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Shimmer [READY]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria (Mane RP)


Name: Shimmer


Sex: Male


Age: Teen


Species: Dragon


Eye colour: Pink (#FFC0CB)


Coat: Dark Cornflower Blue (#1c4587) with a Gray-Silver (#cccccc) underbelly.


Mane/Tail: While lacking a mane, he does have strangely ‘floppy’ spikes that are adjacent from each other and follow along his spine to the tip of his oddly long tail, all of which are a translucent and slightly shimmery blue (#cfe2f3).


Physique: While not uber muscled, Shimmer has a lithely built frame with most of the muscle centered around his legs. There isn't a lot of excess fat on his stomach or arms, but there is a noticeable 'baby face' to his cheeks. Two large 'fangs' stick out from his mouth.


Residence: He and his ‘father’ live in a small ranch-house on the outskirts of Appleoosa, despite having enough bits to have moved to a big city long ago. It features three bedrooms and one bath with a dining-and-kitchen combination alongside a very small living room. There is a short porch on the outside and a fully-functional telescope set up there. The surrounding land is taken up by rich garden and a few small personal foodcrops, with apiaries scattered throughout. The entire land smells of lavender.


Occupation: Shimmer gaies pocket money by taking people out into the desert at night to star gaze, as both a 'body guard' and a 'tour guide' for the stars. When doing neither of those, Shimmer helps his father take care of their considerable number of apiaries - which they often loan out to the various farmers of Appleoosa to help pollinate their crops.


History: Shimmer was born as normally as a Dragon could be, raised in Dragon Mountain like many other inhabitants that gave it its name. Unlike a large number of those residents, though, he seemed to develop a conscience. And manners. And respect, even though no one really respected him. This was the nature of teenage dragons he often told himself. Not only because he found most other dragons his age - and sometimes older - rather unpleasant, but also due to an increasing curiosity regarding the lands outside, Shimmer left Dragon Mountain in order to learn more about the world.


Eventually, while traveling alongside the river southwest of Dragon Mountain - which in turn became the rocky, hill-filled terrain that ran parallel to a stretch of the Everfree forest, Shimmer happened along an older, westernly gentlestallion who was being harassed by a pack of timber wolves. Shimmer was quick to action and frightened the wolves off, and after the gentlestallion’s plentiful thanks, offered to escort him the rest of the way he was going. Unknowingly, Shimmer and this stallion would later come to an agreement, and eventually form something akin to a father-son bond, however odd it might seem.


Settling into ponykind wasn't easy for Shimmer and it took a full year before he was certain any kindness on part of the mysterious ponies weren't some kind of trick, as he had learned to expect from the dragon teens he had grown up with.


Character Summary: When not working, Shimmer is a somewhat shy dragon. He prefers the company of ponies he knows, but isn’t averse to making new friends - he’s just a tad more careful about doing so. Once comfortable in any given setting, he’s as sociable as they come and will talk at lengths about his hobbies - namely stargazing and, as a result of his father, beekeeping. He tends to favor locales that are naturally quiet, which in Appleoosa constitutes very few places that aren't privately owned.  His favorite place in the lands encompassing Appleoosa are, perhaps unsurprisingly, the apple orchards. 



I've been inactive on this site for a very long time, so I'm not sure if dragon OCs are still allowed. Please do let me know if there's anything I need to change or adjust. 


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