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Enter with a Flash!


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♥_♥ Those incredible, amazing sprites! Often, when peeps roll through here, saying they mess with pixels, they're more toward the beginners end. But you've got mad skills. I love the Pokémon style -- I think it's hard not to if you're into pixels. They way they handle outlines in particular caught my interest early on. It's very hard to find flaws with these.

My stuff is here: http://www.canterlot...ember/55-dessa/

I pretty much cut my teeth on pixels with MLP, so there's some stuff there I would consider "early works," made from before I had really developed a process. Everything in that gallery is something I was very proud of when I produced it, but going back, there are some things I don't like. Some of this stuff was very quick -- produced maybe in over the matter of a few hours, and some of it took a very long time indeed.

I'm working on one more major pony project (consisting of multiple images), then I'm probably going to move on to other stuff. I don't know that I'll be entirely done with ponies any time soon, but I'm feeling the itch to expand my skillset.

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