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The Coltaran Chronicles: Chapter 1, Dark Moon Rising [Coltara] (OPEN)


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(It is highly recommended that you read the scenario below before you decide to submit/create a character for the story.)

You awaken to find yourself in a dark hallway, surrounded by gray walls and with no other way to go except forward. As you continue down the bleak corridor, you begin to see a light. You move closer and closer, picking up the pace. Finally, you reach the end of the hallway and into the light, only to find yourself in a large, circular library. At the center, you see two comfortable red linen chairs next to a fireplace. Suddenly, you hear a voice in your head and the room surrounding you.

"Ah...you have finally arrived, I see. Please...please sit down. We have much to discuss, you and I."

You do not know who was talking, but you decide to do as the voice said, since you had nowhere to go anyway. You make your way for the chair and sit down, sinking into its warm embrace. After a couple of moments, a eerie form appears from the fireplace, slowly transforming into a pony-like shape. You watch, transfixed, as a figure is made, and the form becomes a fully physical being. In front of you stood a large Alicorn, wearing soft-looking white clothing, and a large wide-brimmed silver hat on its head. Its coat was in a constant shift of colors, as was its mane, wings, and tail. You realize that the Alicorn before you is a male, and watch him with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. He gives you a disarming smile to set you at ease, and sits down himself. After a few quiet moments, he finally begins to speak.

"I am glad you made it...many do not know how to reach this sanctuary of mine. Oh, but where are my manners...? My name is Astral. Astral Magus. As for why you are here, and who I am, I will explain shortly. Right now, you are in a transference between worlds, and so I must prepare you for what you will see. Tell me...do you know of Coltara?"

You shake your head, wondering why he asked such a question. Astral chuckled to himself, nodding.

"Yes...I assumed as much. Of course, I cannot blame you, for it is a land of mystery that so few outside of it will ever see. Now, for some answers that will ease your troubled mind. The reason you are here, is because you are dead. You have passed on from your previous life, and are now moving on to the next. Do not be alarmed, for this happens to every creature who dies. Who I am...it is a complicated story, and one I will tell you if you request it."

You nod a bit shakily, for you have been caught off-guard by the revelation that you are dead, and now wish to know what this mysterious creature had to say. The horn that protruded from his hat glowed with a soft white light, as a small book flew over to him.

"I was born into the world long ago, when it was barbaric and young. Back then, there was almost no sentient life, and everything was made by the seven primal energies of the world. It was created by the same being who created me, Phoebus. He gave me, and my five other siblings life. Underneath him, we grew and grew, until it was time to perfect the world we were put on. My father, brothers, sisters, and I each represented the elements that fueled the earth, and thus used our natural talents to create much of what you'll see in this world today. This creation went on for seven days, until we had created the start of a perfect world. Phoebus, at the end of the creation, said that we must make a few more things in order for life to flourish...and they were the Ascending Lights. Each of us put our own power and that of the world into these seven jewels, so that they would keep everything balanced. My brothers Ignus, Ventus, and Terra created the Lights of Fire, Wind, and Earth. My sisters Aqua and Luna created the Lights of Water and the Moon. Then at last, my father created the Light of the Sun, and I...I made the Light of Magic. On their completion, life began to swell across the globe, and we had finally finished what we were made to do."

You sat in silence during the whole speech, taking in the words Astral had spoken, a flurry of questions swirling inside your head. Astral took in a deep breath, and sighed.

"...while we were the parents of a whole new world, my siblings and I simply weren't satisfied. Our father, Phoebus, disappeared shortly after the Creation, and we did not know what to do with ourselves. Eventually, we decided to have children of our own. Taking pieces of ourselves and copying them, we created several creatures in our own image. Ignus created the dragons, Aqua created the water serpents, Ventus created the wind sprites, Terra created the minotaurs, Luna created the Baraki...or Moon Wolves, so the term is translated, and I created the Alicorns. While my siblings created their children in massive numbers, I only made three...for three were all that I needed. Their names were Marella, Stalliar, and Coltan, and I loved them more than anything else in the world. However, there came a time when they grew up and left, thus I became lonely once more. Suddenly, a thought occured to me. What if I made a race of my own, as did my siblings? However, greedy as I was, one was not enough for me, so I made three. After many centuries of work, I finally finished my own family...and created the first Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth Ponies. Each group inherited a part of my very being...Unicorns inherited my mind and magic, Pegasi inherited my spirit and wings, and the Earth Ponies, they inherited my heart."

You looked at Astral with an incredulous expression. You could not determine whether to believe him or not, so you concluded to keep listening. Astral gives you a knowing glance, a slight smirk on his lips, and he began again.

"As with all great things...they all must come to an end. My time on that world was ending, and I would soon have to say farewell to all of my foals. My other siblings had long since passed, and so I left the knowledge of the Ascending Lights to my sons and daughter, so that they would keep guard over them after I died. Not only did they take up the mantel of protecting the Lights...but they also took up the mantels of leaders. For a couple thousand years, the three pony species I created grew to incredible sizes in population, and my foals served them all as kings and queen. In Coltara, where this all began, it was known as the Age of Peace, and rightfully so. Each of my foals to resent each other, until they finally showed out-right hatred. My youngest son, Stalliar, was perhaps the worst among them for this. He hated his sister Marella, and his hatred soon led to the first war of pony-kind. United with Coltan, they invaded Heavana in order to obtain its wealth. The horrible fighting continued for five years, until on the war's fifth anniversary, my daughter's army and ponies vanished. When Stalliar and Coltan discovered this, they rushed all the way to Heavana's capitol, Golden Mane. Upon arriving, they found Marella as the city's only inhabitant. Out of the anger and spite he had for her, Stalliar...ordered her capture and execution. Before her death, however, she said she had sent her two foals over the Mountains of Mist into the lands beyond, and that one day they will return for what is theirs by birthright. Even I am uncertain who these two children are...but if I were to guess, they'd be a powerful couple of Alicorns."

Astral laughed to himself at the last statement, but there was a deep sorrow within his eyes. You drew several conclusions as to who these grandfoals, but kept them to yourself. Astral put the book he was reading from to the side, and gazed intently at you.

"That is the end to my story...but the beginning of a whole other story. After the death of my daughter, Coltara went through a great change, and has been through more suffering than many other lands would ever feel. My sons enjoyed the wealth they obtained from Heavana for a long while, but by then their hatred for each other resurfaced as well. Then, Rainor and Saharai broke out into a war with one another as well. In this battle, magic was forged into weaponry...and became one of the most brutal conflicts in existence. Stalliar, in the hopes of swiftly defeating Coltan, searched for the Ascending Lights. For two years, he wondered, while Coltan refused to use the Lights, honoring my wishes. Eventually, Stalliar found the artifacts that I helped create...and tried to use them to wipe Saharai off the map. Of course, he did not know of the trap that was set to trigger on activation of such dangerous magic. The Lights tried to reverse the magic, to shut themselves off. To my despair...my son fought with their power, and in the end causing his own death, and the deaths of many others. A powerful explosion went off from the battle of wills, and it left the whole world shaking from the disaster. It set off a cataclysm of apocalyptic proportions, changing the landscape in Coltara and beyond forever. Out of the ashes, several city-states and small nations appeared, and began fighting over the land that the kingdoms of Rainor and Saharai used to possess. For one hundred years, they fought among themselves...while an even darker threat loomed. The explosion that was created formed large crater and pit, and deep within these holes, evil creatures started to manifest, monsters of nightmare and horror. Apparently, the magic in that part of the land had become tainted, and the very elements themselves started to become twisted. Like a swarm of bees, the monsters climbed out of this place, now refered to as the Plane of Midnight. The weaker nations to the north were destroyed in a manner of days, and all hope seemed lost. However, out of the darkness came a small light, created by the unicorn known as Heartblaze. After witnesses the destruction of these evil creatures, he gathered the strongest ponies in all of Coltara, and united the remaining nations together under a single banner. United, this war coalition punched through the disorganized creatures, pushing back the monstrous horde and regaining the lands that were lost. After many years of fighting, they finally arrived upon the doorstep of the insidious Pit of Nightmares, located in the center of the Plane of Midnight. Heartblaze and six of his strongest ponies went alone into the darkness, and met face to face with the worst creature of all: My son, Stalliar, now refered to as the Specter. He had been forever transformed, both in body and soul. Together, Heartblaze and his friends defeated Stalliar, and imprisoned him beneath the Pit of Nightmares with the Ascending Lights. On returning back to the heartland of Coltara, Heartblaze gathered the greatest ponies in Coltara to form the Wardens of the Seal, an organization (primarily unicorn) whose sole duty was to fight against the monsters that came from the Plane of Midnight, and to be ready for when Stalliar breaks free from his prison."

When he was finished, he summoned a book over to the table in front of you, labeled: "The Darkspawn Wars". You stare at it curiously, then at Astral, who nodded in the direction of the book. You pick it up, and begin to read the words inside...

"...in the year 560 P.E, Coltaran society was at its highest state in several thousand years. It was a time of invention, science, and ingenuity. Populations and technological advances seemed to increase every day, and everything seemed right with their world, or so it would seem. Along the Plane of Midnight, sightings of Darkspawn had decreased to perhaps one skirmish a month, the lowest it has been since the foundation of the Wardens. There were rumors of a growing Darkspawn invasion hiding in the Plane of Midnight, however, the Wardens of Solaris City decided to declare these false. However, shortly after the declaration, a large Darkspawn army poured out from the Pit of Nightmares and descended onto the nations to the East. Even worse, ten of the Warden's greatest members betrayed their allies and stole the Ascending Lights, taking them to the Plane of Midnight. Ever since, they've been referred to as "The Heartless". It was Coltara's darkest time, and the darkness was near victory. One unicorn, however, saved Coltara, and possibly the rest of the world. His name was Silver Lightbinder, a prodigy amongst the Wardens and a master of magic. Similar to the scenario of Blazeheart, he united the nations and engaged in battle against the Darkspawn. However, the ending to this tale is much, much more miserable. Upon arriving at the Pit of Nightmares, Silvan had to go on by himself to save the world from the Heartless. Once he entered into the darkness of the Pit, he came upon a chamber bathed in light. Sitting on a diamond throne was a handsome Alicorn with a sleek black coat and even darker mane and tale. The Alicorn's eyes were a bone-chilling blood red. Supposedly, this Alicorn was the infamous Stalliar, or more commonly known as the Specter or Darkwing. Reports say that the two became locked in battle, and that Silver was victorious, but the entire story is not known, due to lack of suitable evidence. However, something occured in their conflict that has changed the face of Coltara forever: the Ascending Light of Magic became tainted, and all the magic flowing through Coltara became a poison for all who use it. Anyone who was directly connected to magic in Coltara slowly began to go mad, causing untold destruction throughout the Pre-Imperial world. So, in essence, while Silver Lightbinder saved our home, he destroyed it in the process. Few facts are known on this matter, and thus this tome is incomplete."

You close the book after reading the summary, and you begin to look at Astral with a new sense of understanding. However, more questions kept going through your mind: 'Why is he showing me this?' 'What does he want with me?' 'How does this have anything to do with me?'. You ask the first question, and he smiled gently.

"Well, it is because I do believe you will be connected to Coltara through fate, young one. You see...I can see the strings of destiny tied onto you. However, I cannot say in what way you are connected to it all. Also, I am unsure as to whether you will be born in Coltara or Equestria once more. Although, I will say this. Coltara and Equestria are linked far more than many believe...destruction for one will lead to the destruction for the other. One question you may ask is 'Why has no one in Equestria found Coltara?"...well, due to the mixing magical currents of the Ascending Lights and the Elements of Harmony, a slight dimensional barrier was been created. Only creatures with immense magical abilities can open the rift to allow the crossing between worlds. So, it serves as protection from outside entities for both worlds. Even in the realm of death, I can feel the barriers weakening...so who knows what may happen? There is one more book I'll have you read...perhaps the most important of all I have told you. It is about what has created the modern Coltara..."

Another book drifted over to the table, resting on top of the previous one. The title was in a fancy form of writing, and said "History of the Dragoran Empire". You pick it up and begin to read the first chapter.

"...Year 13 P.E. Before our glorious empire was created, Coltara was in a state of conflict. Civil wars, bloody successions, and petty national rivalries divided the land, with Solaris City being the only sanctuary from the fighting. Despite the chaos, one nation still flourished. Located on the eastern shore of Coltara, our great mother kingdom of Dragora grew from the land that used to belong to the mythical Rainor of old. A new king had been raised, one with the ambition to unite the world under one ruler. We know him as the First Emperor, but he was known back then as Ashmane Drake. Once a simple peasant, he was chosen by fate to rise to power and lead the Dragoran nation to glory. Among us, he was courageous, kind, and selfless, while his enemies knew him to be crafty, strong, and ruthless. For years he amassed his armies, waiting for the right time to begin his impending invasion. With his allies at his back, he conquered many of the nations to the East with ease using force or persuasion. By the year 10 P.E, all of Coltara belonged to him, and he was crowned High King. It was then that he turned his attention onto Solaris City, last bastion of the Wardens. Growing up to have severe distrust in anything that has to do with magic, he knew he had to destroy the Wardens if he was to make the land perfect. The siege lasted ten years before his forces broke through the magically enchanted walls and slaughtered the remnant Wardens inside. Among the magical items and treasures he had obtained were the Ascending Lights, and this marked the beginning of our Imperial Era. He kept the Lights with him until his death in 31 I.E, and was succeeded by his eldest son and named himself the Emperor of Coltara. At the end of his reign, each speck of land was under Imperial rule."

You place the book down, somehow knowing that it was all you needed to read, and you look up to see Astral with his back turned toward you, gazing intently into the unnatural fire.

"...so now you know what you must know. I have given this information to you so that you can forge your own destiny. In Coltara's current era, Unicorns are suppressed and discriminated...they are despised for their natural affinity to magic, and they struggle to prevent any magical contact so that they could live. It is truly a miserable time...but perhaps you, or someone like you, can fix it."

Astral turns to you and gazes deep into your eyes. You could feel him penetrating to the very depths of your spirit, reading it. After a moment, Astral nodded and smiled.

"I see now that I made the right choice. Go, now...go and become a part of the world once more. I will be watching, and guiding, you and all that are like you."

You'd feel yourself get lighter and lighter, your vision slowly turning dark, and as you begin to return to the living world you hear one sentence resound in your mind countless times:

"...do not forget who you are, or who you will be..."

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Silvan Dragoran

The Prince of Ravens

He stared at the bleak land surrounding Coltan's Rest from its high walls, the Nightingale guards at his side a daunting presence with the nervous generals around him. His mother had sent him here to check up on the city-state's affairs, and he knew it was not looking good...random magical deaths, increase in crime rate, and treachery among the soldiers who had served their entire lives for the Empire. It just didn't make sense...but just looking at the gigantic mining pit at the center of the city made him shiver. Silvan tuned back in to the report one of the generals was giving him.

"...the city has been under quite a bit of stress lately, but rest assured your Highness, that we will have it under control. As for the situation with the rebels, we have just stamped out another hideout a few days ago. Also, we have collected more Rahmane for the armies, so we can take..."

Silvan raised one of his red-painted hooves, silencing the general, who flinched and looked repeatedly at the two guards at the Prince's side. He lowered his hoof and walked to the edge of the wall, shaking his head quietly.

"I care not for Rahmane gathering, Arch-General. It is a shame that such a thing even exists...but it matters not, in the end. It is what it is. Now, the Empress demands that you redouble your efforts on the enforcement of this city...otherwise, she will have you replaced...you are dismissed."

The general's face blanched at the words, and he bowed his head, giving his apologies and slinking away. Silvan dismissed the other generals as well, leaving him alone with his guardstallions. One of them came up to his side and removed his helmet, revealing an older and wise face. The old stallion smiled quietly at the Prince, ruffling his mane slightly.

"...Prince Silvan, that was very well handled. You are becoming more and more a Prince every day. But...something seems to be troubling you. Would you care to speak about it?"

"...you should remember your place, Silvertongue. You are one of the Nightingales, and thus are my servant. Let us go...I wish to be rid of this place, and besides...we have work to do."

Silvertongue bowed to Silvan, placing his helmet back on his head. As one, the three turned to the staircase to the city below. After a couple of hours, they would arrive outside of the city graveyard, Silvan himself wearing a hood over his head and a cloak around his body. He gestured for the two Nightingales to stand back, and went on inside.

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Gallows whistled tunelessly to himself as he pressed his shovel down into the damp, marshy ground and heaved it out over the side of the grave. The air was chill and silent tonight, of course it was always like that in the graveyard. Gallows didn't even notice it anymore, much like how he didn't notice or react to the myriad of worms and insects writhing in the bottom of the hole and in the pile of soil he was steadily building. Cemeteries were a prime source of food for the nasty little pests.

When the grave was just about perfect he through his shovel over the pile so it landed spade-first in the ground and dragged himself out. Beside the grave, on the opposite side as the dirt pile, was a plain, nondescript coffin with the name Silver Pan carved on it. After scraping the majority of the dirt out of his coat with a hoof Gallows patted the foot of the coffin like one would pat a friend's back and began to lower it into the hole.

"So, Silver Pan is it? Nice to meet you. I certainly hope you enjoy your stay here, and I think you'll be pleased with your accomodations. I've set you up with a nice little plot between a baker who got murdered and a decapitated captain who disappointed his commanding officer one too many times. Make sure to say hello and make good friends with them, you won't be moving much after tonight."

With those albeit strange parting words Gallows finished positioning the coffin in the bottom of the grave and picked up his shovel once more. Filling the grave was much faster than emptying it, seeing as Gallows had gravity on his side now. Not for the first time in his career, the undertaker pony had the slightest urge to stop shoveling and pry open the coffin before it was completely buried. He'd seen on the occassion what sort of expensive trinkets the wealthier class liked to be buried with, and it was hardly like they needed them anymore, but alas, Gallows' conscience, however small it was, won out yet again and he continued to dig.

After a few minutes the stallion decided to take a break as sweat started to seep into his coat despite the chill. He stood beside the grave with his shovel driven spade-first into the ground again. His hooves were crossed on the handle and his chin rested on those as he whistled aimlessly. He stopped whistling and lifted an eyebrow with a fair amount of surprise as a dim outline coalesced out of the shadows and mist, walking between the rows of graves. He stared for a moment as the figure approached, then looked down at the half-finished grave.

"Friend of yours?"

Silver Pan made no reply, so Gallows looked back at the hooded figure and whistled sharply to grab its attention.

"Mrs. Twine, is that you? I told you I was sorry for burying you over a sinkhole. This is a bit extreme just to get petty revenge, don't you think?"

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Silvan Dragoran

The Prince of Ravens

He would emerge from the mist, his dark blue eyes glowing beneath the dark hood. He looked extremely plain, but his stance showed that he was a disciplined warrior. He approached slowly, stopping next to the grave and looked at it, a slight frown on his half-hidden face. So...from what he heard about this earth pony earlier, it turned out he was partially insane. It did not matter though, he had no real magic...besides the very thing he had searched this pony out for.

"I see you take pride in your work, Gallows Gale. You take good care of the dead...even when you aren't required to. I admire that, honestly. Also, I heard about how you ended up here...quite the tragic story..."

Silvan turned to him and took off his hood, revealing his face and the Imperial braids in his mane. He sat down on the ground and watched Gallows, waiting to see what he would say or do.

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Gallows' lips curled down in a frown at the mention of his past, but his attention was quickly diverted as the figure pulled back his hood to reveal his regal status. He raised both eyebrows and immediately wondered what the prince was up to in a cemetery at night.

"Not Mrs. Twine then," he muttered, then smiled broadly and stepped to the side, away from his shovel and dropped onto all fours again. He bowed low and touched his forehead to the ground, "My humblest greetings, oh great lord. I am honored by your presence. I have never met a pony anywhere near your station before who was not in a pine box, so forgive me if I insult you unknowingly." The short speech was delivered carefully. Gallows had seen first hand what upset nobility were capable of, normally in the form of small crates of dismembered remains. He glanced at the open grave and back at the prince, "Forgive the mess. I was just making sure Silver Pan here was comfortable for his stay. Would you like to talk in my cabin? Unless you were just passing by, in which case I apologize for making the assumption." All this scraping and groveling was starting to grate on Gallows' nerves.

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Silvan Dragoran

The Prince of Ravens

A small hint of disgust was evident on his face, and he moved his hoof up in annoyance. He hated it when people groveled...it simply didn't suit him. Why was he any better than they were, just because he was the son of an Empress? It sickened him.

"Please...none of that, Master Gale...please stand. I've had enough groveling to last me a lifetime. As for talking, this will suit just fine, I need no special treatment. I have come here as an equal, and so I will speak to you as an equal. Does that suit you?"

He stood up and looked Gallows straight in the eye. Did he get that message straight through the stallions head? Or will he act like all the others, who continued to act in such a revolting way?

"I have something I need of you...and only you can help me in this."

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"Please...none of that, Master Gale...I've had enough groveling to last me a lifetime. As for talking, this will suit just fine, I need no special treatment. I have come here as an equal, and so I will speak to you as an equal. Does that suit you?"

"Thank God, yes!" Gallows said a bit too loudly, his voice carrying further than he would have liked through the mist. He winced as he sat up and the exclamation echoed faintly back at him, "Um, I mean to say, yes my lord, that's perfectly fine with me."

The prince's stare was certainly that of a stallion used to command, but Gallows met him blink for blink, or lack thereof as it were. "I have something I need of you...and only you can help me in this."

Well now... Gallows had not known what to expect from this exchange, and those had been the last words he would have imagined coming from noble lips. The idea of it made him smirk involuntarily, "Is that so my lord? I hardly see how I could help the most powerful stallion in the empire, unless you were planning on dying sometime soon."

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Silvan Dragoran

The Prince of Ravens

He eyed the gravedigger quietly for a moment, before bursting out laughing. Despite how dark the humor was, it was still nice to hear someone actually say something other than pleasantries. He calmed himself quickly, though, putting on a pleasant smile.

"No...no, I have no plans of dying any time soon. But I thank you for the offer. I've sought you out because I heard a rumor...a rumor that said you speak with the dead...their spirits. Is this true? I know it seems odd of me for asking you, but I must know."

He studied the stallion before him, trying to figure out his age. However, it was hard to discern. He himself was still just a colt, but he felt like a stallion on the inside. Perhaps his search had finally come to an end, and he could finally find his destiny.

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The smirk vanished from Gallows face. He tilted his head to the side and lifted his chin, looking at the prince with one eye suspisciously, "As long as we're talking plain my lord, my answer to that question depends entirely on what you intend to be doing with my talent, should the rumors be true. I can think of at least three dozen atrocities that could be commited with such a power, right now; seven of them caused by talking with folks buried within five minutes walk of here."

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Silvan Dragoran

The Prince of Ravens

He nodded, understanding Gallows' suspicion completely.

"I admire that. It is very noble of you. Very well, if you are to be helping me...I might as well explain why I need such a thing. I need your ability for the sake of knowledge, nothing more. I am certain you have noticed that more dead are coming in, correct?"

Silvan gestured to the newly made graves nearby, as if to make a point.

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Gallows frowned and looked around him. A month ago this whole section of the cemetery had been a field. Now it was packed with rows of graves, each one marked by a clean, smooth tombstone and a fresh mound of dirt. He'd been wondering what was happening beyond the borders of his tiny kingdom of demise that would cause his business to boom so depressingly, but every time the thought came up he would crush it. The land of the living wasn't his concern anymore. But still, no matter how he tried to convince himself not to care his irritating conscience kept nagging him.

After a few seconds of silence Gallows sighed in resignation, "No. I can't talk to the dead. Not in the way you want." He kept his head hung low for a bit, then looked up and smirked, "Not on my own I can't. Follow me, my lord. I have decided, I want to show you something." Gallows stood and nodded goodbye to Silver Pan's grave, "Sorry friend. I'll be back later to settle you in properly. For the love of God don't go anywhere." With that he started down the row of graves, headed deeper into the heart of the cemetery.

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Silvan Dragoran

The Prince of Ravens

Silvan nodded, following the odd earth pony further into the cemetery. The cold and damp air wrapped around him like a constrictor, but he didn't pay much attention to it, for his mind was focused on his goal. Curiosity welled up inside him at this new turn of events. Where was he being taken? What was Gallows going to show him? How did he talk with the dead, and who or what helped him do it? It was all so very exciting to him, he nearly leaped up from the ground. He had heard that this pony was weird, but upon seeing it for himself, it only made him smile wider. Perhaps insanity isn't only caused by magic.

(For future reference, their "god" of sorts is Astral Magus, who was said to have created all three pony races in the distant past.)

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Gallows walked amidst the graves in a casual trot, occassionally nodding to this or that grave that was, for all intents and purposes, identical to the rest. The grave digger seemed to easily differentiate between them, probably because he'd put each one where it was. Soon the graves became intermingled with trees; narrow, gnarled ones with thing branches and few leaves if any. The trees got slowly denser and more lively as they approached the back edge of the cemetery, where it faded off into the woods.

The trees were creating a bony, jagged canopy overhead with their brances, now thick with a fair amount of grey leaves, when Gallows stopped. He sat below a tree larger and healther than any other in sight. In front of them, leaning against the trunk of the tree, was a tombstone so old and covered in ivy that it was nearly invisible amidst the other foliage. More interesting perhaps was that the grave was open. Six feet down a single plank had been pried off the coffin's lid and the bones inside looked rearanged and damaged.

"This is White Fern. I come here every now and again to renew my apology for disturbing her. It's not one of the things I'm proud of doing, disturbing her I mean, but I was stupid and despnate back then. I wanted nothing more than to talk to my... my relatives again, and I was willing to do anything." As he talked, Gallows reached around the tombstone into a small alcove between the stone and tree. When he pulled his hoof back he had a small object wrapped in a bandana resting in it. He laid it on the ground in front of the prince and unwrapped it, "I was even willing to mess with one of these," Inside the wrapping was a small bracelet; jet black with a skull, an eye, and an ear carved into it, each one blood red.

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Silvan Dragoran

The Prince of Ravens

Silvan looked at the bracelet dumbfounded. What...was this thing? There's no way that it could be a Shadar Anku...right? If that was the case, this was a powerful artifact...and one with a very dark origin. Well, what was he supposed to expect from a device that communicated with the dead? He glanced at Gallows warily, wondering where the gravedigger had found this.

"...this...this is a Shadar Anku...isn't it?"

His eyes were drawn back to the black necklace, shivers going down his spine.

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"I sincerely hope not," Gallows said gruffly, "I don't care how crazy you all think I am out there in the city, but even I, at my most despnate, wouldn't touch one of those... things!" He turned his head and spat in disgust, wincing as he realized he'd spat into White Fern's grave, "Aw crud. Sorry Fern! Really sorry!" He turned back and cleared his throat, "Now then, no. I've used this thing, oh, a dozen times about since I found it and I've had no horrific nightmares, evil spirits, or other madness descend upon me. Granted, this thing is very much not pleasant to use, but I am fairly certain it is not a Shadar Anku, or, however it's pronounced. I'm under the impression that this is one of those Ro-thingies, because I'm usually too sick to see straight for a week after using it, which, if I understand right, would be getting off easy. Who knows though!" He shrugged for emphasis, "Maybe it's some of both, or I really have gone mad... Actually, I would have expected someone of such prestige and knowledge as yourself to know more than me about these things. You royals are supposed to know everything and walk on water." He waved a hoof sarcastically.

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Silvan Dragoran

The Prince of Ravens

He laughed at his new, odd companion's words. While he did know quite a bit about magical artifacts, this one was much more strange than any he had seen before. He studied the surface and felt the markings on it, nodding to himself quietly.

"Yes...it does seem to be a form of Ro'Maga. A very strange one at that...but my only question is, where did you find it? Did you find anything else with it?"

Silvan pulled out a parchment from his cloak, beginning to write down a few notes.

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"Yes...it does seem to be a form of Ro'Maga. A very strange one at that...but my only question is, where did you find it? Did you find anything else with it?"

Gallows rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. Thinking about it privately was one thing, but openly discussing grave robbery, with a prince no less, was something else entirely, "Well, after putting that thing on for the first time right after I found it, and subsequently getting seriously chewed out by a very angry spirit, I didn't really feel like rummaging around in White Fern's coffin anymore." He pointed at the bracelet, "Then again, if you don't mind a bit of nausea... okay, a lot of nausea, you could ask her yourself."

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Silvan Dragoran

The Prince of Ravens

He gave a nervous smile, shaking his head at the offer and placing his notes to the side.

"No thank you...I would rather not converse with the Arch Warden of Solaris City...I doubt she would be happy speaking to a descendant of Ashmane Drake, after what he had done to her and her fellow Wardens...what I wouldn't give to see them all once more..."

There was a hint of remorse in his eyes, and then he looked suddenly confused. Why did he say that last part...? He had never met a Warden, no one had for two thousand and seven hundred years! He must have been more tired than he realized.

"...I thank you, Master Gale. Now, I have one more request. I would like you to come with me...for you are the only one who knows how to use this, and also I have no doubts you would like to keep an eye on it. I don't need the relic here, but actually elsewhere."

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"No thank you...I would rather not converse with the Arch Warden of Solaris City...I doubt she would be happy speaking to a descendant of Ashmane Drake, after what he had done to her and her fellow Wardens...what I wouldn't give to see them all once more..."

Gallows glanced curiously at the prince, "That's... interesting that you know that, I must say, especially since the grave says nothing about her being a Warden. And, uh, I think I misheard that last part."

"...I thank you, Master Gale. Now, I have one more request. I would like you to come with me...for you are the only one who knows how to use this, and also I have no doubts you would like to keep an eye on it. I don't need the relic here, but actually elsewhere."

Gallows' eyebrows shot up in surprise, then lowered in a frown, "Come with you? As in, leave the graveyard?" He shuffled his hooves uncomfortably, "I.. I don't know if that's a good idea. Who'll take care of the graves? And then what happens when I'm of no more use, hmm? Tower of Midnight perhaps? Or do I just, disappear, conveniently?"

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Silvan Dragoran

The Prince of Ravens

Silvan grimaced at the stallion's stinging words. It was always like this...everyone feared him, but he wanted none of that. He looked away, angered slightly.

"Don't compare me to the rest of my horrendous "family"...I think what they do with Unicorns and the Tower of Midnight are atrocities. There is so much that is wrong in the Empire...and when I rule, I am going to change some things. As for you are your graveyard, I'll have it taken care of while we are away."

He stood up and turned away from the gravedigger, his voice becming cold.

"You have until sunrise. If you have decided to come along, then meet us at Sunrock Hill outside of Coltan's Rest. If not...then have a good life here in the graveyard."

With that, he left the gravedigger to his loneliness once more.

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Gallows sat at the foot of the grave, glaring after the prince as he walked away. He felt angry, not at the prince, but just angry in general. He spent his life trying to escape the Empire's hooves, then it comes and tries to drag him away... no, that wasn't fair. The empire dragged people off against their will; stuffed them in strange cities to oversee a cursed lump of rock, but the prince had been nothing but polite, even friendly. And he'd given him a choice. Reluctantly, and with a lot of venom, but he'd given him that all the same. But he still embodied everything about the empire...

"I am going to change some things..."

He hung his head and sighed mightily. "Sweet Magus, what am I going to do?" He stared at the ground, then noticed the prince had left the bracelet. Another sign of good faith?

A faint wind picked up and the mist shifted. Looking into the distance Gallows saw a familiar pair of graves as he scooped up the bracelet. He recognized them instantly from the flowers he'd put on them. He shook his head, instinctively refusing to go over there, before realizing he truely didn't know what to do. He was lost, completely. If he ever needed guidance, now would be a good time for it. He bit his lip in hard thought, then his heartrate quickened and he started to sweat slightly as he weighed the bracelet in his hoof and stared at the graves. "This is such a bad idea," He choked out, then slowly walked forward to the graves, slipping on the bracelet as he went.

(OOC: You can skip to the next morning if you want)

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Silvan Dragoran

Prince of Ravens

Silvan stood at the top of Sunrock Hill, the wind blowing through his clothing and his Nightingale guard, Silvertongue. Looking off to the graveyard far away, he felt slight pangs about the events of the previous night. What if Gallows doesn't come...? What would he do then? Pushing the thoughts aside, he looked at the rising sun, knowing that dwelling on such things would not be worth it. Silvertongue looked over at his young master, and sighed.

"My Prince...I do not believe that gravedigger will come. We might as well go on back to the Capital and end this ridiculous adventure..."

"Do you trust me, Silvertongue?"

"Of course, My Prince. But this earth pony..."

"Then I suggest you calm yourself. We still have time, as does he...if he does not come by the time the sun is fully above the mountains, we will leave."

Sighing, his guard sat himself down and looked at the rising sun as well. Silvan closed his eyes, feeling the wind course through his braids and his clothing, soothed by it. He hoped, with all his heart, that the odd pony would come. It would be nice to have the company of someone other than his stuffy guard, and also it looked like he wasn't the only one in need of help. Silvan had seen it before in outcasts, that vacancy of emotion and purpose, and it pained him to believe that there were such ponies in the world. Perhaps...perhaps he could help Gallows as well.

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The trees swayed in the breeze. The wind smelled like flowers. The sun was strong and warm. The world was beautiful this morning. And Gallows felt like (The worst swear word you have ever, EVER heard). His stomach was in a knot. His lungs were on fire. His legs were jelly, all four of them. His head... Oh sweet Astral Magus, his head! Sometimes, no, everytime he used that darn bracelet he hated it more and more the next morning. But strangely, he was happy today. Well, not happy, but as close as he'd gotten in a while. He'd spoken with his... his relatives the night before, and now he knew what he needed to do. For the first time in, it felt like decades, he had a goal, or at least a direction. It was really hard to think after using that (More swears) bracelet.

Like some piece of slime from the pit, he dragged himself out of the cemetery and slowly, agonizingly, climbed the hill. Was it always this steep!? Stupid hill. He made it to the top and collapsed in front of what he hoped was the prince's traveling party, legs splayed in four different directions. His face turned green but he held down his breakfast for decency's sake.

He groaned pitiously, [colour=#0000FF]"I... Hate... Everything..."[/colour] He swallowed back breakfast again, [colour=#0000FF]"How far... is it... to the capital?"[/colour]

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Silvan Dragoran

Prince of Ravens

Silvan looked down at his new compatriot, actually surprised he had shown up. Looking at him, he laughed heartily, Silvertongue eyeing the gravedigger like he was a pitiful worm.

"You look exhausted, Master Gale. Perhaps we should eat before we get going...are you hungry? It will be quite awhile before we arrive at the next town."

As if on queue, Silvertongue pulled out a strange rod, and waved it around a bit, as a small assortment of food appeared on the ground. It contained foods of all kinds, perfect for an early breakfast.

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