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RainbowFoxxy last won the day on September 16

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About RainbowFoxxy

  • Birthday January 6

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    The Ponk
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    Sweet Apple Acres
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  1. Las Pegasus...home to all the things that made a pony want more! Dash had been feeling rather excited for this particular adventure, seeing as how it would get them out of town and hopefully able to spend some quality time together sans the kiddos. Sure he would have his responsibilities with the 'Bolts, he always did, but that didn't mean they couldn't get up to a little fun and mischief! "Something sweet eh?" Dash did a rather good impression of Con Mane if he did say so himself. "Well, that's just what the doctor ordered Miss Bitsy," He gave a sly smile as she tossed her head back, catching his full an undivided attention. Celestia, AJ could make herself look intoxicating in any situation, not the least of which was a reveling Nightmare Night costume that went along with his own. Dash wore a slim fitting black tux, complete with a single red rose boutonniere, and monocle. He also had a holster strapped around his middle, a quite convincing looking fake gun hidden under his wing. They made their way to the shop where the party was to take place where a mare in a wicked witch costume was doling out candy corn to a colt at the door. Dash could hardly tear his eyes off the hindquarters of his wife to appreciate any of the decorations, though he did notice they looked fun. "I've checked the perimeter Miss Bitsy, entry into the establishment should be safe enough." He squinted through his monocle at her for a moment before offering a another sly look. "Tell me, where you've hidden that something sweet my dear?" As they came up to the entrance he nodded to the mare at the door. "Good evening miss, I've heard tell of a request for the famous super spy to be at this event. I dare say you're not in league with my arch nemesis Mr. Gold Withers?"
  2. Striker relaxed into the compliment. That was something he was used to a familiar with. He lifted a brow, sending a flirtatious look at her from across the table. He wanted to be out of this public scene. Back in the locker room with this mare. He would press her up against the lockers and show her just how strong he could be. The thought of her melting into his embrace, of her wanting him to be closer to her, sent warm waves of pleasure coursing through his body. She was so enticing, with that trim and feminine form. All muscle and and smooth curves in all the right places. All thoughts of AJ were somehow banished as he took in this mare across from him. It was that she wasn't AJ that Striker was finding ever more enticing. He would always love AJ bit this was exciting, dangerous, a real adventure for him to discover. "Thanks," He shifted a little, trying to relax into the moment. "Your wing muscles are incredible." He glanced at the floof on her chest as her wings spread behind her. Totally intoxicating. "As for the Wonderbolt facility, I come over from time to time for extra training. See if there's any new techniques being used as well." He left it at that, wondering if she would press the issue and hoping she wouldn't. Soon their orders were being taken. Striker tried to keep his eyes from making contact with Blueberry's but she bridged the gap on her own despite his effort. "And what about you, sir? Hey, you wouldn’t happen to be related to Rainbow, would you?” "Uh, nope." He shook his head, his eyes fixed on his menu. "Just a coincidence." He really had been hoping not to run into anyone he knew. "I'll take the hay burrito with a side of thunder clap sauce. And, uh..." He scanned the drink menu. "And a cold cider." He glanced at Thunder. "Just water? You sure?" He wasn't trying anything, he told himself. Cider might be good for loosening somepony up but Thunder really didn't look like she needed it. She was calm, cool, totally collected and sure of herself. But cider was definitely more fun to drink if someone else was drinking ti with him. "It's all on me." He added for good measure.
  3. Striker watched the gentle sweep of Thunder's tail as she took her seat. Celestia...she was one good looking filly. He gulped, trying to remain in full composure as he took his own seat across from her. Then his eyes darted to the filly that was going to be taking their order. She looked vaguely familiar...which under the circumstances was not a good thing. Striker had not done all his homework when it came to finding workarounds for the myriad of questions that would come his way with the way he looked. He made a mental note to rearrange his looks as soon as possible. Back to the present...Blueberry something...yep, that was her name. Striker gulped again, trying to hide his face behind a menu until Blueberry whatever it was walked away. There were just waaaay too many thoughts and feelings going through Striker at the moment but her persisted. He was not wasting the chance to spend time with Thunder, she was just too good looking to let go of due to awkward intricacies of social behavior. He gave a playful sidelong glance back to the cosplay comment and listed activities that came to mind. "Well, there's working out of course," He absently ran a hoof over his arm while continuing. "Gotta stay in shape...for uh..." He stammered slightly, unsure about the atrocious web of lies he was building. "For my gym. No way customers are gonna take workout advise from somepony that's not fit." Shift back to her you dummy before your train completely derails. "How 'bout you? What are you into aside from the Wonderbolts?"
  4. They were out of the locker rooms and into the sky within about three seconds. He's have to try to get her into a more secluded space again and soon. Her tail did not go missed, nor did her flanks, nor did any of her athletically toned body. At least she seemed into the idea of spending a little more time with him, even it it was only for lunch. "I haven't been lately, but I think you'll like it well enough." He commented as they made their way towards the cloudy town. "It's all on me babe, whatever you want." A shortage of bits was not something that a top performing athlete and a legend in the pony world seemed to run short on. "Make a left when you get to the first street." He'd take her to a nice little cafe. It was quiet and out of the way. There was a cloud park nearby too, if she wanted to maybe spend a few minutes alone with him later.
  5. Lunch? He wanted more than that. He wanted her here and now. Buuuut, maybe he could do lunch...for now. "I do indeed," He breathed in her scent, shaking his head once as if to clear it. "Lunch works too," He shrugged and then let out a little laugh. His awkwardness with all these stallion thoughts and feels was definitely getting the better of him. "I know a good place in Cloudsdale if you're hungry now?" Cloudsdale, yep that was smart right. Less chance of running into anypony that knew him. Fluttershy was down in Ponyville, her parents? Well, they probably wouldn't notice even if they did see her. And, Dash's parents were out of town. Cloudsdale would work perfectly! Probably... he really widhed she'd just be ok with a make out session right here and now in the locker room but if he had to work for it, he would.
  6. Name: Striker Dash Gender: Stallion Age: Youngish stallion Species: Pegasus Eye colour: Magenta Coat: Cyan Mane/Tail: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple in a rainbow pattern Physique: Years of training have honed him into an athletic machine. In top physical condition, toned and limber. Residence: Sweet Apple Acres Occupation: He's still figuring that out... in the past was everything that Rainbow Dash was. Cutie Mark: A cloud with a lightening bolt of red, yellow and blue coming out of the bottom of it. This has been altered by him with magical makeup to make the lightening bolt appear to be all yellow. Unique Traits: The sonic rainboom of course! Well ,that along with pretty much everything else that is Rainbow Dash... in male form History: After asking Twi for some help in 'getting stronger', the result was Striker Dash! Before this incredible and apparently irreversible (at least for now) event, Striker shared a history with Rainbow Dash. (See my Rainbow Dash app for all the details) Striker has taken a bit of time to get used to his new situation as a resident of Ponyville. He's still not totally on the up and up with how everything is supposed to work but he's getting there. Character Personality: Always the competitive one, Striker will never back down from a challenge. He will fly, fight, or race pretty much anypony who challenges him into the dust. He's still a little shaky on what it means to be a stallion but he's learning more every day. He has a blown up ego, something that comes naturally to a pony with amazing muscles and a striking look. He's attractive on that front, and he darn well knows it. If he wants something, he will find a way to get it. Striker is conflicted inside. His desires and his nature often war against themselves and build him up into something of a stress ball at times. His cure for this is usually something physically exerting, the only thing that help him really blow off steam. If he's seen flying at top speeds for way longer than most, or galloping up mountains, it's probably Striker in one of his moods. He's not incredibly bright with his choices. Often choosing his desires over what would be better for his heart. This causes him lots of internal turmoil as it goes against his better nature of being loyal. He is impulsive and bull headed. Under all this he does have a good heart. He can be kind and generous. Character Summary: A charged and often erratic stallion that goes after his desires even if they aren't what's necessarily best for him.
  7. He watched her pull up those socks, his interest building with each flex of the fabric. She was, well, she was intoxicating. He could feel himself inching closer and closer to her with each passing phrase. He couldn't stop himself, even as thoughts of AJ flashed through his mind. It was exhilarating and also painful to be in this moment but he was finding himself incredibly weak to these new urges building inside of himself. Oh, you bet your muscled flank I have been. Worked my tail off to get here "It shows," He took her in for a few seconds longer than a glance. "You look great Thunder." At her comment about working out at smile played on his features. "Strong enough," He lifted a hind leg, flexing his toned flank for the barest of a moment. "Strong enough to know what I want and how to get it." The statement came with another prolonged glance. He wanted to kiss her, but there was still a little too much space between them. That along with he wasn't yet sure that was what she wanted.
  8. Rainbow grimaced internally. It was one thing to not even try to change the coloration or the mane, but even the dang cutie mark? Shoot, even a a full nights worth of cinder wouldn't be enough to make anyone believe he wasn't in fact a fan boy when he hadn't changed his look at all. He'd have to come up with some way of changing his appearance a bit in the future. But for now, he figured why not just roll with things. Who knew, he was seeming to get the attention of Thunder anyway. "Heh," He rubbed the back of his front leg with the other. "You got me. I guess I am something of a fan," He lifted a brow. "But like you said, she's not a bad one to be a fan of. Sorta makes me wish I had come around to visit more often. I'm Rainbow Dash's second cousin actually. Just in town for a few days. Figured this mark and the family resemblance might get me access to the gym and apparently it worked." There, a sort of plausible lie. Maybe she would buy some of it, maybe not, or best yet maybe she wouldn't bother continuing the topic of who he was or was not a fan boy of. Right now, he was a fan boy of the very attractive mare changing in front of him. He took a step towards her, that scent of sweetness and musk curling around his nostrils and making his head light. "Looks like you've been in training for a while." He glanced at her lithe muscles as she worked on getting changed. "No need to cover them up with clothes."
  9. His eyes widened as she responded, standoffish and definitely had an attitude. He liked that, a little too much. Dash swallowed, trying to keep some semblance of composure in this all too awkward situation. He shook his head slightly, trying to regain control of his faculties. Come on Dash, you're cooler than this. This babe could be all yours if you just play things right. That same guilt wrapped itself tightly around Dash's stomach, tightening fractionally more with every moment he occupied the same space as this mare. "Fanboy?" He cocked his head, smirking at her. "I don't really go in for that idolization thing." The smirk changed to a half smile, a bit of slyness creeping in. His body urged him to turn on the charm even as his heart told him to move away. "I'm Striker." He held out a hoof, his wonder at what touching her even in a hoofshake would feel like overcoming the knowledge that an intro like this was a liiiittle unconventional giving the current surroundings.
  10. Rainbow made his way into the lockers rooms. It was humid in here, thanks to the hot showers being just the thing for many a pony after a tough workout. He sat down on a bench, taking a couple of breaths. A workout like this was nothing. He kept on telling himself that though his muscles protested. He'd have them back where they needed to be by the end of next week. His ears flicked up as the hoofsteps of another pony echoed through the locker room. Whoever it was, they were on the mare's side. There wasn't too much of a separation between the two areas. Just enough to afford a touch of privacy for anypony wanting it. He couldn't help but notice though, a striped flank as she made her way. The mare he had been watching earlier. RD gulped, feeling tightness building where it never had before his stallion days. It was a new and enticing sensation, something that was very hard for him to ignore. But, ignore he would! He would ignore the fact that he knew where she was by the clatter of her hooves on the tiled floor just beyond the partition separating the mares from stallions. Rainbow stood, inching closer to the partition, not able to wrench his eyes away. Just beyond a set of lockers he could see her. Through the mist from the showers he watched as the mare stripped the uniform away from her lithe frame. She was toned and athletic, the nicest piece of flank he had seen since...ignore her RD! He stepped back, tripping up on his own hind leg and stumbling. He winced and ducked down, knowing the sound would ring all through the locker area. Hopefully she hadn't seen him watching her. Once she had gone into the shower, RD made his way towards the stallion's shower area. Stepping under the soothing jet, he sighed. This was just thing thing to wash his thoughts and cares away. Once he's finished his shower, RD grabbed a towel and turned to head to his locker. "Woops!" The word came out automatically as he almost ran right into the mare! She was standing right in front of him, still dripping from the shower. Mist hung around them as that same tightness grew in those same places on RD. He wasn't sure he would ever get used to that. "Sorry 'bout that," RD Stammered and then cleared his throat. He was cooler than this! "You have a good workout?" There, that was...not his best. Guilt wrapped around him even as he took a small step closer to the mare. He could smell her, sweet but with that slight tang of musk that often came with true athletes. It was intoxicating. There was no ignoring this...
  11. The wind whipped through Rainbow's mane as he flew from Sweet Apple Acres to the Wonderbolts training academy. He'd taken a little time off, getting used to the new situation. Things had settled down a tad, at least for now, and he was getting used to well, being a he. It hadn't really taken too long to get accustomed to the newness of it all, RD had always been strong in head and in body and that much had not changed. He was happy that the increase in testosterone had only helped to bulk up even more than before. "Makes up for taking a few weeks off right?" He muttered to himself as he banked to fly right through a cloud. Fragments of fluffy white floof puffed in every direction as he cannoned through and then turned the bank into a dive as the training academy loomed into view. It took a few minutes to get by security, owing to RD being a bit different than he used to be. However, after figuring out some details he was allowed entry into his old haunt. Everything else might change but some things stayed the same. Wonderbolt headquarters being one of those things. The tight military efficiency of the place was still in full effect. Something Rainbow had always appreciated, if not fully adhered to, throughout her years in this place. Though no longer on the official flying team, members of the past were always allowed entry and use of the facilities. Rainbow landed and trotted into the gym. The sound of weights clashing and the smell of sweat and sports drinks surrounded her as he glanced over the equipment. "Let's see," He mused, looking over the choices. "Pecs for sure." He flapped his wings, flexing his pecs in a nearby mirror for good measure. "Delts, gluts, aaaaand round things old with the fetlocks." After deciding on the training routine he made his way over to a press machine and settled in to work his wing muscles. As he sat down, his eyes shifted to a mirrors a few machines down from his. There was a new mare, well new to him any way. She must have started while he'd been out for a few weeks. She was... RD shook his head, nope. He flexed, bringing the formidable stack of weights behind him up and down slowly for ten reps. After the tenth he allowed, stood, stretching his wings lightly. A bead of sweat dripped down the side of his face and he grabbed a towel to wipe it off. As he toweled off his face he noticed the mare again. She walking to the free weights area. Try as he might, RD could not stop himself from watching her as she walked past him. Nice....definition. RD spent the rest of the workout, trying to look and not look at the mare who had caught his attention. He wanted to go up to her. Introduce himself, get her name. He was certainly not a bad looking stallion after all. She would probably be friendly. He could invite her to get a smoothie at the gym's bar after their workout and... nope! Rainbow made his way over to the mats and began his stretching routine. A few weeks off really could tighten muscles apparently. It took his a while to be able to bend and flex the way he wanted. He mentally chided himself for not working out more as he got used to his new body. It would take him weeks to get back what he'd lost in flexibility from not stretching. He took a downward dog position just as the hooves of the mare walked by him. A blush creeped onto his cheeks and he was glad that wouldn't be seen by anypony in his current position. "Pull it together..." He muttered softly under his breath to himself. The mare took a mat a little ways away from him but he could see her perfectly from the mirrors in front of them. She could see him too of course. He forced himself to occupy his body with various stretching poses, refusing to make contact with those eyes just a few mats away. He could turn to her, give a friendly smile, ask how her workout went and....nope! When he'd finished and felt loose and limber, RD tossed his used mat and towel into the wash bin and trotted towards the locker room. A nice hot shower would be just the thing to clear his mind.
  12. Pinkie bounced ahead as they made their way to the chosen restaurant. "Won't hurt to have some company today." RD ventured. "I wonder how the others will respond." He thought through how they might respond. Worry, concern, attraction to her new masculine form? He supposed anything was possible. It was only Flutters and Rares tho so how bad could it possibly be? As they took seats RD found his stomach rumbling louder than it ever had before. He grimaced and then shrugged apologetically. "Guess I worked up an appetite." "I'll say!" Pinkie giggled. "Thought that might have been one of Fluttershy's creatures growling for a second there!" Soon RD had a stack of three Daisy sandwiches and a giant pile of hay fries on a plate in front of him. He tried to hold back but quickly plowed his way through half the food. "That's better." He sat back, the strange and powerful hunger finally subsided. It was weird. In the past, when she was feeling awkward or upset her appetite disappeared. Now it seemed to ramp up in the face of apparent distress. RD turned to AJ, she seemed, he wasn't Sure... closed down maybe? Like everything that was happening was washing over her in waves and she was just going with it? A very different AJ than RD was used to. She hardly seemed flustered. It worried RD. "Hey Pinkie?" RD ventured. "Yeppers?" Pinkie responded as she noisily Sucked through last of her shale through her straw. "AJ and I are gonna head out. Catch up with you later ok?" "Okie dokie lokie!" She glanced at them. "Should I tell Fluttershy and Rarity about this?" RD glanced at AJ, not entirely sure of what answer to give. Eventually he shrugged. "I guess do what feels right. We can all meet up and talk it through later." After setting out bits for the bill RD motioned to his wife. "Thiiiiis is a lot." RD reached up and absently scratched the back of his neck. "Want to walk back to the farm? It's more quiet there. Might be a better setting to help us process?"
  13. "Hmmmm," Pinkie stared closer at Rainbow as AJ told her that they weren't exactly 'happy' per say. "Well, if Twi did it I'm sure Twi can fix it!" A look of concern passed over her features but she quickly shook it off. No reason to upset her friends if she didn't need to. She was fairly sure Twi could do something about it. She was the most powerful alicorn around wasn't she? "That is gonna take a bit of getting used to." Pinkie bounced closer to the pair. "But, I'm sure me and the girls will support you however you need!" "Thanks Pinkie," RD offered. She was feeling a bit awkward. Not knowing how to make her way through this. She of course knew it wasn't actually by accident that this had all happened. She was starting to rethink not telling the truth about the whole thing. How long was she going to have to keep this up? Lying to her friends, lying to her kids, lying to AJ. She should have just been honest. She should have just told Applejack she wanted to take a walk on the stallion side. How could she even start going there now though? The lie was already rolling and they were telling it more with each pony they came across. "So, where's lunch?" Pinkie asked, trying to keep things light. "We were thinking about Delilah's." RD offered, his voice it's new low tenor. RD blushed, it was her first time thinking of herself in the masculine. She had thought about her voice and it coming from a stallion. That felt good actually! Maybe she could get used to this!
  14. And just like that is be ame clear the AJ was going to rely on her good ol' element of honesty! RD felt her stomach drop as her wife told Pinkie the absolute and undiluted truth! "Rainbow?" Pinkie bounced in place, looking over the masculine specimen that was Rainvow Dash. "That's funny! I have a friend named Rainbow Dash! Your name is a lot like hers!" Pinkie took yet another look. "Acutally, her cutie mark is just... like... yours...too. Wait!" Pinkie gasped. "Rainbow! What in Gummy's great grandma's gum drops happened to you?" "I uh..." Rainbow's voice cracked under the strain. "T-Twilight mixed up a spell and... well, it's still me Pinkie. Just a different version." Pinkie shrugged. "Okie dokie lokie!" She smiled. "Whatever makes you happy!" She glanced at Both of them in turn. "You are happy with it right?"
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