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I need advice and stuff...


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Well, I like singing, and there's an X-Factor like thing going on in my town. The winners will be made into the town's very own pop group, and they would perform at all the big dates, and get proffessional coaching for dancing and singing. This could be a big oppourtunity for me, but I'm not sure I'm good enough because people always laugh at me, and becasue of that I'm really shy and don't think I could audition in front of the audience and judges...

Here's two random videos of me singing so you can tell me if I do deserve to be made fun of...



Urm, if you think I'm good enough, i need advice on how to be confident. Please? :)

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Hey there! I've had a bit of vocal training so I can give you a few tips. You have great tone quality, in fact, you CAN carry a tune! yay! I think maybe you were a bit nervous doing the cover, but you could also use a bit more air so you sound stronger and more confident! You got to own that stage, girl! Hope this helps!

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