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My First Recording



I have just finished my first recording and hopefully that will be up soon. Just going to let Tom (my brother) edit for me as I don't want to see that face again..... but I have too. I'm going to give you a rhyme and a picture so you can guess what I'm playing. It's very clear. Ok Here is the nursery rhyme that you may or may not of heard before:

There was a crooked man and he walked a crooked mile,

He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.

He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse.

And they all lived together in a little crooked house.

That's it. Have a guess and if any of you want to do some art to cheer me up I would love it. When the first video is on Youtube I will put it up. For now I think I'll go to the walkthough as I'm stuck.

If you do do art for the channel please send it to: TehPandaRage@gamil.com The pctures that I have put in this are to guide any ponies that do want to do art for me. If you take out the blonde man (Pewdiepie) and put in a brown haired girl with red panda ears and tail. I like to wear clothes like the girl Ihave created. If you do do art it would help alot! :D You can edit everything with the girl that I have created to replace Pewdiepie but the man with the crooked neck will need to stay the same.

Thanks for reading! Become a Panda today!

Pics to help ponies: (Crooked man with Pewdiepie Pics)






Pics of my character: (You can edit her in your picture but I would like her to have red panda ears and tail)





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I have to say I got a bit confussed and then I got some help to get into the basement. I didn't even know there was one XD I love the game so far but it is scary at some points.

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It is a confusing game at Times but if you can figure out puzzles than it's way easy! Luckily I'm great at Proffeser laton games and Phoenix wright Games. (Both of those two are really good puzzle games in case you haven't heard of them.)

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I love those games but I'm a little bit bad with puzzles. I get there in the end and I'm also not aloud to look at walkthroughs. I just have to go running to my brother and he will help me. Only once though. XD

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