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Subtle Bristle [FINAL]


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Roleplay Type: Equestria Mane RP

Name: Subtle Bristle

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Unicorn

Pelt Color: Sombre blue

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Dark green mane and tail

Eye Color: steel grey

Cutie Mark: Rusty scales weighing a pile of bits in one scale and a sword and shield in the other, with the sword and shield weighing down its side


Physique: Average

Origin: Manehatten, originally, his family moved around alot, he now Resides in Fillydelphia

Occupation: Attorney at Law

Motivation: Eventually aims to do his family proud and become a Judge one day, on a day to day basis however, his motivation is merely making enough bits to break even.

Likes: Bits, peace of mind, hay fries, Justice, Cynicism

Dislikes: Cynicism, noisey places, headaches, going to bed on an empty stomach (happens way too often), the irony of his situation

Character Summary: Originally an enthusiastic young pony with a deep love of Justice and admiration for authority figures, has a very traditional mindset and outlook on life, all of which is soured by his current state of affairs. He has grown more cynical about life, and his traditional outlook means he often cannot stand the rather base attitudes of other ponies, especially many of whom he has had to represent in court. A furnace, he has found, that tests what one believes about society and their fellow pony.

Origins: Subtle Bristle's family was never particularly wealthy and both his parents where rather well on in their years when he came about, and his early education was a scattered affair at best. All he knew was his father's job required them to relocate. Alot. While this means he has never forged any real friendships in his life, it happened to benefit him later on. Despite this however, his father was insistent on Subtle respecting everyone he met, his elders, mayors, Mares and all others, with a particular respect for the law and 'the right thing to do'. He developed a deep sense of propriety, manners and moral character as a result of this, almost to a surprising degree. Having travelled to many parts of Equestria he learned lots about local customs and standards of behaviour.

One day when still a foal, his family was passing through a way-station on their way to a four month stay in the Appleoosan settlement, Subtle would finally get his cutie mark. The local rock farmer there had two sons that had gotten into trouble with the marshal who policed the station. Both of whom had been reported to the marshal for breaking the crossing lights on the train tracks by a local filly, the marshal's own daughter. Each protested their innocence and blamed eachother out of fear of being blamed themselves. Subtle got caught up in the debate after having heard the ponies shouting across from the waystation while their train had stopped. Apologizing for his interruption into the affair he began questioning each of the young colts' version of the events, both of whom seemed to have decent alibis for the time of the vandalism, it was not until the young filly mention an inaccuracy that he began questioning her how exactly she could know so much detail about the vandalism, much to the marshal's chagrin. Stuttering and making excuses, he eventually got her to confess she had broken the lights while playing and had blamed the two sons so she wouldn't get into trouble. The marshal, appalled at his daughter's behaviour, thanked Subtle for deducing the culprit and apologized to the young colts, who in turn showed their thanks by inviting Subtle and his family to their home for dinner. It was then that his cutie mark materialized, however, while the presence of the weighted scales had made sense at the time for his arbitration and pursuit of the truth, the contents on the scales were not so easy to deduce and it would only come to him later as he grew older.

His father and mother had passed away by the time he was a colt. Not feeling like continuing moving around, he opted to return to Manehatten where he had been born, using his inheritance to fund his education studying law. His travels across Equestria came in handy when he was forced to deal with wildly varying and contradictory laws, customs, legal precedents from the various legal jurisdictions of Equestria and finding how to legally reconcile them with Equestrian Common Law and statutes. His eager desire to use his knowledge of law and the justice system for the betterment of all ponies had caught the attention of a relatively successful law pony in Manehatten who took him under his wing as an apprentice once he had graduated from one of the local colleges.

Sadly, life in a law office had been quite a disappointment to Subtle. It was not the work, he knew he would be stuck with dreary days full of endless reams of papers to read, fill out, sign and send for the rest of his life. What got to him were the ponies. Everyone from the sickeningly self-entitled Nouveau Riche ponies, to the working class smhuck who moonlights as a mob enforcer, all the way to every gold toothed tax dodging scumbag one could imagine hired the services of his Mentor, and by extension, him. From a front row view he saw the lies, the loopholes, the gold digging divorces, the criminals walking free and every perversion of Justice the letter of the law permitted. When he confronted his mentor about how he was running the firm, the mentor had replied it was all for bits in the end, Justice was just a happy extra one got from time to time. When Subtle asked why his mentor had then took him under his wing when he knew their outlooks on life would be so irreconcilable that a healthy business relationship could not be maintained, he replied that he had taken pity on Subtle, and that his enthusiasm had reminded him alot of himself when he was his age.

Subtle still pretends he didn't hear that to this day.

Subtle left the firm soon after and started his own office in Fillydelphia. Low on bits he struggles to make ends meet, to pay rent for his office, which he is forced to live in and slowly, day by day, he learns what temptations one faces when desperation clings to the mind, and begins to understand what his mentor had meant, even if he still stubbornly refuses to acknowledge it. It was around now he truly learned what his cutie mark meant, even when faced with starvation and eviction, he would still refuse cases if he felt his client was unconscionable, even if he knew he could win it and gain a sizeable payment. His heart would not allow him to prosecute an unjust cause and would often end up working pro bona out of utter sympathy. All this, despite his crippling, desperate need for bits.

The irony of his cutie mark could not be more clear to him.

As it stands, he still operates his small 'hole in the wall' office in Fillydelphia, his dreams of becoming a judge far in the distant future in terms of fulfilment, if at all, and he is often seen dishevelled, with poor clothing and a saddle pack that was worn through and patched more times then he cared to remember. If it was not obvious, he willingly works cheap, if he believes you're on the level.



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Oh you've got a pretty nice looking app here, and as the player of the boards other legal pony, it'd be nice to have somepony to share a few lol-legal stories and whatever with - Nothing overly bad that I can see in here, so I think I shall toss this on up to the modsquad and let them look.


Good luck there, m'friend - look Robikku Pegasus up if you need legal RP'age! :P

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