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worst day EVER!!!!!!!



hey every pony this is what happened to me on Friday

in the morning when i got to school i triped on my shoelace and lots of people were laughing then during 3rd period I had to give a presentation and i got soooo scared I didn't talk at all and the teacher told me to go back to my seat and some people were laughing and smiling than my best friend dumped me and was hanging out with the cool kids (I hate her now) and after 6th period I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me.

Not a good day for me 



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Aw man, don't dwell on any of it, the best revenge is always success. It's okay to be sad and even cry, it's important to let it out, take the time to vent but do it alone. When you're done crying your hardest and have calmed a little, then decide how to move on, don't handle things while you're still emotional, let it run it's course and learn what you can from the pain. You'll get through this it's okay.<3

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I know this is a late reply, but I thought I'd chime in anyway.  I hope things have gotten better for you, have they?  The advice of the others in the comments are to be listened too.  You're only as strong as you want to be!  Strong people cry too, they cry a lot actually.  Because they don't run from it, they overcome it.  They become stronger and face the next challenge with a taunting grin and a middle finger raised high!  You will find true friends in time, those who aren't just hanging around or avoiding you because of some silly high school status.  I know at that point in life those things mean the world to many people, but life doesn't just stop after high school.  It continues and so too must your spirit, must your perseverance.

I can understand relationship issues, I'm terribly sorry that happened to you.  It maybe hypocritical of me to say and the words will sound hollow, even painful right now... but there will be more.  There will be another who finds you pretty and wishes to treat you the way you deserve to be treated.

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