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Rock Farmer

Rock Farmer (1/9)



  1. Oh Hai there!
  2. Sirus hated flying in the north, The arrogant pegasus was mainly used to flying around his home town, that being Las Pegasus, His job, however, dictates that he has to travel to Staliongrad for the good of the Equestrian Mail service. Looking down, He saw that there was two ponies on the ground talking to each other "Hm, I better go check it out" He said to himself as he flew down to meet the ponies. Trying his hardest to impress them both with his flying skills.
  3. I have returned! From the darkneSs of what I was bAnished to, Retruning for onE last hour, Now!
  4. OK, I just need to destroy my local gumdrop valley. I will be back to see how your progress is going. I will.....
  5. I don't think so, I think Dash is in her early twenties. The others are obviously around the same age as well.
  6. You are a Pirate! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEBbu-wkKrs
  7. Is this how most conversations go on this forum?
  8. I haven't got a clue in the slightest. Maybe you need to see the flap jawed space worm, while doing a 360 on Hiki Kiki Rock. I NEED SCISSORS 61!
  9. Yes I should, However, It seems I have misinterpreted the Conan
  10. Guess who is the fastest and most awesome? This pony of course!
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