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When The Days Seem Brighter [TheUmbrella]


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"It is better for us this way... She needs to spread her wings and find a special somepony of her own. She needs to raise her own family." Gerty explained. "She's got her free spirit from my side of the family. Down my side of the family we are always given the choice to be free, who we are and leave becuase anywhere is home and we're never alone. She's never alone because we're always with her in her heart."

Pixie Parcel blushed slightly. "Aww, mother... Even though I got my sense of freedom from you, you still suprise me by saying the nicest things." She coughed even more after speaking.

"I just wish you didn't have your father's sense of duty towards work. You know, just the other week he came home at half past three in the morning because he was helping out three colts who had injured themselves by trying to run away from home, just to stay out late. He just got through the door and passed out before he even reached the stairs!" Gerty Greetings told them both.

"Father always puts the health of others before his self." Pixie agreed.

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Gerty reached the clinic doors. She opened the doors and entered swiftly. After a quick conversation with the receptionist, Gerty turned back to Amaranth. "He's in with another patient at the moment. So we'll have to wait in the waiting room." Gerty Greetings explained. "Hang in there Pixie... Remember, you can be strong if you believe."

Pixie Parcel smiled weakly. She was fighting for breath. A clear look of determination rested on the young mare's face. The pegasus refused to let the illness beat her even though she felt exhausted just trying to breathe.

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The door opened and a young filly walked out with a bandage on her leg. She limped out of the clinic, alone and in tears. Gerty spotted her huband standing outside of the office. "Looks like he's done. We can go in now." She told Amaranth. Gerty stood up and headed towards her husband.

"Hey Gerty... It's no suprise seeing you here. But it's always nice to see you on a day filled with so many tears." Golden Heart Spoke as he watched the filly disappear from sight. He then turned his attention back to his wife. "So what brings you here today?"

"Its not me this time... Its Pixie... She's as weak as a newborn foal. So with the help of a friend, I've got her to you." Gerty Greetings explained.

"Bring her into my office... Immediatly." He spoke calmly. Though a look of worry had set in on his face.

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"I appreciate the help" Amaranth started. "He can be a bit of an...absent minded colt" A soft chuckle escaped him as he thought about it. "My wife is quite the same. She once almost burned our kitchen down because she forgot a cake she was baking....It was so cute" Amaranth lowered his head a bit, a hint of loneliness glimmered in his eyes

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Though barely concious, Pixie Parcel could sense Amaranth's lonliness. She coughed several times before being able to speak up. "Please... Stay..." The young mare coughed and wheezed for a few moments before she lost conciousness.

Golden Heart Grabbed an oxygen mask and placed it carefully over his daughter's face. He then began to listen to the rapid beat of her heart and then the rasping sound of her rattling lungs. He frowned momentarilly as he understood clearly how ill his daughter really was. After a moment of sadness, he regained his composure. He then searched for a vein and took a sample of her blood for testing. Quickly, the stallion got fluids into her veins. He hung up the drip bag on it's hanger and watched the fluid as it ran down towards her veins.

Gerty gently rubbed her daughter's head. A look of worry was deeply set in on her face. She loved Pixie Parcel.

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"She's severly ill... Unfortunatly, her body's defenses were too weak to handle that chest infection that was passed around her place of work. Until her blood sample is tested it will remain a mystery." Golden Heart explained. "But with an oxygen mask to help her breathe and fluids inside her body, I know she'll make a recovery. It may take some time..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Right, well, that's good at least" Amaranth looked between the two parents for a moment. Something had been bothering him since he met this family and figured it was time to say something. "You should both make time for your child or children." His voice turned stirn as he began. "This shouldn't have happened in the first place, you're parents, her guardians who are supposed to watch her to prevent this kind of thing. I realize that I am calling your skills into question but it bothers me..."

Amaranth paused to take a breath. "...I should take my leave now, good day" Walking towards the door, he opened it, then stepped out.

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Just as Amaranth walked out of the room, Gerty stepped backwards and tripped over the door stop which she had accidentally knocked off the shelf only seconds ago. The middle aged me fell backwards onto the floor with a thud. "Oops..." She spoke while blushing out of embarrassment. She was getting clumsier by the minute it seemed. That wasn't helping anything any quicker. Gerty Greetings spent more life in a hospital bed than with her family. She couldn't help having little accidents. The mare was always thinking. She worried about her husband because of the number of times he'd forgotten to come home and the times he had forgotten to eat beacause he had put others before his self. Now she was faced with a severly ill daughter. Gerty was wishing that it had been her instead of Pixie in that state. But when she thought about that, then Pixie Parcel would be sad and start to feel bad about wanting to leave her family. It seemed like an endless cycle of guilt. A cycle which confused Gerty more than any pony. She was so confused that when she had stood up, the earth pony started pacing back and forth until she eventually walked head first into the wall and knocked her self out.

"No, not again!" Golden Heart groaned in despair. Two ill loved ones was more than he could cope with. He wasn't emotionally attatched to his patients, but his family meant the world to him. "Of all the ponies I could have married, I chose to marry the pony who spends most of her time in an intensive care unit. But she's all I've ever wanted... I'm getting too old for this..." Golden Heart mumbled softly to his self as he put his wife in the recovery position. He grabbed an ice pack and gently placed it on her head. 'She's going to have one big headache when she comes around... Then again, this day is enough to give any pony a headache. I'm used to treating my wife's injuries, but something doesn't quite add up. My daughter isn't a fragile pegasus. She's as tough as nails... Well she was, before she worked her self beyond the stretch of imagination. Just like me... I'm a bad influence. I made her into a workaholic. But that still doesn't explain why her immune system isn't working correctly. Even an over worked pony can fight a chest infection while being exhuasted.' Golden Heart had trailed off in his own thoughts. This was highly unusual for him as he wasn't known for being absoarbed into a world of thought.

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"This happens to her quite alot. It seems that I spent more time with my wife than any other of my patients." Golden Heart replied an honest answer. He never told a lie. He couldn't tell lies. Sometimes his the truth was hard to take. But, he took it straight on and came out with an honest answer. Golden Heart looked at his daughter. "She gets her attitude towards work from me you know... Putting others first and forgetting about her own needs. She learned from a fool to not think about what's best for her in times when she needs to do something for her self."

Gerty regained consiousness a few minutes later. "Oh, my aching head!" She groaned, while she rubbed her head with her hoof. She then blushed. "I did it again... Didn't I?"

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"It seems so" Amaranth hovered Gerty, a smile on his face. "You should be more careful, Misses Gerty" Turning to Golden Heart, he thought for a moment then realzed something. "My wife, Chrysanthemum, she could make something to give your daughter her energy back. I know the exact herbs I have to collect, maybe you can help me Gerty!"

Amaranth's smile started to grow. He knew he could help this family, some how.

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"That sounds like a good idea... I don't want to trip over anything again..." Gerty said, noticing all of the easy things in the room in which she could trip over or walk into.

"Take care of my wife when you go... I don't want her to cause injury to her self again." Golden Heart replied.

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