, noticing the insane condition the place was in. "Perhaps this is a bad time."

"Of course it isn't! Twilight is just crazy!" Pinkie Pie replied rather cheerfully with her same trademark smile. Spike replied to this statement by simply staring at Pinkie Pie with a confused expression.

"Just?" Spike asked immediately with a confused tone.

"That's what I-" Applejack said before she quickly was pegged with a flying book, "-meant, Pinkie."

"Twilight, stop overreacting! We all know what happened the last time you did!" Spike exclaimed, stopping Twilight Sparkle dead in her progress of tearing books off the shelves.

"You're right! Nothing happened and everything is fine, hehehe!" Twilight Sparkle said with a strangely-disturbing laugh and a walled expression.

"Right, everything is perfectly normal, Twilight," Spike said with a smile, feeling self-accomplished for being able to keep his friend sane, or at least partly-sane judging by Twilight's expression.

"Not exactly, Spike. Only thing that ain't normal now is Twilight," Applejack remarked, who's point was proven quickly as the three sane beings in the room glanced over at Twilight Sparkle, who was currently curled into a fetal position in paranoia.

"What's fun about being normal? Being abnormal is the best!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed with her normal cheery approach. Obviously, this wasn't helping as Spike walked over to Twilight Sparkle with an annoyed expression.

"How about this? – You come outside, we'll go through Ponyville, figure out nothing happened, and you'll thank me for being right?" Spike said with a sudden grin, seeing this as a an opportunity, rather than a situation.

"Yeah...okay," Twilight Sparkle nodded, her scary expression still glued shut onto her face as she got up and walked away.

"...This isn't going to end well, is it?" Spike asked himself aloud.

"I wouldn't count on it," Applejack responded back rather quickly.

"Well, I guess we'll just have to find out the same way we always do," Spike muttered as him and Twilight Sparkle headed out the door slowly.

"Wait up Spike. If anythin' goes down, I don't want it endin' up like the whole doll thing again," Applejack stated as she headed after the two out the door, leaving Pinkie Pie alone inside.

"Wait up guys! I want to see what happens when Twilight goes crazy again!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly as she bounced after the rest of the group, apparently excited for an insane outburst by her friend.


Meanwhile, Blu and Rafael slowly trailed behind the rest of the birds, and for good reason. After all, Rafael just needed to discuss with Blu why he should be more "into" the relationship. Frankly, it was the last thing Blu wanted to hear about.

"Rafael, can we please not talk about this? It's bad enough I'm desperate to find something to make this whole mating thing whole, but you telling me I need to be more 'into it' doesn't help," Blu groaned as he glided slowly alongside his toucan buddy. This was indeed the case, as Blu and Jewel weren't exactly the greatest of mates after the whole incident with a certain cockatoo a while back. In fact, it was downright rocky. Blu had never had this kind of feeling before, and it felt good for a while. However, “a while” didn't last long enough, because now he was confused at what he was supposed to do in a relationship. It was complete Greek to a bird like him that had been cooped up in a bookstore in 'Tiny-sota' for the past fifteen years.

"C'mon amigo! You should take advice sometimes! Friends are there not just to make you look good, but to help you when you need help most. Right now, you need all the help you can get," Rafael remarked with a smile. Blu sighed audibly, confirming this statement didn't exactly make him feel better.

"Gee, that makes me feel better," Blu muttered.

"Look Blu, you love her and she loves you – I'm pretty sure of it – Anyways, if that isn't love, I don't know what it is. All you have to do is stay by her side, support her in time of need and you're set! After all, it's worked for me the past,” Rafael paused to count the amount of time that it worked, “ten years!”

Still, Blu seemed unsure of this.

"Look, I'll help you out with whatever you need. After all, hanging out with a best friend can help you learn a few things," Rafael added.

"Well...alright. Look, I just want the best for us, and with the least amount of pain needed. After all, it took smashing into walls, being attacked by monkeys, getting choked by a cockatoo and almost dying to get where I am now," Blu stated rather annoyed, thinking of the millions of things him and Jewel had to go through while being chained-together to be in the status they were at. Then again, Rafael wasn't far off, Blu thought to himself.

After all, he did need to stand by her. The two were "chained-to-each other birds". That title hadn't been taken, Blu thought. The toucan was even more righteous on the note of the two loving each other. Of course Blu loved her, and she loved him. Maybe he'd been looking at this all wrong?

However, before Blu could think any more about it, something hit him – in the head with the force of a rock. This had turned out to be Pedro, who had smashed directly into Blu's head and sending the two crashing into a group of bushes.

"Pedro! Nico! What are you guys in a rush for?" Blu could hear Rafael ask from above as he rose out of the bushes. Before Blu could say a single word, Pedro and Nico were already in front of Blu, looking frantic and pale, almost as if they'd seen a monster.

"Blu! You gotta come quick! Something came outta nowhere!” Pedro exclaimed.

“It don't know what it is,” explained Nico, “but it's scary!”

“Yeah! And it's really big and long and-” began Pedro.

"Guys, this isn't funny. Can we please get back to following Jewel?" Blu said rather coldly, sparking panicked expressions on Pedro and Nico's beaks.

"He doesn't believe us! We gotta go and save her!" Nico shouted as he grabbed Pedro by the wing and attempted to haul him off with him, before realizing his cardinal bud was easily much heavier than him.

"Wait, her? Jewel? Guys, stop fooling around. You're actually starting to scare me," Blu stated rather nervously, realizing his friend's statements may not be so untruthful. After all, where was Jewel?

"We ain't foolin'! Jewel got kidnapped by this thing!" Pedro exclaimed, suddenly grabbing Blu and squeezing his head, trying to get the point across.

"Then why didn't you go after him?!" Blu asked loudly.

"You kiddin'? He was scary lookin'!" Pedro whimpered like a little girl. Blu still wasn't sure about anything coming out of their mouths was true, but if Jewel was kidnapped...he had to get going, right about now.

"Come on! We need to help Jewel!" Blu said with a brave tone, soaring off into the direction Nico and Pedro had come from.

"Hold up, Blu! You're not taking on this weird thing by yourself!" Rafael called after him as him, Nico and Pedro fired off after the Spix macaw. Blu wasn't sure about rushing to an adversary and getting Jewel back like this. In fact, he was petrified of the idea. However, if that meant helping them become closer, it seemed like it'd be worth it.

However, little did Blu know that there'd be a lot more to it than just saving her from this sudden chaos...


I hope you enjoyed, and PLEASE review if you get the chance! I'm so excited to finally give you a taste of my fanfiction!

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...Well, I can see the idea is a bit messed up here.

I completely understand. After all, I shouldn't expect everyone to have seen Rio, xD

Chapter 2 is done, and already on FF.net, but...not sure if there's really any interest. I can understand why, though, so....anyone care to see a second chapter?

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