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My little zombie

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*TangoHooves walked through ponyville, a sad expression on his face. He was just fired from his job as a royal guard, he had been caught sleeping on the job for the third time. He often had insomnia which caused him to be tired the next day. As he walked through the town he heard a scream from afar, it was from Daisy's herb shop. Tango ran determined to find out what was going on in the herb shop. He walked in to find another pony on top of Daisy, he didn't think. He screamed "Let her go!". The pony bit Daisy and turned around to see Tango. The pony leaped at him with great force pushing him to the ground. Tango managed to roll over so he was on top of the other pony. This pony had blood on it's face and it's eyes seemed different. The pony continued to try and bite at him, Tango punched the pony with his hoof in the face. It didn't give in. Tango continued to punch it, it's head dropped with a thud. "Are you alright Daisy?" Tango said out of curiosity. Her body seemed almost lifeless*

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