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Sienna Sky [Ready]


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Roleplay Type: OC?

Name: Sienna Sky

Sex: Female

Age: (Young) Mare

Species: Pegasus

Eye colour: Amber

Coat: A light, sky blue in color, it tends to stick up in weird areas sometimes, because she doesn't usually bother to smooth it back down after all her frequent naps.

Mane/Tail: Both mane and tail are Sienna (dark brownish) in color, with some lighter shades of brown in between. She doesn’t much care to style it, so she usually just lets it grow long and free… making it quite a mess, sometimes, to the point that she often looks like (and possibly actually has) tree branches stuck to her her head.

Physique: Thin and petite (often making her look younger than her age)

Residence: Cloudsdale

Occupation: Cloud Home Architecture Intern

Cutie Mark:


A cloud shaped like a paintbrush. It is no doubt meant to represent her love and passion for her Cloud Art. She was one of the first fillies among her class to gain her cutie mark, and in an incident that seemed almost boring compared to how the others gained theirs. It happened on another seemingly normal day during flight camp, where, as usual, Sienna Sky was not paying much attention in class, more interested in looking at the cloud shapes in the sky than in listening to the instructor, or y'know, actually learning how to fly. This time, however, there was a particularly interesting cloud, and a particularly interesting shape to see. It turned out that right at that moment, there was a cloud home being constructed nearby, and all the workers were hard at work shaping clouds for it. Utterly fascinated by this, Sienna Sky completely forgot about her lessons, and snuck off to watch more closely as soon as possible. Once there, she watched completely fascinated by what she saw. Instinctively, she tried to copy them, and to her delight, found herself able to do it too. Completely absorbed in her new task, she spent the rest of her day happily forming all sorts of cloud shapes with her hooves, until she was surrounded by a large pile of them.


That was how the instructor found her, completely absorbed in her own world as she shaped clouds in art, oblivious to the cutie mark that was now on her flank.

Unique Traits: Her most defining trait is her talent and passion for cloud art. Able to shape clouds with incredible precision into delicate shapes and forms, the only limit seems to be her imagination.




Sienna’s lived all her life in Cloudsdale, up in the sky. She’s most comfortable there, and frankly, finds the ground and all its myriad of flora and fauna a little intimidating. This might’ve also been the result of childhood trauma, because when she was a filly, the cloud she was napping on ended up getting blown away and dissipating---leaving her to fall, suddenly and swiftly, all the way to the cold hard ground. Thankfully, she had woken up halfway through and managed to slow her descent into something non-lethal, but it was still a very painful landing. Getting stabbed by various branches and falling on a porcupine did not help matters. All in all, Sienna much prefers the sky.


Character Personality:


Her two biggest like are clouds and art, combining them to create her passion, cloud art, though when not using them for art, she also loves to use clouds for napping purposes. She also loves the skies that form her canvas as well as her home, and when she's not creating art in them, she loves to fly and explore the endless blue. Cloud Art. Then sky is her canvas, and her art is anything and everything she can think of , but most of all, something as beautiful, magnificent and transient as nature itself. She wants to create art that will make people look up and gasp in awe.She has the creativity and imagination of an artist, and the flying skills of a cloud artist in particular. Despite not necessarily wanting it much, she also has the expertise of years of schooling in the field of cloud architecture (even if she did sleep though more classes than not). On the other hand, her laziness, or perhaps more accurately, her complacency, as well as her insecurity over her abilities have stopped her from following her dream, and made her not the best intern at the firm where she works.


Also, due to a childhood incident, she doesn't like anything that has to do with the ground, including plants and animals that live there as well as the forests, lakes, etc. that form the areas there. She also specifically hates caves because of her claustrophobia.  She's also not a fan of math and science, largely because both end up with her working too hard. Because she considers herself an Artiste, an innovator, a creative soul, she fears becoming “just another cog in the machine”, and more specifically that a job as an architect might be just that. She is also afraid of animals that aren’t birds, just about all plants, and everything else that grows and lives on ground, because to her, that just isn’t natural. Loving the boundless sky as she does, she also fears being in small spaces.

Character Summary:


Sienna Sky loves the sky she was named after, and is forever thankful she was born a pegasus because it means she gets to happily fly around it like it’s her own personal playground. She loves to spend her time flying around outside, but loves even more to just laze around on clouds taking naps. Over the years, she’s come up with a well-developed system of finding the perfect napping cloud in the least amount of time for the maximum amount of comfort. Of course, clouds aren’t just nature’s beds and pillows. To her, they are also nature’s modelling clay, brush and paints. From the moment she realized she could cram two cloud fluffs together and form a new shape, she’s never actually stopped.

Cloud art is her life’s dream and passion, and the reason behind her cutie mark. Unfortunately, despite these ambitions, Sienna’s insecurity over her abilities, and her inherent laziness have meant that these dreams have fallen by the wayside. Too scared to carve out a path of her own, she let herself be led into following her parents’ advice instead. Now well on her way to being a “proper” adult, with a good job as an architect, Sienna is feeling more trapped than ever.

Of course, all this really means is that Sienna is just even more prone to skipping off work to nap on a cloud instead. For the most part, despite these nagging fears in the back of her mind, she is a genuinely laid-back and friendly person. She has no problem stopping to chat with a stranger about all sorts of random nonsense that might just pop into her mind, and she has even less problem unleashing her weirdness on a friend.

Still, despite her penchant for napping on the job, she is genuinely talented (even if she often doesn’t think so), and usually gets the job done. Perhaps it isn’t always what was expected of her, but often times, it is even better, as she’s found some odd but ingenious solution to a problem.

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