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My Parents Aren't Smart.

Ok, the title of this blog is actually pretty untrue. My mum went to college at age 16, and my dad is one of the smartest people I know. They're both professors at a major university, as well as being published authors. So, really they're pretty amazing people. But they're also some of the worst people when it comes to computers. My mum has no clue at all what she's doing, and while my dad's actually pretty knowledgeable about computers, he has no clue how to apply said knowledge. For this reaso



TF2 group maybe?

I'm thinking of maybe starting up a Canterlot TF2 group on Steam. Who here would join that? More importantly, who here knows how we might actually be able to get servers if we did get such a group up? And by that, I mean how such a group might be able to afford severs, since I sure as heck can't afford paying that much per month. Just brainstorming out loud here. Tell me if there's interest please. I think this could be pretty cool.



Hackerspace Get!

Firstly, a clarification. When I use the word 'hacker' I am not talking about computer crime. The word hacker predates the internet and is used by real hackers to refer to a really clever person. That's all it means. The [bad word removed]s who steal your credit card info, write virsus, and crash websites have stolen the word and made it dirty. When I talk about hackers I am refering to 'white hat' hackers, who are just clever people who love messing around with technology. Criminal hackers I wi




Well, I just started a blog here. Why, you might ask, did you start a blog when you don't want to talk about your day to day life? That's a good question. The simple answer is because I was bored. The more complicated answer is because the alternative was to spend time with my very extended family. So, here's a blog that I'm going to fill with so much random stuff that you won't want to read it. Here's a list of various topics you won't be reading about: Video Games (mainly TF2) Trading Card Gam



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