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I have a friend from Russia who is unsure about joining


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She is worried about how she will be treated and about the fact that she will make mistakes when posting in English thus not following the "Clean English Only" rule (I personally feel her English is pretty good for being Russian). . Just how far do you go to enforce "Clean English Only" rule? If she makes mistakes when spelling words and such what would you do?

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Occasional spelling and grammar mistakes in posts are fine; what the Clean English Only rule is meant to stop are things like leet speak, text message speak, and such (list is certainly not all-inclusive). We don't expect posters to have a Master's in English to post; we do expect them to use a little common sense.

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Next question (and this is her question) which i am not sure what she means:

"Is this really necessary to do fields, which empty themselves each time you reload a page, and make every one of them necessary to post... and add additional post thing, in which you also need to post something, to confuse you even more?" In the Introduction area

I asked her what was the problem in the Introduction area and she said this:

"They clean themselves if I try to preview it and they need an additional post thing on top" (she considers it not necessary and that it could be done better.)

I understand her question, This in when she is making her Introduction thread, about all the extra fields she has to fill out.

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Everyone is definitely welcome, but please be aware that the rules ask for English only as the staff can't monitor posts they can't read -- but as Armony said, her English doesn't have to be amazing. The tags at the beginning of a thread are optional.

Be careful, as I've seen some people get in trouble because some words may translate to English with a profane spelling or meaning (even if that isn't the intention), which will cause a problem.

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